He's the goat. Just admit it

He's the goat. Just admit it

Other urls found in this thread:


he is the best qb who "really really likes women"

>1 ring, 1 sb appearance

Yeah, nah.

Sage goes in all fields

He would have won 10 with the Patriots. Brady wouldn't have won 1 with gb

He really really is, OP

This tbhfamalam

We watching the same game? Literally did nothing all half and then meme chucks it into 7 Giant defenders and gets a touchdown.

Who said anything bout Brady?

Sage goes in all fields

All you have to do now is prove it.

This is pretty much the only argument you need against Tom "my wife said i cant vote for trump" Brady. Packers would be in the Champ game or super bowl literally evey year if they moved to the AFC.

>OLine holds without penalty every play for 10+ seconds
>Rodgers comfy as fuck in the pocket just launches dragons and his receivers make up for his errors with crazy catches

We all know you're a patsfag


Yeah! Hypothetically speaking if we could just imagine teams that dont exist then they would be the greatest too

Lol y u mad tho?

>meme chucks

speaking as a seahawks fan:

What he's doing atm is historic. This streak and how he himself is playing is absolutely terrifying

Brady is better than Rodgers. Rodgers has a much better offensive line than brady has and usually has a non shit tier run game to take the pressure off. Only reason they do well..

>Immobile af

Better than Rodgers? No.

Nice citation

>gnits and cheaters fans BTFO in one game
Hes the goat

Tony Parker is worse than Chris Paul but we know who plays in the better system.


>Packers would be in the Champ game or super bowl literally evey year if they moved to the AFC.
yeah but then they'd be in the AFC
it's not worth being champ if you have to be the welfare league

I never doubted Jake Gyllenhaal


"Aaron Rogers is the goat. Especially in bed." -asian woman

Agod has better stats than any qb

Someone post the hail mary webm please

>1 SB ring

Nah he will never be goat. He will always be known as a very good QB and nothing else

>measuring ability by ring count

They will lose the the Cowboys, senpai

>doesn't know anything about sports

Yea because Lebron was getting so much praise before he won his first championship right? Sorry but that's how it works. Nobody gives a shit about your stats and I guarantee Rodgers would give up his great regular season numbers in a second if it would mean another ring.

his wife said he can't talk about politics anymore but he told Donald he voted for him dumbass

>Nobody gives a shit about your stats
I do. You think Bill Russell is greater than Michael Jordan?

>my northeast townie asshole

Just admit your boys a cuck and so is your state/nu-England. Praise Kek and Go Pack Go.

> 1 ring

> gets so much help from an O line that even their own fans will say get away with holding constantly

> Needs to run the table because he struggled in the regular season

> Struggles when his o line isn't top tier or WRs

> Brady has made nobodies super bowl contributors

> Replace him with Brady in the AFC chip with no o line and an injured ass team, GET KEKED LIKE NEVER BEFORE.

Thanks for the laugh cheeseheads

Loving all the massachusuck rage ITT

Put Brady any on of the Packers teams since he's been drafted and they make the Playoffs once if theyre lucky. You literally cannot debate me. Checkdown coach babby.

>5-22 when losing in the 4th quarter
>1 ring



literally google it cheesenigger

>le hail mary man

Literally the Steph Curry of the NFL

>"asian "women""


>comparing Bill Russell to Michael Jordan
>Russell quit playing when Jordan was fucking like 6 years old

How about trying to compare players that didn't play like 2 decades apart smart guy

Through 507 career playoff pass attempts:

3,816 YDS / 31 TD / 8 INT / 100.3 QBR

3,396 YDS / 22 TD / 9 INT / 88.8 QBR

>hypothetically if football was played or mars blake bortles would be the goat

Point is you can't just look at ring count and declare who is better. You gotta look at stats.

Brady has more rings. In any sport the goal is to win championships. Having nice stats is great and everything but the number 1 objective is to win the SB.

he's the goat in muslim countries alright. by that i mean he's taking an unhealthy amount of dick daily

Through 507 career playoff pass attempts:

3,816 YDS / 31 TD / 8 INT / 100.3 QBR / >1 dicks sucked

3,396 YDS / 22 TD / 9 INT / 88.8 QBR / 0 dicks sucked

you forgot playoff wins/rings

then you are saying brady was carried by his defenses? thank you

rodgers > brady

OK and I'm saying he's the greatest qb of all time not the most successful

How about wives cucked

>get BTFO repeatedly in the playoffs
>get lots of garbage time yards and TDs

Very true but when taking about GOAT QB in the the NFL you have to be in the ballpark. You can compare Rodgers stats to other QB's in the NFL and they are comparable. There is no comaparison when it comes to SB wins. Rodgers has only 1.

does lanflisi count?

