Can the media stop shoving this barely closeted, overrated homo down our throats now?

Can the media stop shoving this barely closeted, overrated homo down our throats now?

Odell needs to shut his mouth now. He choked bigtime in his first playoff game. He's not a bigtime player. He's a big mouth in the regular season against regular teams. He shriveled up and played like a special snowflake in the playoffs. Odell needs to shut his mouth until he makes a play in the playoffs.

And the media needs to take its collective anus off the bbc of Odell. Fans aren't buying the hype anymore. Odell dropped a key third down pass that hit him right in the numbers. Odell dropped a touchdown pass that he let go right through both hands. The media needs to remove its collective mouth from Odell's bbc and stop inventing a player that Odell is not. Nothing worse than the NFL media. Nothing but a lying hype machine.

what about that cool backwards catch he made that time?

Reminder that Giants LOST that game and meme catches are worth shit

this is how i feel about andrew cuck, minus the homo part

idk how bad he needs to be exposed before he is off top QB lists

Why not just not consume sports media?

First off it's just sports and doesn't actually matter.
Second off literally every media report is gossipy bullshit.

Watch the games and have fun? No need to cruise on ESPN for a hot take on what some fucking dumbass rich kid does.

Not from the Gnats area, but is he actually hyped? I'm from Texas and he seems like a mouthy, annoying chimp. Reminds me of Dez a few years ago, actually

>not accepting that the NFC East and Chicago will always be shoved down our throats no matter how shitty they all are

Get used to it. If it wasn't him it would be some other overrated hype babby from a team that won't accomplish anything

I'm a lifelong NYC resident and a Giants fan for over 30 years. Beckham is brilliant after the catch. When Eli gets him the ball, Beckham can do great things with it. Problem is that Beckham doesn't get himself open with regularity. He seems to have lazy periods at least once or twice every game. It's as if he pouts for a while because he wasn't thrown to on every play of every possession.

Look, I apologize if what I say next makes me sound like an arrogant New Yorker but I've seen a lot of great players and a lot of big games, and I've seen a lot of great players play bigger in the big game than they do at any other time. Beckham seems to me like an immature brat whose mouth big writes checks that his little body and mind cannot pay.

i think you meant to post
>pic related

>mfw a literal who is a more clutch receiver than the """"""""best"""""""" in the league.

I mean I agree on the NFC East bit, but Chicago? Where did that come from?
Also THIS Rodgers is so shoved down America's throats I'm so sick of hearing about him too

Same feeling about luck

Media has been hyping him up since he came to the league and he hasn't done anything noteworthy
Now with that big contract his team won't be able to afford shit so he'll be irrelevant his whole career

Since when has Chicago been shoved down our throats? Other than when the Cubs finally won, that is.

>mfw people even dare to compare him to AB

which players do the commentators UNDESERVEDLY deepthroat, Sup Forums? I don't mean after big plays or talking about something truly noble they did off-field, I'm talking "ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE IS THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST"-tier fellating. The kind of praise where they can do no wrong, even if they have big fucking mistakes?

also which players do you think get an excessive/ undeservedly bad rap?

>there are people right now who think he is better than Jones, Brown, and Evans

Luck gets deepthroated
So does clay Matthews
And Adrian Peterson
Not a player but Bruce Arians as well

Well I can appreciate someone who also hates Alabama lol but I can't stand how the commentators wont stfu about Clay Matthews he dosn't deserve any of the praise he has constantly been getting this year it's pissing me off

He'd be better than AB were he not such a nut job

Mack isn't as good as people say he is. His first year he was a monster, but I feel like he got too bulky and lost his agility. That first year though like omg

>implying mental capacities are not a determinant factor to be a great player

Guy choked HARD, drops erreywhere

JJ Watt is kinda deepthroated
Adrian Peterson too

And i think Blake Bortles is the young QB with the highest skill ceiling, altought people are burning him really bad.

Bottles is burning himself really bad doesn't he have more pick sixes than career starts or some shit? That's literally the worst stats a qb could have.

My mistake more pick sixes(11) than career wins (10)

>tfw this chump has more playoff highlights than anybody in your WR power rankings.

follow-up question to
which players on >your team, past of present, would you rep without any shame or be willing to fight someone over if they insulted them? I'm talking "drunk pisser walks in and airpumps in front of your girlfriend" levels of visitor audacity here, like a fucker who moved 500 miles away and still acts like a homer in YOUR stadium

this nigga def. fuck man ass

he surely is, but i think he is going wildcard in a wildcard team, i think you gotta look beyond his stats (wich may surprise you sometimes), to be fair, the burning its not that undeserved, but i wouldnt really be surprised if we hear alot about him in the future.


Odell is a far more likable person than this faggot. Hell, I think Odell might actually hate faggots, which might make him /ourguy/ even though he's a chimp

>Odell "whenever we win it's "I", whenever we lose it's "we" Beckam
>acts like it's never his fault when something goes wrong
>chimps out on sidelines when getting btfo
>starts a fucking media scene with the field goal net
>posts with his niggernavy in miami a week before a playoff game when he should be fucking studying and practicing
>chimps out after loss by punching a hole in the wall

You're fucking retarded. I see absolutely nothing likeable about that primadonna faggot outside of his stats as a receiver, and even then he's only above average.

i hate them both and youre retarded if you think odell is more likeable than rodgers. rodgers is humble for the most part aside from the run the table thing, which wasnt even bad. Rodgers also is very good and has a ring and an mvp and multiple playoff wins. All obj has is a big mouth a gay haircut and a few meme catches

he gets hyped in Europe pretty hard. a lot of gnats bandwagooners in my area just because of
>le one-handed-catch

Aaron Rodgers. all game they were talking about "runtehtabke"