According to Sam sports are for losers who have a void in their lives

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>Some literal cuck who Sup Forums adores and who fucks trannies and has no insurance and lost his show because of Tim "BASED" Heidecker

Lmao. Who cares.

>Sup Forums btfo by hollywood
>Sup Forums btfo by youtubers
how will Sup Forums ever recover

>this is the kind of loser Sup Forums looks up to

can't say I'm too surprised

lmao this dumbass tries to sound smart but doesn't realize that gambling triggers the same reward pathways as substance addictions

h-holy shit.... Sup Forums is being absolutely obliterated today.....

>Claims that gambling is deviant behaviour
>This guy

>implying Sam Hyde isn't a Sup Forums meme and subject of ridicule

>unathletic white guys practicing casual workplace negro worship

this guy perfectly described Sup Forums

Its impossible

He is right though

There is nothing more pathetic than hardcore sports fans. Casual sports fans are fine in the sense that you dont become too emotionally or financially invested but if you get enraged over your team losing or hate other people for liking a different team you need help

>im going to characterize a wide range of activity surrounding athletic activities as degenerate acts because they feed directly into my insecurities


>Could you imagine him fucking your girlfriend?

>sam's a one pump chump

I don't blame him though, she's pretty attractive

I have the opposite problem it takes forever for me to cum

why is everyone from Sup Forums ugly

something extremely common nowadays it seems

join the fucking club we got jackets

Theyre self conscious losers that feel threatened by black masculinity

well im triggered

Well he's not wrong, especially about American sports.

American sports involve little to no skill and are just a bull catalog for billionaire cucks looking for somebody to seed their trophy wife.

isn't this the guy who got BTFO by Adult Swim?


>dude that never played a sport in his life criticising people who enjoy them
I only really watch the sport I played as a kid, wouldn't expect a single parent faggot like Sam Hyde to understand

This is the same guy who watched Stefan Molyneux's video on Frozen (the one with the grand leaps and bounds in logic) and cites it as something to be listened to and believed

Why exactly is wrong with watching and being impressed by incredibly impressive athletic feats that can only be done by a very small subset of the population, especially considering that they're playing against the same subset who are just as good as they are?

I think Sam Hyde is funny but it's pretty clear that he just dislikes most things because he thinks that "intellectually" he's above them and they aren't worth his time. He claims that he's not saying he's better and smarter than the people around him and then immediately turns around and says "but really most of the people around me are fucking retarded"

Elite truthies

Isn't this the same dude who bragged about betting thousands of dollars on the election? Why is he shitting on gamblers? If you dont have a family, and want to gamble, then who gives a fuck?

yeah I'm sure you're better at logic than Stefan Molyneaux (host of the most popular philosophy show in the world)

If you are human you will always have a "void" and you will always find something objectively stupid to fill it. Who cares.

To be fair if your only interaction with sport's fans is reading posts on Sup Forums this is an entirely reasonable conclusion to reach.

100% of the people here are garbage fires.

you all know he is a pat fan and owns pat merch right despite being from brooklyn

Most popular doesn't necessarily mean best, especially when it comes to philosophy, it just means your point of view is the easiest to digest and it helps to frame your argument in the way he does because nobody can possibly argue against his format (there's nobody there to disagree with him)

Stefan Molyneux just appeals to people because he appeals to people who get to watch one of his videos and then walk around outside thinking "Ah yes, all these people are blind to the truth, but not me, I know what those guys at Disney are up to"

There is a reason that he titles his videos "The Truth about ______"