How do you feel about the fact that pewdiepie browses Sup Forums?
How do you feel about the fact that pewdiepie browses Sup Forums?
How do I feel about that fact that YOU browse Sup Forums? BOOOM. Pewds 1 - OP 0.
Pewdiepie has refused to fight me 1v1 17 times. He is a coward
he probz doesn't. also, checkem
Same way I feel about Hitler.
I love him.
sup dude
Nah man, this is how you check 'em.
Time stamp
I bet he uses /gif/
Wonder how much porn he seen and dicks
Before he got to the right thread
pewdiepie is a child rapist
that was a test run. my dubs script hit recursion limit. here we go now
Wow ok.
Who is it?
Everyone and their dog browses Sup Forums these days.
Why would an e-celeb browsing this place affect me?
William Shatner browses Sup Forums,
Browsing Sup Forums is not a big deal
do you just go to every thread and post this image hoping it will catch on?
Hey pewdiepie
cooll fuk off m8tie
how fucking new can you be?
I don't know what to say so admire the body of that 11 y/o
get cancer faggot
Good. I like pewds, the NYT targeted him because he, a single Swede, has more viewers than the entire NYT. All newspapers are failing and NYT simply refuses to be graceful about it.
New media > Old media
I hate to admit I love that fag
If I met a human that actually looked like that, it would weird me the fuck out.
He uses webms on here in his ylyl videos.
Pretty much indifferent.
But if he's reading this, he can go suck a dick.
He also hates Trump so your image and media hate is pointless when associated with him, nice try though.
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee normie gtfo this board, what are you some 12 year old pewdiepie fan
I don't like that he associates flat chests with being 12, but other than that he is good goy.
Lots of normies browse Sup Forums. What's one more?
Nice try user
Don't care. I'm not a 14 year old fanboy that wants to suck his dick.
Because I care what his political opinions are? I mean it's obvious those got stuck in a paint mixer when the liberal media attacked him, unprovoked, simply over follower counts. Now he's teaching gen Z media skepticism and there's nothing you can do about it, gen Z will in all likelihood be totally immune to fake news. One more step to exposing liberals as merely cowardly people who don't want to be subject to failing at anything they try up to and including living their own sorry lives.
I'm a Normie and my dad is a white supremacist lawyer so try me
Your dad is a nsjw?
Yes because Gen Z is comprised only of 50 mil people and all of them are subscribed to pewdiepie.
I don't really have a problem,I just hope his 12 year old fans don't find out that Sup Forums exists.
This place will turn 50 million times worse
>Be OP
>Make a fucking thread about PewDiePie
That's a weird way to come out of the closet OP. Is this how you're telling your parents you're gay or something? Well, at least you know you like men I guess, you're not in denial anymore. Wait, let me guess, you're a bottom. Too sissy for a top.
He has been very politically incorrect in the last years. I like him.
feels like he can laugh to the same shit as I do. whats spcl?
I just have very strong sexual feelngs about trains and railroads.
>I just hope his 12 year old fans don't find out that Sup Forums exists.
>12 year old fans
>12 year old
This shows how this place is dead. Oldfags would embrace cute shotas or lolis sharing the same space :3
Why the hell would you not suck his dick?
Swear I just heard someone say
>I'm a massive faggot, post immunity cat.