When did you realize that

When did you realize that

>90s was unironically the best decade for music


There is literally no better time to be a music fan than right now. Rose tinted glasses is so pleb.

depends what youre into

if youre into ed sheeran then sure

if youre into oldskool rave then youre shit outta luck

same thing if youre into like hippie shit you wouldve had to been there

anyway i dont think OP was talking about that per se

1910=music started
1920-1950=classical music
1960-1970=golden age of music for old singers
1980=perfect age for rock rebels
1990=improved good music and also the year for goths and punks
2000=music is still good and gangsta songs started to appear
2001-2006=music is changing
2007=ghetto music but good and relaxing like akon dont matter
2008=some crappy music is starting to appear
2009=crappy music is spreading
2010=you gotta be kidding me this isnt music justin bieber
2011=R.l.P music goodbye...

when I discovered Kyuss instead of only hearing grunge (that I like, but no prefer)


Not gonna lie, there is still good music but a lot less of it. 90s was masterpiece after masterpiece.
'91 alone had better albums than all of the 2010s.
It had Laughing Stock, Loveless, Spiderland, and several more. 2017 is a sad joke. '91 had BSSM and Nevermind released on the same day.

did these songs get fed to the voidfish?

did they get erased from memory?

what are you talking about


When I was 13, I thought it was the 70s. When I was 18, I thought it was the 00s. Now that I'm 24, I think it's the 60s. Might change.

>1910=music started
always cracks me up

1967 alone is better than the entire 90's you fuck

when I listened to Sing To God by Cardiacs and the entire Mr. Bungle discography

Lot of people are trying to push the narrative that 1991 is the best year ever. baka Every year from 66-70 is superior. Most fertile period creative for music, at least rock/pop/soul

I want to disagree but really most of my favorite albums are from the 90s or early 2000's

I'd say the 90s overall were a better era for fans of all music. There's just so much in it and there's always something for everyone - fans of hip hop have Outkast, 2pac, Notorious B.I.G, Nas, N.W.A, and really that was hip hop's mainstream breakthrough; fans of electronic have the Berlin techno scene and Britain's vibrant electro scene ranging from Aphex Twin and The Progidy to the raves at 4 in the morning; fans of rock even have the rise of alt-rock to the forefront ranging from Loveless and Nevermind to American Football and OK Computer; and metal fans have all sorts of styles rise up. Hell, even pop has great music it can claim in that area.

Moreover, it was the beginning of people being able to listen to music more than only on CDs - computer and the internet were at a point where you could feasibly have a few albums in your PC.

Thing is: the quality of an era by its albums is always gonna be the crux of the debate and it's never going to go well, because you'll very rarely get to a consensus on which are the top 10 best albums of all. If you ask 10 different people which ones are the top 10 albums of all time you'll get 11 different answers.

tl;dr: question with no answer.

t. wannabe hippie
Move on, man, 1967 was fifty years ago and there's no need to idolize it.

This was the peak of music, nothing before or after this has come close to it.

I like your thoughts here. Interestingly, I'd say the 00's proceeded to abuse this in many ways. The 2010's have been an improvement over the 00's because many artists are starting to regain some sense of artistic freedom and social media/globalization is a bit more chilled out now.


I'd say that social media/globalization is actually less chilled out, it's just that our lives have molded better around it and thus we're able to deal with it a bit better than the 2000s rather than have their craze of trying to fit our lives to a new tempo.

Yeah, kinda what I meant I suppose. You worded it more clearly though. Hopefully we'll see a bit of a social media/internet/artistic golden age soon.

I'm not sure how that'd arise or even what that would be like though

When I was in grade 11 (2007).

I distinctly remember realizing one day that all the 90s music I listened to was far and away my favourite music and that I liked music from the 90s more consistently than music from any other decade.

This kinda sorta