Could any fighter in the UFC up to the Light-Heavyweight class beat prime Mike Tyson?

Could any fighter in the UFC up to the Light-Heavyweight class beat prime Mike Tyson?

Keep in mind his punches would probably be a lot more powerful with UFC gloves.

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I'm overwieght and have only just begun to workout and have the same body as Rousey, is that good progress lads?

Yes, practically every modern M.M.A. in the UFC


Boxing or MMA?

If you gave Mike a couple months to train a decent sprawl maybe.

Otherwise hes gonna end up getting choked out.

If he actually had good enough take down defense he'd probably be top 5, except I can't see him beating Jon Jones

Mercer was smart, the guy went for a takedown too

Toney was a fag and tried to knock out Couture from the bottom like an idiot, and Couture was smart and went for a takedown from outside of punching range.

Could he beat Ali?

>modern M.M.A.
would have loved to see this in the 90s though. MMA has passed boxing by, but back in the 90s UFC was just the Gracies and some nobodies. With small purses they weren't attracting top-talent like they are today. It would have been great to see Iron Mike go up against some UFC fighters in the 90s

>ray mercer
>loses to kimbo fucking slice of all people

Here's what I don't get when people say boxing or MMA, or that an MMA fighter should fight a boxer in a boxing fight. Yes they are different sports, but when a boxer enters the octagon, all his skills are still available to him with no restrictions (other than the gloves, which may actually help him. When an MMA guy get into a boxing ring, he is severely limited as to what he can do; 80% of his techniques are gone, whereas the boxer loses none. All fights between MMA and boxer should be done MMA rules, or at the very least MMA without the ground work/wrestling. Am I the only one who sees this?

Have you goofs forgotten about what happened in James Toney vs Randy Couture? Mike has no takedown defense....

get any boxer in the cage vs this guy and see what happens

Yes, that's Ray Mercer. The other guy is 2-time UFC heavyweight champ Tim Sylvia. Mercer was 48 and a journeyman even in his prime as a boxer.

hue hue hue hue hue hue hue

DC has a granite chin and tosses around 250lb guys so I think he'd be a good choice

>you now remember Jorge Macaco

>The other guy is 2-time UFC heavyweight champ Tim Sylvia
Please, Sylvia was already past his prime when he fought mercer

Want another example? Here you go dipshit

Getting a 1 punch ko isn't something only boxers are capable off. Happens all the fucking time in MMA. Please educate yourself before posting your garbage opinions and trying to post 1 vid as proof. Fucking retard

lmao so Sylvia being ~4 fights removed at 33 being beaten by Mercer who was literally 18 years removed from being the champion at 48 years old is the same as Toney (who started as a 73kg MW) being beaten by Couture (4 fights removed from being the HW champ) in his own game.

MMA fags on suicide watch.


Sylvia was just coming off big-time fights with Fedor and Big Nog. Mercer was coming off retirement and lost every significant fight in his career when he was in his prime. Pathetic.

Plus Toney was shot to shit and regarded as a fat slob and a joke in the boxing world at the time. The guy used to fight at 160 lbs. for crying out loud.

Maia is good and even better on the ground but his stand-up is barely serviceable and if the boxer could keep it standing for even a bit he'd wreck him

>if he had good enough takedown defence

That's a big if. Hypothetically, most elite boxers could be top 5 in their respective UFC divisions (if not champ) IF they were able to develop such incredibly good takedown defence that they never had to worry about the ground game.

A Tyson-calibre boxer with the best TDD in the UFC would dominate their division. The thing is, the person who is able to get their wrestling/TDD to the absolute top of the UFC while also somehow finding the time to become one of the best boxers in the world has yet to enter the sport. There may never be anyone like that, simply because there are only 24 hours in the day to train.

not surprised desu
one was a bum, one was on the way out. the bum was a former pro boxer and landed a good punch. Accept the facts dipshits, boxers can't survive in the mma world

>boxers can't survive in MMA because a bum knocked out the UFC champion

Lol Sylvia was in absolutely terrible shape after a year off against Mercer and walked straight towards him with his hands down. Its not necessarily a prime example either

Mercer was pushing 50, got lured out of retirement, and was not a great boxer to begin with.

It doesn't matter one bit what era the UFC fighter is from. They would be going up against Tyson in his prime. He murdered people far better than any current ufc match could hope to have.

>putting words in my mouth
off yourself already

Exactly. They were both slobs and Sylvia fought like a cocky retard

Except one slob was only a couple years removed from his second reign as the UFC's heavyweight champ while the other was 15 years older, far past his best as a boxing gatekeeper, and fighting under MMA rules for the first time. Not really the same thing.

>mfw swede calling anyone else a cuck
oh my

>""""""prime"""""" mike tyson

Might be my least favourite meme in all of sport

DC, Bones, Weidman, Romero, Jacare, GSP, Maia all smoke him effortlessly. 50 other fighters would beat him 75% of the time or more. Boxing is 1/3rd of MMA.

weidman, romero, jacare, gsp, maia would get deleted first

just look at conor, just because people have good wrestling/grappling doesn't mean they can get to opposition to the ground first

off the top of my head i'd say only jbj and dc are ez picks, and i wouldn't even say jbj if he wasn't 6'5 and 10foot reach

wonderboy too actually, because i think he could easily keep range with leg kicks

Cody Garbrandt who is bantamweight would TKO Tyson

You actually don't you fat delusional fuck.

he struggled against Tyron, leg kicks don't mean diddly squat if you move as fast as Tyson did

At least it's definable as up until he fired Kevin Rooney, unlike a "prime" Muhammad Ali.