FIFA World Cup Expansion

The format for 2026 gets voted on, on tuesday

Could mean expansion of up to 48 teams

18 Uefa teams
14 Concacaf+Conmebol teams
8 Caf teams
7 Afc teams
1 Oceania spot

Round robin group stage of 8 groups of 6. Top 2 pass automatically and continue into round of 16. World cup is expanded to 6 weeks if necessary.

14 Concacaf+Conmebol teams
8 Caf teams
7 Afc teams
1 Oceania spot



Only way to make it work at 48 teams without diluting the tournament with useless teams.

More like

Host Nation - 1 quota place
UEFA - 16
Concacaf - 6
Conmebol - 7
CAF - 9
AFC - 8
OFC - 1

Still way too much for Conmebol tho, 7 spots for 10 teams FFS

Europe already asked for 15. Americas want 14. Africa and Asia want 10 each. We'll see what happens.

one word

>Americas want 14. Africa and Asia want 10 each.
Jesus what a shit tournament that would end up being.

On TV, it was said how distribution shall be did:

UEFA - 16
CAF - 9,5
AFC - 9,5
Concacaf - 6,5
Conmebol - 6,5
OFC - 1

We really need more teams and diversity. Why not expand it to 200?

How horrorifying. CONCACAF honestly doesn't need any more spots. The only confederation I feel is missing good teams is Africa, but that's their own goddamn fault for that shit qualification process.

>CAF - 9
>AFC - 8
Thats way too much. Especially for AFC

It's just a way to let China compete in the WC. Money rules everything.

Are they gonna have 3 team groups?

With all the money they are putting in their league they should be able to qualify for the next cup. They have 4.5 spots and the only "good" nations are SK-JP-Aus. Just push out Iran and Uzbekistan for the last 1.5 spots.



>Costa Rica

>Ivory Coast

>South Korea
>North Korea

>New Zealand


Tell me this wouldn't work. Pro tip: you cant

The Arab part of AFC hates countries like Australia taking a spot away from them. Give AFC 8 spots & split into West & East

Make it into 16 teams instead. 7 from Europe, 5 from South America and 1 from every other continent.

>19 spots to fucking Europe
Did you watch the crappy euros? 16 is more than enough for them.
What really should happen is make the tournament to 40, or better yet keep it 32 but with better distribution, but the jewtalian is going for all the shekels.

>2014 Brazil will forever remain the best world cup ever played

why would they ever make this change? did they watch the euros 2016? it was expanded, and it was the WORST international tournament i've ever seen. games sucked so much because you could easily advance with 3 draws, so no one wanted to expose themself.

europe is shit after portugal. south america is shit after uruguay. that's 9 and 5. just pick 3 each from north america, asia and australasia and the host and you have a decent quality of team. that's 21 teams so make it in to 7 groups of 3. then we can go on from there.

EVERYONE complained about Euro 2016 before it started then proceeded to ride Iceland dick

>really makes you think

I actually like this, jBecause I wanna see Messi in WC

No to the 48 Team tournament

Here is my solution that I have posted many times. I'm (hopefully) sure the Mexicans will agree.

Boot the Caribbeaniggers out of CONCACAF, let them have their own qualifying session.

CONCACAF will wait for them to send 2 of their top teams to join the 10 main countries that make CONCACAF.

>United States
>Costa Rica
>El Salvador

Then you insert the two Caribbean teams and boom, a league style qualifying session similar to CONMEBOL which would be contested by twelve teams for 3.5 spots.

Another option is that >we could kick out the Caribbean Island's completely and only have the ten teams I mentioned above and have the winner of the Caribbean Qualifying session play the OFC for 1 Spot.

it was the only thing that was exciting about the tournament, so I kinda get it

Only for memes though. Iceland were dreadful to watch due to their bus parking. And they werent even that good since they were torn apart by France who weren't even trying. I swear this meme that Iceland were genuinely good must have been started by butthurt english who couldn't accept how bad they were.

when you consider there lives 700.000 people there, they were really good

That's true. The fact they even have a squad of 20 players in european leagues throughout the continent despite an extremely small population shows how impressive the coaching culture must be.

This is for the 2026 cup baka. He'd be 39 then and honestly he seems like the guy that will retire by age 33.

Yeah. It's such a weird place. They still learn danish in school afaik, even though we have no connection to them anymore.

My Swede-bro friend told me Sweden/Danish & Norweigan is 80% interchangeable but Icelandic never evolved past the Viking era

Dat tru Dane-brah?

Belize and Nicaragua don't have a worthy team or stadiums. Just boot them out like the South Americans do the Guyanas.

