Name a better movie than Forrest Gump

Name a better movie than Forrest Gump
(protip: you can't)

Other urls found in this thread:

it is pretty good

The Ten Commandments

Chungking express

Here are a few, B-E

Backdoor sluts 9


Few more worth seeing

2 better movies that came out the same year
The Shawshank redemption
Pulp fiction

and a bunch of these ones

Saving private ryan
Love forrest gump tho

oh yeh, and these

The Silence of the Lambs

The Dark Knight

Borat, cultural learnings of America for make benefit glorious nation Kazachstan

Subjective. I tend to dislike movies that are based in reality, in favor of things more fantasy/sci-fi based, so I'd likely prefer something in the vein of Star Wars over Forrest Gump.

I'm not necessarily saying that one is objectively better than the other. I'm just saying that it's a matter of viewer preference.

12 year old here

Life was like a box of chocolates mandella effect


Shawshank is top tier but I can't agree with pulp fiction. Great, but over rated as fuck if you ask me.

pretentious shit

Have you ever seen Chef?

The writer, Winston Groom, lives like 10 minutes from me. Always thought I would run into him in town by now but I think he is pretty reclusive.

Pineapple Express

The Postman

Apocalypse Now