I'll leave the cuckold investigation to you.

Lol even IF I was saying Brady was carried by his defense it's irrelevant. History will remember Brady as the better QB and the QB who won more championships.

I really hope it's patriots packers so this dumb shit can be settled

It still wouldn't be settled. Brady is a 4x SB champion. Rodgers would only have 2

Guy doesn't get enough credit in my book. Future 1st ballot hof and a top 10 all time imo. And fuck Bret favre


Brady has cheated for years. He plays in a baby division. Godgers has better stats and no asterisks.

You joking?? Brady has a way better line. Packers line is patchwork.

Hi I'm also a millenial

The Packers o-line is very good. Lang, Baktiari Bulaga... quite underrated if anything.

Brady has 3 more rings lmao

rodgers is a choker

Put Rodgers with Belicheck in the AFC East for his entire career and it's 8+ titles. Brady is Duncan, Rodgers is LeBron

>people legitimately think rings is a trump card for comparing individuals

You guys realize that skip Bayless comes up with bogus arguments on purpose to drive ratings, right?

Is there really asterisks by his SB wins? I don't care about public opinion or anything like that. On the official records do the pats have an asterisk?

>i don't like that team so its championships don't count!

Exactly, This.

>rodgers gets 10 seconds in the pocket for each play
>his oline is bad

pick one

This. One person (even the quarterback) doesn't decide the outcome of every game. The team needs to be solid all around.

Sorry but I'm not a millennial such as yourself. I'm just a sports fan that understands how things work. Rodgers is a great QB. However his legacy will be forever tainted if he goes down as a QB who only won 1 SB while making it to the playoffs like 9 times.

Fair. Robert Horry > Michael Jordan. You don't know anything about sports if you think rings are everything. Matthew Dellavedova isn't better than Charles Barkley.

(Cough) Dan marino (cough) dan fouts (cough)

Do I even have to say it?

Who is Bret Favre for the block

thats a 100% win rate m8.

Try again :^)

Are you even watching the games? Rodgers has enough time back there to boot up Madden, set up the exact play in practice mode, and try throwing to each possible receiver before he even has to think about throwing the ball.

I love post-Packers win Sup Forums, your tears sustain me.

>people confusing Godgers ability to scramble and buy time with a good o-line

Jake Gyllenhaal is both handsome and heterosexual

Post packers win Sup Forums is the best. I don't know which team win makes people saltier pats or pack. Either one of them is great though and that's why I hope for a Packers Patriots superb owl.

Le find me one metric in which fagers is superior to Brady. I'll wait

can't wait for this meme to end hes a slightly better alex smith


You really are grasping at straws. Like I said to someone else, if you are talking GOAT the stats and championships should be comparable. Rodgers and Brady's stats can be compared. One might be better than the other but they are at least in the ballpark. 1 SB win is nothing compared to 4. It's not even close.Now if they both retire with roughly the same amount of championships you could actually debate something but as of right now The only thing you can debate these guys on is who is having the better year. The better CAREER definitely goes to Brady and it's not even close.

He's creating half the time. He's hopping all over the pocket in different gaps and ducking lineman. Look at the first TD to Adams, 90% of QBs get hurried and throw it away. Not only does he break free but he puts in the only place where a covered Adams could make the catch.

>Dan Marino

Dan Marino will go down as ONE of the greatest QBs of all time. Nobody outside of die hard Miami fans will ever consider him GOAT.

I'm sure this sounded a lot better in your head, eurobro

It was a solid 6-7 seconds before there was any pressure at all, and he had a clean pocket to step up into -- 90% of QBs don't get that much time to begin with. He did a pretty good job buying time from there, but when a play goes on for 11 seconds you can't try to argue that the O-line isn't fucking great.

They are listed ITT

Can't an o-line and a quarterback both be great?

Jesus Christ are you moving goalposts. Did you read what I was responding to?

>You joking?? Brady has a way better line. Packers line is patchwork.

I totally agree

you realize that rodgers is THE LEAST blitzed QB in the leauge, because he's the BEST against the blitz? go figure he may have more time at first glance, he's only dealing with 4 guys rushing him. it's been the gameplan to beat him since the giants did it in 2011.

His line has been VERY GOOD since 2014. They have never been as good as they have been until recently. injuries, constant carousel of players. they have been serviceable to poor at most, and to only add to that, do you remember them having a rushing game except for lacy in 2014 and TY as of more recently to speak of?