ITT: Misunderstood athletes

ITT: Misunderstood athletes

I'll start

He's gay
everyone understands

Aaron Rodgers


Odell Beckham is misunderstood? What is to understand? The guy runs him mouth like the special snowflake he thinks he is, then he pouts during the game when the ball isn't thrown to him, and then he chokes bigtime in the only big game he's ever played in.

What is to understand? He's a selfish, self-centered, immature brat whose talents have been overblown by a sports media that is extremely quick to over-hype new black athletes, and who was exposed for the small-time player he actually is. Playoff football separates the men from the boys. Beckham is a little boy with a big mouth and little else. And now that the entire country got a look at the Beckham choke job, the media will begin to remove its collective mouth from Odell's bbc.

Yes, Odell Blowjob is misunderstood. Everyone thinks he's elite.

nah, he's just a prissy nigger. the first gay football player will be a masculine troll like gareth thomas, no way an actually gay guy in football would ever express any sort of femininity like OBJ

He's misunderstood because going to Miami to bang Instagram sluts the week you have a playoff game cleary DOESN'T show where your priorities lie.


>/r/'ing webm of ODB staring at man's ass

That's some silly hair

>Richardson compared to Beckam Jr by commentators after multiple highlight reel catches in Seahawks win
>Supposed best receiver in the league, Beckam Jr, get his chance to prove he is the NFLs gold standard
>gnats lose

Guy needs to turn in his key card.


Correct, everyone misunderstands that his """talent""" actually comes from his glue gloves.

Keep seeing this Sponsored ad on Yahoo talking about how Odell Beckham's GF is super hot.

He's gay, but you're not allowed to be gay in the NFL

Terrelle Pryor is better than him and he's on his way to the Patriots this offseason, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....

>Not taking advantage of every rule
Everyone can have those gloves and he's better than all those people

There have been literally thousands of nfl players and many of them were for sure gay. It just isn't talked about because no one would sell out a teammate like that.

If you've ever played football and used those fucking gloves you would know those catches weren't that great.

He's just a fag is all


Who gives a fuck if they are understood or not. If your personality overshadows the game while the game is being played. Fuck you and your nigger 'look at me' culture. These fuckwits also need to learn to speak. You hear this shitheads commercials? Fucker mumble talks like all of them do.

Why did he drop so many passes yesterday?

