Is he currently being wasted? All that talent in a shit team, makes me wonder if Luck will want to go to another team

Is he currently being wasted? All that talent in a shit team, makes me wonder if Luck will want to go to another team


he is. he should have held out really to get more help. but he went and signed a huge contact as soon as he could

Stafford is better

He should come to Houston. Come back home, Luck.

If he was playing under Belichick, he'd have multiple rings by now.

>All that talent in a shit team
how unlucky

truly the next Phil Rivers

Luck to Denver within the next two seasons. Cap it.

Andrew luck is the most overrated quarterback in the NFL

No other quarterback gets as many excuses as he does for shitty performance

Don't get me wrong he's a good quarterback but I'm tired of hearing people put him on the level of Brady and Manning and then making excuse after excuse when he doesn't deliver

he isnt even that good though

russell wilson has the worst o line in football, and had no elite receivers until he got graham

and he still has better PASSING stats than luck, who had TY hilton

hes not even better than a nigger manlet

its weird how people will throw every single player under the bus as an excuse for luck

if luck throws it to the dirt, its because he felt pressure from a terrible o line

if he overthrows his receiver, its because he has terrible receivers who dont run their route well enough

im convinced nobody actually watches him play and just hears that hes good from ESPN

Andrew luck is garbage. He would be third string on several teams (pats and bucs for example)

>b-but my 4th quarters comebacks...

I love how despite these stats people will rank Luck a good three or four qbs ahead of Wilson.

A manlet with an offensive line made up of converted tight ends and fourth stringers still somehow puts up better numbers than a first round pick who's supposed to be elite

A lot of his yards comes from garbage time too when the defense has stopped caring. Wish the media would stop shoving him down our throats until he actually does some shit.

This is not true at all tho

t. Casual

is he autistic

he would for sure be 3rd string on the cowboys possibly the patriots

he's lacking the increment that separates good from great

He would be starting if he played for the bucs