Just finished junior year of high school, have some ideas for college but completely indecisive

Just finished junior year of high school, have some ideas for college but completely indecisive.


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Fuck same
>inb4 summerfag
>inb4 under 18 sage

underage ban

Possible work interests?
Like that you'd pursue through a degree

1. Do you actually want to go? No shame in just getting a job.

2. What are you good at?

3. What do you want to do?

Pfft, I repeated 8 times as far as you're concerned

1. The opportunity and experience make me want to
2. I'm pretty alright at music (classical)
I'd say sciences and maths
3. Fucking music would be great, or teaching, but no moneys

Well shit dude you could make some money playing in concerts.


I was going to make fun of you honestly. You would make double what I make being a wage cuck.

Gender studies.


I mean yeah that shit would be awesome, but you have to be insanely fucking good, I always feel like it'd be a endless pit of practice

Yeah it honestly is, to be a master at something you need to do it for 10,000 hours. You say that you're good with science and math which do pay very well so college would probably be worth it for you. Get on FAFSA and apply for grants and scholarships and NO FUCKING LOANS!

reported for underage

Fuck yes, I'll only go to somewhere where I won't have to pay a dime for schooling.

Prove it faggot

Good shit you're way ahead of most of the fucktards who go to college. That said if you can't decide just focus on getting your general ed done. That was probably my biggest mistake going in, although to be fair I didn't want to be there to begin with and flunked out......

*Cant decide on a degree.

Sorry user i'm tired.

nope, get ready for the draft OP you're going to go fight rice monkeys

I was thinking about dentristy for a bit or even just a hygienist which also makes ok money, but its not a passion in any form. I love music but no money is gonna be made. So im just sitting here freaking out because idk what to do and if i should go to college before i know what i want to do

git gud @ STEM
apply to fucking everything
pick whatever makes the most $$$
get scholarships up the ass
rape the shit out of undergrad

kek there really won't be much of a fight. If we use nukes there won't be a fight. If N. Korea actually tries to fight us without them it would be a slaughter.

Thanks, so many people I know just stress me on having to choose something fast

Then fucking work a desk job 300 hours a week till 50

I was legit considering fucking accounting just for money, I feel the same, but the deeper I get into the "pro" music community I feel like its more possible

no are you dumb
then you do whatever the fuck you want
get a master's then open your own practice
work in a lab
start a business
you just gotta git gud, only the bottom of the barrel have soul-sucking jobs


Man you'd need either experience or money, and you have fucking neither right out of college

The only reason you might want to pick one is because most colleges want you to have an idea of what you want to do so you can pick a major. That said, it can be total bunk, I think mine was art or some shit when really I wanted to get into game design which was under computer science.

see>rape the shit out of undergrad
that step is essential, niggers just barely graduate with no work experience and then complain they can't get a job
post secondary education is a commitment

be a pig fucker and shoot some shit skins for lookin at you funny

Honestly I used to think college/university was like a 4 or 6 year thing, now I'm learning about under and graduate school, how's it all work?