SEX TAPE QUESTION: I made a sex tape with the condition I get a copy...

SEX TAPE QUESTION: I made a sex tape with the condition I get a copy. I didn't film it and the person who did no longer wants me to have a copy. How do I get that tape? Is there any legal recourse (i.e. Not paid for modeling or my consent was conditional based on getting a copy)

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> I made a sex tape with the condition I get a copy
> Is there any legal recourse
> my consent was conditional based on getting a copy

first, you're a dumbass
second, if it's not in writing you're not legally entitled to shit.

Next time get it in writing fag

Yeah. I'm a dumb ass, I know. But there must be some way to get a copy of that tape. Any one else? Creative ideas welcome.

Kill yourself?

ask them to upload it to pornhub

First tell me your gender

i''d like to see Max Hardcore get ahold of them

Sue in small claims court for Breach of Contract.

Also notify Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown, and Jerry Springer.

Theft, blackmail, hacking, trade.

Choose one.

Why don't they want you to have a copy? Seems like best way to get it to keep asking them nicely to send it and appeal to them being decent and following through on what they said. It should be trivially easy to send and copy and costs them nothing. Why not. Keep appealing to that

Lurking for this

Pictures taken of you are your property unless you sign a release. Might work with video.

if you're a guy, then be a man and threaten the asshole. If a girl, offer to suck his dick

Pictures are the property of the photographer, not the subject. Especially so if no contract was signed specifying otherwise. However, it seems OP had an oral contract which if witnessed by a 3rd party, could hold up in court or arbitration.

OP is still a dumbshit though.

>Pictures taken of you are your property


>I made a sex tape
Personal with just the participants involved or exhibition with a dedicated camera operator?


If you had a dedicated camera person and you are a dude, you are a fucking pussy if you can't get a copy of it.

You also may have some legal recourse

Find a lawyer.

>if it's not in writing you're not legally entitled to shit.
Lawyer here. I've got a trial starting in the morning, so I'm taking a break from busting my balls to state that this is false.

Oral contracts are perfectly valid, except in limited circumstances. (This isn't one of those.)

That being said, in my professional legal opinion, you're a complete fucktard, OP.

Really? I'm thinking I make a convincing lawyer letterhead and send over a clever letter saying he has to give up the tape. He seems dumb enough to fall for it.

Don't pretend to be a lawyer, that is a very good way to fuck yourself over.

Well I'm not going to fucking pay thousands to actually hire one. How will it fuck me over? You think the faggot will fight me in court over a sex video? Or call the police? I just want a copy and I'm fucking in it.

Well it wouldn't be a sex tape if you weren't fucking in it.
Ask the lawyer user why pretending to be a lawyer is a bad idea.

In most jurisdictions, people depicted in the video also have a right above that of ownership. They have a right not to have their privacy infringed. By that right, OP might sue to have the owner's copies destroyed. "That's detente, comrade."

Looking for some experienced litigators?