Girl Rekt Thread
Girl Rekt Thread
Oldie, but goodie
rekt breads are dead
Moar like dis pls
I hope they were antifa nigger lovers
nigga, you got problems. get professional help.
Antifa Nigger Lover detected
Viva Mexico! edgy 4 me... But.. I hear yah.
found the females
How is that edge?
Can you fags actually send girl rekt stuff?
You fucking sick mother fuckers all of you, hope you get what you deserve.
no....please no
right one seems female, but I can't decide on the left one.
then: story?
when they staged it, they forgot to add the blood
because dumbasses like OP never learn rekt vs gore
Girls, do you have a dog?
spaderman rekting girls?
herroh guise :33
arent i a cutie?? :-DD
I wish this had sound
What about this?
Why does she not have a clit?
Or this?
Of course Sup Forums is the only place that could turn Spider-Man into a faggot.
You are lost, Nigger Lover. Go home.
Implying that spider man wasn't already a faggot.
that does not look like a dog
I hope you get raped by a nigger you autistic anime loving faggot between constant rage, disappointment, and depression
>cuck triggered
I like where this is going...
Beta cuck detected triggered. My sides are coming apart
What was her name again?
Thanks in advance.
Oh and here is a perfect example of lovely specimen we call the "puss Boi that's so edgy" go on brave one, build that file up, make sure you search the whole interwebs for your edge. No one can stop you! Undefeated in Internet arguments since 2017.
Very true. But fuck (pun intented), I'm drinking some beers and smoking some bud, saw some dead bitches. Clicked on said dead bitches, and got spiderman memes.I feel like Spider-Man is exuding his faggotness on my faggotness. Spider-Man can get the fuck out, I wanna see dead bitches.
why do people fucking torture animals like that... If i ever happen to witness something like this in my life imma knock you the fuck out...
you and me too. I would beat that dirty little nip unconscious and throw him in that pan
It's an underlying mental illness just like everything on Sup Forums. It's a collective of psychopaths that enjoying the abuse and killing of something weaker than themselves.
47 got that shit thanks.
That's clearly torture, if you don't know much about the Chinese , they prefer their food as alive as it can be due to some fucked up ideology that they have.