Ladies and gentlemen, the franchise of bandwagoners. How many of their fans are from Green Bay...

Ladies and gentlemen, the franchise of bandwagoners. How many of their fans are from Green Bay? They aren't real fans like Pats fans.

Considering the '''fans''' only cheer when Gaylord Rogers throws the ball to completion, they seem clueless when it concerns other ascepts of the game.

I live 30 minutes from greenbay you frick

I'm from PA but I've been a fan of the Pack since fifth grade

>Implying I'm gonna root for the Iggles, Steelers, or the Redshits

Green Bay is a town of like 150k while New England I'd a region of 15m people. Hardly fair to compare a small city to a multi-state region.

Shawano county reporting in I live 30 mins from Lambeau field. Its boring as shit here.

I didn't grow up in green bay or Wisconsin, but from where my family is from, Green Bay was the closest major city (hint: they lived in Michigan). My grandpa and uncle went to the Ice Bowl. My dad is a shareholder and has gone to two of their super bowls. I've probably been to nearly twenty packers games total and I'm only 27.

I think I am not a band wagoner.

I also don't care if people are Packers fans even if they've never been to a game before, or even to Wisconsin. The Packers are the everyman's team and there's nothing wrong with that. Of course it doesn't help that they are one of the more successful teams in the league.

>everyman's team

If you don't live near the team you root for you shouldn't be a fan of them. Packers have more bandwagoners than any other NFL team.

If they didn't have bandwagoners then the team would die overnight. Let's be honest, most people only ever watch games on TV and even if it's your local team you can sometimes live several hundred miles away. Why the fuck does it even matter?


why you so mad doe

They literally are the biggest retards.

Have fun losing in dallas.

but why are you mad?

GB here........

theres three teams with shittier, bandwagon-y fanbases. are you even trying?

Uhhh I'm a partial team owner. Apologize.

I am a Packers fan because I got into football when I was 4 years old and Brett Favre wore the number 4

Am I a lifelong?

Why shouldn't I grow up to love the team my dad raised me to watch and enjoy?

Unlike you, I respect anyone's preferred team affiliation, even if they don't always make sense to me. We live in America where we have the right to choose which sports teams to root for.



At least call it the Wisconsin Packers then. Why do you think it's called the New England Patriots?



They really are massive bandwagon fuckwads. I went to school with tons of them

>Why do you think it's called the New England Patriots?
They would still be called the Boston Patriots if they hadn't moved to Foxborough.

Alhamdulilah sister Mike's conversion is complete

>real fans
Lmao at your life

I was agreeing with you until you said Pats fans ARENT bandwagoners then you lost me OP




Yes brother

I'm a packers fan but will root for any team in our division as long as they are not playing us (except the Vikings because fuck the Vikings)

You would root for the Bears? The fuck kind of Packers fan are you?
I'm a Bears fan and I would NEVER root for a divisional rival thats just...silly

the bears haven't been on packer fan minds for like 15 years bro

they're just not relevant anymore

Why do you hate the Vikings more than the Bears?

All the Packers fans I know hate the Bears more than anything of us is wrong.

>watched the game at a Packers bar
>the bar was in fucking Elmwood Park New Jersey

How the fuck is there a packers bar in NJ? I'm not sure if they are the biggest bandwagon team in the country but holy shit they are up there.

Just got home (Howard, WI) from the game, ultra-tard.
Were you this butthurt all game?
Suck my balls, Giants/Vikings/Lions/Bears faggot.

Yee yes, Appleton reportan

Patriots fan you faggot. Guess you inbred drunks can't read.

If you live outside Wisconsin or have no connections to the state, you're a bandwagon faggot.

>hint: they lived in Michigan

yooper detected

madtown :^)

Not him, but from people I've met:

If you were a kid in the 80's you hate the Burrs most

If you were a kid in the 90's you hate the Loins most

If you were a kid in the 00's you hate the Whykings most

and if you are a kid now you hate nobody because you've known nothing but victory your whole life, kids today probably will grow up hating the Seahawks or some other team more than anyone in the North