/heem/ No Lanklets Edition


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>Artem wants my boy Swanson
It would be televised murder.

Schaublé, mon capitan. Schaublé...

Khabib will murk el Cucky

Woodley is an incredible fighter and exciting to watch

Why does he have to ruin that by being such a petty bitch all the time

>these foreigners on my /heem/


Schaub bless brother

39 years ago this amazing fight happened I just re-watched it today

Bruce would definitely KO any lightweight alive today

Bruce would've been a great kickboxer but not MMA.

That takes the USADA degree and MICKSPLOSION

Ferg is fucking weird man he could easily catch Khabib


Bruce would be a BW, so no he would get rekt

El Cuckuy will get ragdolled and mauled like a baby.

March can't come soon enough

So Jouban wants to fight Dos Anjos at WW
How does it go?

We didn't see Khabib's chin tho

I agree, except Magyga, I'd agree since he beat Hakim soundly, which is easily a heavyweight.

no funposting please, only serious opinions

He'd be a flyweight

RDA should hang it up

I still have faith that RDA isn't done yet. I think he handles Jouban with relative ease.

What do you lads think about Streep's comments over MMA?

Is /heem/ really a white sport only?

>Bruce Lee was a real fighter meme

RDA was crushing Ferg until an eye poke
He's fine
Frankie has 3 losses in a row at his age and bounced back

Jesus christ is jouban suicidal? RDA is by no means done, he looked good against ferguson until the eye poke and wa still standing when he got 'tko'd' against alvarez

She's an old out of touch lady, I don't care really

who the fuck is that hag

she wouldnt last a second in Edgy's rubber guard

nice thread man

>does art

*leans into mic*
Thanks, my man

I'm more bothered people are giving her their opinion and time of day

ignore this shit and move on

No, one of the most international sports there is and it will get more international as it gets more popular. Every human from ching lia-Chun to achmed Mohammed loves fighting

oh absolutely 100% for sure, my man.

Which fights should be worth watching in the next fight night?

Question for you /heem/ - who is the greatest can of all time?

I'd like to nominate Ruben Villareal
>22-28 record
>Fought some of the best fighters in the world years after their prime
>Actually beat some of them
>Great native american gimmick including face paint

fuck off newfag

> Football is full of black people
> MMA is probably the most ethnically diverse sport in the world

Carano is 10/10, if there ever was one.

Tyrone actually made wondermeme talk some shit, he's that annoying.

>tfw you shave ur sack and then it gets itchy the next day

who's that dude who has like hundreds/thousands of pro fights
probably him

/good morning/ heem

reminder to always meme trane and protect yourself at all times

>pic related

Watch this guy fight and holy shiet is it cringe worthy...

>rating some literally who injun over Spiritwolf

nvm it's travis fulton
dude is 253-51, not bad actually lmao

>not using Nair

Lmao thats what u get for being a dumbass

so now that megan is going to be a champion, will she even go to the UFC if she can dominate Invicta now that Cyborg is gone?

How do you even get sanctioned with a record like that?

Just saw he fought GGG top kek

Kek, does this nigga realize it was a draw?

>Charmaine "Not So Sweet" Tweet

Christ... any other horrible nicknames?

That's how i found out about him. He was GGG's first "professional" opponent.

Does he really think hes fighting Conor or that anyone cares about him and Bisping?

Dana said night of the fight it was a rematch

It's hard to sell prospects to casuals without padding their records. There's a whole underclass of boxers that make a living going a couple rounds with young pros until the corner throws the towel in.

Dream job

There's being a journeyman then there's getting heemed 40 times and losing over 100 bouts

Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
Do you like Phil Collins?
Yes. I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Christy, take off your robe. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. Sabrina, remove your dress. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Sabrina, why don't you, uh, dance a little. Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in rock. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight and Against All Odds. Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it. But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist.

I think he actually thinks he can get close to that Conor status by winning another belt in another category in a 200k ppv card or I don't know, what I truly think is that he's an imbecile.

When will the War Machine be sent to prison again? He can't keep getting away with this…

>Dana said

didn't even get dubs smdh

Gotta get Dog the Bounty Hunter on the job again.

there it go my morning keks,

>Off by three
Try again next time, pal!

kill you are slef

It's either Thompson or Maia.

wonder why shes making such a big deal about it? Usually people that get work done keep it on the dl

any new potential boys on the horizon

Everyone knows she has fake tits so she can do whatever she wants now

I guess otherwise everyone would be giving her shit for being insecure about her nose. They will sure still do that, but much less.

It's not necessarily getting heemed. Check out pic related.

Supposedly he was a pretty talented defensive operator but he didn't like getting hit and would quit as soon as he ate a any good shots. Mostly traveled around losing but managed to upset a few prospects here and there, he's got a few wins against undefeated fighters. If you're decent but not prime time material it's really not a bad career if you have no sense of shame whatsoever.

>Tried to duck Wonderboy in the first place
>Fight him to a draw
>Duck him again and justify it by saying "I-I won"

be the boy you want to see in this world

on that note, where the hell does the "be the Jon Jones you want to see..." meme come from?

>1 KO

Imagine being the fucking goof who got heem'd by this guy

>travis fulton

just scanning his record and found this, lel

The thing I don't get about Woodley is if he thinks he won and can beat Wonderboy... then why fight the rematch?? It should be an easy fight and a great highlight

She says she got the surgery "to fix her deviated septum"

Breaking news, PvZ attention seeking again

won and can win is quite different things with them small gloves


the quintessential Travis Fulton clip
>that scream of agony when he hits the canvas

be with me page van zant
*offers ring*

He literally thinks that he's going to become a Conor-level superstar even when no casuals know who he is and he's already champion. Dude has no idea how fight promotion works, he just saw that Conor has big bags of money and he wants that too.

>HuffPost BlackVoices

he did a poll on his twitter

it was like
44% want to see him vs conor
40% vs wonderboy again
16% bisping

Say hi to your unofficial middleweight champion


nothing like fighting for your girl's next plastic surgery.


Those big ugly greasy titties

She's unironically super hot.

what's it like in brazil

The guy who takes over Goldie should be dom Cruz or robin black. What the fuck does that joe guy know about mma?

the ufc promotion is so good, in the new countdown they almost made me think BJ penn has a chance

why was meryl so rude to us brehs


Conor McGregor

>robin black

Red it go

I actually like Robin Black for that, the only guy I can think of with some energy

He does desu. Yair is a memekicking maniac and Penn will split decision his ass

she doesn't even know what MMA is probably. she just needed something with "art" in the name

Conor McGregor to you as well

thanks lad

Conor McGregor

schaub bless

>she doesn't even know what MMA is probably

I'm pretty sure she was in a crowd shot at some Honda Housey event

why am i not surprised it was honda