Mixed martial arts, WHICH ARE NOT THE ARTS

>mixed martial arts, WHICH ARE NOT THE ARTS

does Sup Forums agree with her?

>this was once considered the ideal beauty
>in CURRENT YEAR faggots that cant get laid will say she looks like a tranny


she knows 90% of MMA fighters are foreigners right?

people who don't find deer hunter meryl streep hot are immediately labeled as gays

She's not wrong.

Um excuse me has a mma fighter ever painted a picture in the octagon? The answer is no.

she's not even that hot and your incredibly insightful and intelligent divulgence into the decline of a poorly defined sub section of the human race is, simply put, inane and pathetic

chris weidman has

a fucking leaf of course

how does pajeets cum taste off your mommas cunt?


your bulls at Sup Forums would be so proud




...... No

She even has an interview in which she tells how a director back when she was much younger didnt want her for a movie role because she was not beautiful enough. I really dont know what you are talking about.

She isnt by any means ugly, but 'ideal beauty' she aint.

as a sports fan I agree it isn't an art

gee if only you Hollywood types were louder then maybe we might change out vote here in dumb flyover cow land that you people hate so much

>leaf banter




pretty cute
honestly for me its closer to homoerotic pornography to me

Why are there 2 threads about this? Of course sports are not arts, just like arts are not sports

Her nose points to the side a little.

I dont know lads, this looks like a Picasso to me

>hurr durr only painting realistically and sculpting are art
>putting a stool on dispplay or rdawing random lines or punching people are not art

fucking reactionaries when will they learn

>>this was once considered the ideal beauty

i (((wonder who))) (((pushed))) (((that))) (((idea)))?

Art in Motion

I bet you could take that bloody floor, frame it and sell it as art.


the answer is yes if you consider the floor as a canvas and blood as ink.

>preemptively defending your attraction to manjaw
yeah haha...hot...