What did elite receiver Odell Beckham Jr. Mean by this?

What did elite receiver Odell Beckham Jr. Mean by this?

That refball is bullshit

"i am upset"

>making gloryholes after a loss

Gotta relieve stress somehow

boat reservation was cancelled


there is literally nothing wrong with this

Lil Yachty called him up and told him he was a punk.

Hope he broke his hand, stupid faggot

he thought is was a guys butthole

>Muh one handed catch meme
Fuck him. I hope he drops every ball thrown to him the rest of his career.

Also hope GB/NFL fine him for that

someone should shoop something trump related on the wall

Nothing happened, the wall just slipped.

Means that he's a bottom fag and that alpha male, Aaron Rodgers, left the entire Giants team with gaping GIANT ass pussies.

>Mean by this?
he meant

He should come out the closet to his family first.

>vandalizing another team's stadium
>objectively the most iconic stadium in the league


I wish him nothing but pain and failure.

imagine if that was the studded part of the wall?

He didn't do nothing.

Sal Paolantonio is SUCH a snitch



The entire night.

He was probably hoping Rodgers would stick his dick in there and get stuck.


lambeau is a shithole dude
>but the history!
still a shithole

I love how mad other teams' fans are that the best player in nfl history is not on their team.

lol a couple of janitors saw that shit too.

Now made slightly shittier by niggers. Imagine that.

True but a couple of janitors weren't on the phone to ESPN

Guy shit the bed in game, punched the wall out of frustration, still a multimillionaire. Who gives a fuck?

>his state is not 90%+ white

>he lives in an urban containment center full of niggers, minorities and nu-male cuckolds

good point.

is this a hate crime?


now THAT'S high quality journalism

wasted digits desu

28 yards on 11 targets
84 yards on 23 targets in both games against GB


he's sad

Lena Dunham was after him again

Still a fag though

How about you leave obj the fuck alone?

The man plays with passion.

You losers wouldn't understand that.

Have you idiots ever cared about anything other than traps or chinese cartoons?


Grow the fuck up.

When obj is rocking that coat and has a shrine in the hall, you pieces of fucking shit will still be wishing you were half the man he is.

Not to mention the 10/10's he bangs....

No wonder you are all virgins.

The Miami trip proved to everyone he didn't give a damn, and now he's overcompensating.

>not living in a city
>not getting your pick of the top 50% of women simply because you are not a pussy and have your shit together
>not living in a place where the the crazy girls expose themselves early by attaching themselves questionable men

>"Why don't you find me sexy, Odell?

Holy shit this salt.

Is this pasta?


More importantly.. what did (((they))) mean by this?

I'm only jealous of his boat. This and his hairstyle should tell you how many horrible decisions he makes about everything else

>when all ya boyz rep before the gay nigga orgy

That looks like a prison line up.

Name one fucking wr you would prefer on your team over obj.

Protip- if you are honest, there isnt a better wr.

The man makes jerry rice and randy moss look like practice squad players.


Julio Jones, AJ Green or Antonio Brown. All are better

they just use drywall in lambeau lmao nice flyover state shit ahahahahahahaha

>"this does not drop"
>drops it

dubs of truth

>odell trying to make a peephole to spy on aaron in the gb locker room


how many passes did the refs drop?


You don't have your own boat boys?

i do just need a new motor and its cold af in RI rn

He also snorts coke off of dicks with a passion


I don't think he's gay desu that Sexual Healing video was clearly him trolling, no closeted guy would post that.

Rodgers however is very gay.

Honestly at first he didn't give a fuck about it, I still remember his press conference after that game at Dallas, every time they brought it up he kept saying yeah but I wish we would have won the game. I think his agents got to him and told him he needed to play it up and embrace it

Sounds like you have some strong feelings for him faggot

The salt level.

Why don't you follow your role model and punch a hole in your nearest wall.


I hope they make a new stadium in green Bay because my ass leaves the stadium hurting like I took a 5 pound shit


Fuck you faggot go back to plebbit

They at least need to update the benches. I sat in the newly built section that has actual seats and cupholders and it was a comfy lambeau experience (despite being way up)

>wanting comfort at a football game
>not wanting to sit in bleachers

You two are the apex cucks on Sup Forums.

Have you ever been to lambeau? The Giants don't even have their own stadium.

bleachers are cancer and the ncaa should ban them but they won't because they allow for higher attendance

Do you also wear a diaper to games for comfort? Are you made when you can't bring your purse in?

They should enshrine it

>implying OBJ's fat hog would fit in that

need a bigger hole


>name my band

Lambeau was a shithole back in the 90s. They renovated the shit out of it 15 years ago and then again 4 years ago. It's a top 3 stadium and you're just jelly.

Quality bait

Care to actually make an argument or do you only have limp wristed "jokes"?

Rodgers is probably bi. He was definitely in a relationship with a man from 2009-2013.

Most fanbases would suck his dick and swallow his load for him to be their QB too. That includes Dallas.


>Be Aaron Rodgers
>Be gay
>constantly have Hail Mary prayers answered

what does God mean by this?

Rent a seat moron. They're cheap. Otherwise, every fucking person in Green Bay has 2-3 of those in their garage.

Tom Brady broke the door to the Away Team locker room at BoA Stadium a few years ago after the no-call on Kuechly mauling Gronk on the final play of the game.

Didn't Patriots fans turn this into a positive? Something about how "Brady is so passionate!"?

You didnt present an argument whatsoever you limp wristed pussy. I bet youre from St. Cloud.

all of america is headed that way

Kek, that just reminded me of the time I bought my brother a lil boat casette tape. Love that man

because he is, Beckham is just a hotheaded queerball that can only make meme catches

still way, way better than any alternatives (especially yurope which is cucked by oppresive taxation, lack of rights, and beholden to muzzies and SJWs/leftists)

or even worse, thirdies

Honestly, I'd do the same thing that OBJ did. Who the hell wants to get yelled at by a 80,735 homosexuals in denial and be cheated by the (((NFL))) who favors every pussy bandwagon team? It is your duty as a Sup Forumserg to sympathize with his cause, and NONE of you are doing that. Man, how Sup Forums has changed. Tons of newfags posting ITT

>Implying hes the one sticking it through.


> bench seats
> top 3


Ever since the picture was posted I fantasized about Odell,Cruz, and Sheppard having their way with me in that boat cabin

Fuck gotta go fap now!

>cheated by the (((NFL)))
There's nothing sadder than a primadonna that can't show up when it matters then can't own up to their own faults when they fail.