48 teams is insane. 40 teams should be the max. Just add 8 more spots (3 for Uefa, 2 for Conmebol, 1 for Concacaf and 2 playoff spots for Afc and Caf) and make the group stage 4 games of groups of 5. The only reason to push for 48 teams is because of the chimping third worlders who will be mad at Fifa for giving more spots to Europe and the Americas.

This, except 6,4,2,2,2.

I don't know if it's 80 but they are very similar.
It's natural to understand some of the other scandi-words but I still find it hard to understand swedish and norwegian if they speak fast.

And Icelandic written language has some weird symbols that look kinda viking-rune-ish yeah.

An example of how similar our languages are, sometimes if you buy a product, the description will be written in Swe/DK/Norwegian, mixing the words from all three languages. It's pretty weird to read sometimes, but it's because our "filler" words are generally the same.

Have you seen where they are in qualifying? It would need to be expanded to almost 100 before they stood a chance of making it.

Another option was that they could fight against the two Caribbean teams. It keeps the 10 Team Format intact.

That'd be a based tournament but it's never happening. The WC is going to become larger, never smaller.
Replace the confederations cup with that shit. It'd be dope, but Europeans already hate playing that tournament.

Wasn't the euros a good enough example of why not to expand?

>Slovakia, Hungary, Russia, Scotland, Sweden and Serbia in for Europe
>Switzerland isn't

Dont see the issue there; just Wales beating an overrated small country with no history

Uhh excuse me Hermann this is a football tournament here not a nazi money laundering tournament.

You could even make 2 group stages. 4 groups in the first round, 2 groups in the second round then the semi-finals and final. It would only be one extra game for the teams that got to the final.

And Switzerland has a better football team than all of those countries


Can I get 2 tacos, 2 cokes and some fries?
Para llevar senior

It was more about vertonghen and dembeles reaction.

Yeah brah, blame Blatter for selling out to Afrika now they think their entitled to gibs

Tak Dane-brah

> That's just tournament football Burger-bro, smaller teams are always going to play for a draw. Fucking Paraguay nearly drew themselves to a title in a 12 team tournament in Copa 2011

Uh they sell fries at your taqueria?

International tournaments just keep getting worse and worse

Why mess with an already perfect format?

What needs to happen is Fifa giving playoff spots based on historical confederation coefficients like how Uefa does with the CL.

Don't mind me, i'm just creating my 16-team awesome World Cup.

European qualifiers:

South American qualifiers:

South American qualifiers:

African qualifiers:
Ivory Coast

Asian qualifiers:
South Korea

>What needs to happen is Fifa giving playoff spots based on historical confederation coefficients like how Uefa does with the CL.

>Muh History


Go back to 1954 britbong

You just mad because you're not included. Don't worry, you can qualify through Asia.

>South American qualifiers:

not sure if memeing, but it's North America....

>African qualifiers:
>Ivory Coast

no Ghana -.-

pretty much perfect WC else

I meant recent history. Concacaf has been doing better than Afc and Caf in recent world cups so we deserve one of their 0.5 spots to have 4 total spots.

> Australia = current AFC champions

> wtf has England done since 1966

>no Ghana
Fine. I'll swap them with Algeria.

Okay. South Korea is out.

Here are the groups:



Ivory Coast

For me, the best solution is to create more 1/2 place inter-confederation places.

Take the AFC for instance Give them 5 Full places and 4 1/2.

Some years, the confederation might be strong enough to have 9 teams, but other years, they lose and only have 5.

Without working out exact numbers, work to something like maximum amount is 1.5x the base amount. UEFU 14 base and 7 1/2 etc etc


Give one to Oceania and one to the host. That -2.
Take one away from South America, North America, Africa and Asia and have one from each continent participate in a play-off. That's +2.

>9 teams
>from AFC
Is that really how big this tournament is going to be?

this would be awesome

>mfw an American couldn't qualify for the WC near me

If all teams are good enough to win their 1/2 place matches yeah. If they all lose then there will be only 5. So scratching that for a moment I went and worked out a rough guide as to how I'd break it down, i'm sure there could be adjustments

UEFA 12 full + 9 1/2 spots (21 max)
Conmebol 5 full + 3 1/2 spots (8 max)
AFC 5 full + 4 1/2 spots (9 max)
CAF 7 full + 6 1/2 spots (13 max)
Concacaf 4 full + 5 1/2 spots (9 max)
OFC 0 full +1 1/2 spots (1 max)
Host 1 full

Fuck off Klinsmann.