TFW everyone forgot about us or just thinks we'll be an easy win

>TFW everyone forgot about us or just thinks we'll be an easy win
Seems like no thinks we can make it the Superb owl or even beat the Seahawks now. Thought more people would like us more this year since we're an exciting team

Seahawks won't be ignoring the Falcons, so there's that.

they already beat them once this year

i'm lovin it. just where we need to be.

Falcons vs. Patriots. You heard it here first.

im rooting for you since the travesty that was that lions game. If you can blow the seahawks out like 6-32 or something you already won the owl for me

Texans vs Falcons for irrelevant owl.

Giants fan here.

I'm rooting for you bros. I like cheering for teams without a ring.

Seahawks are a lot worse now

That's because only half of the people who post here actually watch football. When a lot of people thought that the Giants would make it or that think the Seahawks can make it you kind of have to wonder

Don't worry, it's not just you. I've already written off all 4 teams that had byes


Have you watched us this year?

>only 32 points

Falcons are going to drop 40 by the end of the 3rd. Its going to be a slaughter.

your not old enough to remember the giants last two runs

yeah and most of the other years,

>meme team for life
just stick to filming the walking pleb and being black its all you city is good for

The giants offense actually existed during their last 2 runs. People on Sup Forums legitimately thought they would make it because of "muh upset the pats" memes

Shit team running up the score on garbage NFCS defenses. They'll get slaughtered.

>offense actually existed
Go watch that game against the 49ers again and say that again

>or just thinks we'll be an easy win
No, the common sentiment on Sup Forums and the media is that the Falcons will win. They are considerably better.

Name 3 teams that the offense didn't play well against.

>Falcunts bandwagoner in Tranada
Fuck off

You guys lost to the fuckin chargers and eagles. Nobody cares about your shitty team who gets free wins in the NFCS

>their shitty receivers are making flying one handed catches in contact
>they're shitty now


I personally would just like for the
>Atlanta best fantasy/worst NFL team
meme to continue

The Eagles
The Hawks
The Chargers

The Falcons had the hardest defensive DVOA schedule this year, retard

Are you memeing? Falcons offense did good against the Seahawks and Chargers

>the panthers twice
>the buccs twice
>the saints twice

Then why do people give a shit about Green Bay who got blown out at home to the Colts and Blown out by the Titans? Also already lost to the Falcons

pretty sure the chargers didn't even have bosa
pretty sure they were shut out in the first half of the hawks game and got two lucky throws for TDs because some backup couldn't hear his assignment

I still think they'll win the owl though


as a hawk fag I am pegging this as a loss.

At the very least I plan on rooting for the failcons to get a ring since they are entertaining.

>These are the only teams the Falcons played
Also the Bucs defense was good this year, cuck

>The Eagles
>The Hawks
24 points and losing on an egregious no call isn't bad unless its Atlanta I guess. 6 points above the average of what Seattle gave up on average.
>The Chargers
23 points on offense isn't a bad game for anyone but Atlanta I guess. I may even give you this one.

Bosa had 2 sacks against us and scored 21pts in the 3rd and lost by 2pts. Not the Falcons fault the Seattle D spilled their spaghetti.

The Falcons haven't exactly had a lot of playoff success. They had a great year obviously, especially the offense, but I assume most people expect them to crumble in the playoffs. If they beat the Seahawks people may start to come around.

>Bucs defense was good

I legitimately can't tell if the Seahawks are better or worse than they were against the Falcons.

Daily reminder that Filipino are the most powerful race in the world.

>leave Atlanta to me

Atlanta won't be taken seriously until they win a super bowl, sadly.

ESPN just hates Atlanta, so even then they'd still probably be thrown under the rug the next year

t. Atlanta fan that's going to the game next week

I hate Atlanta seriously

Denver fan here, out of the NFC I hope Falcons are the ones that make it I wouldn't hate if Cowboys made it though. FUCK Green Bay though.

>some backup
Funny way of saying Richard Sherman got beat.

YET ANOTHER year of a high powered offensive team with no defense making it into the playoffs with all the normie fags picking them to win it all.

how about the panthers last year? how about the broncos three years ago? they're gonna get trounced out of the playoffs easily

I hope you guys torch everyone with that nasty offense you got so retards like thread related stop talking shit about the south. Keep in mind >we are going to get some good secondary receivers and a rb and take it from you next year so this is your shot

They don't have a terrible defense, just a mediocre one. There aren't any teams in the NFC playoffs with great defenses anyway. Shouldn't be a problem.

The Panthers had a good defense last year, and the Falcons defense isn't as bad as everyone is claiming. The Texans are the exact opposite and they'll be getting trounced this week. It's almost as if you need a complete team to win playoff games.

>Ryan is a receiver babby
oh how many years did that mad meme endure?

Julio's good like 1 in 4 games. The rest of the time Ryan is throwing TD's to homeless guys who were sleeping on their friends' couch the week before, and setting records for the amount he's spreading the love.

Gud jub, gud effurt esspee

Wilbon hates everything Southern/SEC, and Kornwhyser epitomizes the typical NY jew who only cares about NY, DC & LA. They're up in Lena Dunham country though, where everybody is retarded, so unless there's a Hurricane Katrina type story they can exploit, they will never pay attention to Southern teams outside of college sports.

How do you know he's not on the team?
How do you know?

Im a Giants guy and I was assuming that Odel would be able to catch passes that hit him in both hands.

Sigh. Go Failcons.

Is Matt Ryan elite?

Its easier to say "us" or "we" when in conversation it implies you are a fan of the team you robotic faggot

Never assume anything with swagniggers.
They'll let you down every time.

The Panthers defense last year was better than their offense you fucking turbo retard.

pls beat the refbabby xehawks fellow birdbro

>In the Week 6 matchup between Seattle and Atlanta, Falcons WR Julio Jones caught three of his five targets into Seahawks CB Richard Sherman’s coverage for 40 yards and an interception. Jones caught all four of his targets into the coverage of other Seattle defenders for 99 yards and a touchdown.

They have a terrible defense, they're ranked 25+ in everything but rush D and even that is just 'okay'.

>giving Sherman credit for that interception
Sherman was at least five yards away.

Half of the defense is rookies and they were legitimate garbage early in the year. They've improved their play since then. They shut down the Saints before garbage time.

The Falcons are the good guys. Hope they get the owl.

>last game in the Georgia Dome
Falcons are gonna ride into the sunset.

Worked for SF, amirite?

no. the refs beat atlanta