Gender is a spectrum
Gender is a spectrum
>Shit tier bait
Sage this shit
so is autism
So what is genderfluid, and how is it distinct from the genders of male and female?
Not every topic is "bait." Grow up.
Dont care only three sex identities still
gender what you feel not what you are
the stupidest shit I've ever seen.
I was born male and I feel like I should have been female. But I wasn't. I'm past the age of no return anyway, so I'm just gonna deal with being a man. It's not bad, I just think I would feel more fulfilled if I were born a woman.
Sinclair is a Spectrum.
Okay, OP.
I am sexually attracted to the female form.
The thought of the male form in a romantic/sexual manner disgusts me.
That said, I love penis. Specifically penis. I love the way a ballsack smells as I slide my lips down a shaft. The idea of a man pressing his hands on the back of my head and forcefully facefucking me makes my cock a diamond.
Where am I on that fucking chart?
Are you trying to tell us you're on the spectrum ?
This is a bait topic you summerfuck. gtfo back to /mlp/
how can you be agender (genderless) while being genderfluid (trsitory between genders)? o wait, you fucking cant. if you "can", then your made up fucking words are complete misnomers. its like saying youre an atheistic christian. those things are mutually exclusive. you could be an atheist with christian values, but you cannot be an atheist and be a christian. im sure op is just baiting, but holy fuck, this fucking faggot propaganda doesnt even know how to use a Venn.
Fuck off
youre a fucking faggot. where is that on the spectrum?
isn't the "B" supposed to be bisexual?
Umm, some people ARE born black
Prove it
There's no evidence to support there being more than two genders.
There are scientific studies saying you are born LGBT, and you can't change whether or not you're those four; it's genetic.
>scientific studies hurr durr
you couldn't even name one.
and you won't, because their authors are gay just like you.
Gender is a social construct, dude, so there could be thousands
>gender is a social construct
No its not, if you have XX chromosomes you have female reproductive organs.
If you have XY chromosomes you have the male version. There is no spectrum. Its like Boleans, True or False, Male or Female.
Thats a very big error in genetics and those people have alot of health issues.
I have 2 penises and I'm white. Double Cis scum reporting in...
You are all retarded. You are either male or female. What ever you may THINK you are doesnt change the fact what you are.
Post your dicks now DDD.
>No its not, if you have XX chromosomes you have female reproductive organs.
>If you have XY chromosomes you have the male version. There is no spectrum. Its like Boleans, True or False, Male or Female.
That has to do with sex not gender, you fucking moron, sex and gender are two different things
Gender is merely a role people play, it is imposed upon them by culture
You're making a point, but it's not the one you think it is.
Wait right there. Some nice men are bringing you a shiny white jacket and will escort you to a padded cell of your choice.
Races from science fiction can also be represented as a spectrum.
It doesn't mean those races are real.
Just because something can be conceptualised doesn't mean it exists in tangible reality.
See map/territory.
Culture determines identity. If you feel that boys should like blue and little girls should like pink, it is because that is what your culture determines you should believe. In other cultures, it might be different. But the truth of the matter is that culture controls people and their beliefs
Is it? Perhaps.
First things first however: you don't get to choose your gender.
I kind of agree because gender is a sort of a fiction
Facebook is currently doing some bullshit propaganda campaign.
Fuck Facebook.
You kind of consent to play that gender role, you really don't have to. So gender is a choice
fuck of OP we all know there is only 2 genders the rest is just gender expression!
Identity is mostly an illusion regardless of how you see yourself. If we are going to choose identity labels, we may as well choose practical ones.
And I agree with you, but sometimes culture isn't practical, sometimes it allows that which isn't practical. It would be more practical to have just two genders but that just isn't the case
The fact this idea has to be spread by force through propaganda single-handedly makes me want to resist and question it. I already lived the idea in practice, I felt sexual behavior was too simply programmed to reliably produce outcomes across all individuals or perhaps even multiple instances of the same individual having different experiences. Now instead I just hate you, I see what you're trying to do and I hate you for it. You've lived long enough to see yourself become the villain.
>i can't be male and female without being genderfluid, agender, or "uncertain" as well
fucking oppressive
Self-perceived gender is a choice.
Gender is defined as perceived by society.
Even if you throw a fuss and play a different role, what gender others perceive you as will be your gender.
Regardless if it aligns with your sex, is a result of trickery or generally approved by others.
Henceforth things like genderfluid don't exist, because even though you internally may perceive yourself as either;
on the outside you're playing either one role, or the other - and the society perceives you as either male or female.
So it follows that it is impossible for people to perceive someone as "the gender they feel like at the moment" because what they feel at the moment is known only to the person in question.
tmblr is triying to bait us again ?
just asking
its only have 2 genders uwu
Actually, there are four: male, female, common, and neuter.
And just for you, I'll add a fifth: faggot.
Fuck you. I was just going to go photoshop something just like this, and plant it into this thread.
Gender doesn't exist, there are only 2 sexes.
Go fuck yourself!