Guys, I really fucking hate my dad, shit like this happens all the time;

guys, I really fucking hate my dad, shit like this happens all the time;

>two weeks ago, 21st birthday.
>mom asks where I'd like to go for dinner
>I say Wendy's, my dad flips out on me
>"We're not fucking going there, we're going someplace nice for once!"
>Mom tries to argue with him but he just tells her to fuck off.
>End up at Longhorns, not really a fan of the place, but they have decent tenders.
>Cutie waitress asks to take our order.
>I try to order tenders with fries and ketchup.
>Dad loses his shit and starts to argue with me, tells me he's paying so I have to order a steak. I fucking hate steak, but I don't want to embarrass the family in front of the waitress.
>Order the sirloin, well done, side of ketchup and fries.
>Dad starts to yell at me more, tells the waitress to get me a bud lite, but i fucking hate beer so it just sits there all dinner.
>Mom asks him to settle down a little and let me get what i want, but its too late, he just starts telling her to fuck off.
>Me and my two sisters get very quiet while he continues to berate mom.
>Bill comes and dad refuses to tip, said his steak was overcooked, he told the waitress 3 times everything was good, he just lies so he can never leave a tip.
>Sister and mom still trying to eat their meals
>Dad gets up and tells everyone we are leaving now.
>We all leave, he doesn't let them take any left overs home.
>Night was a disaster.

Seriously, I just can't take it anymore, I wish it was just mom and my sisters, he thinks because he's the only one that works he can just be an asshole all the time. I hate him.

Other urls found in this thread:


1: That's bait

2: Stop being a vagina

Free steak and a whole family?

Dad just sounds like he's pissed off you turned out to be an uncultured man-child who orders well-done steak with ketchup. Can't say I blame him.

nah youre just a pussy and your dad is ashamed of you

move out and get a job then. what the fucks he gonna do if u have your own place? If you decide to live under his roof then tough shit dude, better than sleeping in the streets.

sure is newfag in here.

>Doesn't like steak
>Doesn't like beer
>Where my chicken tendies?
Maybe if you were more of a man and less like a child you'd have a less pissed off father?

>Be me
>32 in 13 days.
>mom doesn't ask me where I want to go because she's dead.
>dad doesn't yell about it because he's dead.
>brother is a junkie and unreliable
>sister is a literal whore and haven't spoken to her in almost 20 years.
>Lost my job a month ago
>Will be eating buttered noodles for my birthday

Stop being a faggot and appreciate what you have or kys.

Also your father was willing to pay for the meal. Jesus christ dude, i have to pay every time i get to go out with my parents.

Stop posting this copypasta and stop posting this pic of a well done steak (because fuck well done steaks).

You literally could not be more of a faggot.

Your story seriously infuriates me. I hate this kind of people. Really?

You prefer to go to Wendys over Longhorn? And you "fucking hate steak"? Your dad has a reason to be angry. Jesus christ i hope you're just trolling us.

Sounds like the best kind of dad to me. At least you dont have a faggot dad like mine.

He hates alcohol of any kind. Hates guns. Got fired from every job he ever had for being a pussy. Hes very brain dead most of the time. Hes addicted to sugar and doesn't put 2 and 2 together most of the time. He was a Hillary supporter. He likes soft rock and likes to sing in this ear splitting high pitched voice. Hes afraid of everything including the dark.

That sounds rough man. I hope things get better for you


OP accept that this is the way your Dad is, move out of the fucking house, and stop bitching.

Stale copypasta is stale

your dad doesn't love you

id fucking kill myslef with my Faggot Dads ...Dildo by cocking on it

No sympathy in this thread. Look this problem doesnt compare to relatively permanent life problems but still it sucks. Even if it's things being given to you, it's oppressive when your choices are taken. This particular situation at Wendy's as just one situation is nothing, but when it gets forced as a consistent life style, it isn't a tragedy that fucks up your plans, rather it's a parasite eating away at your time. Advice remains the same though, man up and move out.

I'm with you, your dad's a faggot. If any of you guys had a shithead dad like that you'd be pussies too.
Move away as fast as you but be there for your mom and sisters.

You got free beer and steak from your dad. What more can you ask for? And if you hate him so much, why are you still with him when you're 21? That's probably why he's an asshole. Move out and don't look back.

>21st birthday
>Seriously, I just can't take it anymore, I wish it was just mom and my sisters, he thinks because he's the only one that works he can just be an asshole all the time. I hate him.
>live at home
>don't work

you are getting what the fuck you deserve, fool

#1, grow the fuck up, eat better food, take in some culture.

#2, your dad has many points but no tipping makes him a piece of shit, get a new making one you autist.

I am standing on the table applauding you. The strippers are giving me a weird look and the bouncer is coming over but it is well deserved.
Bravo good sir, bravo

>Well done steak
>With ketchup
This is a joke right?
No one actually does this...right?



Your well done stake pasta gets a reply only because my dad well done charred every steak my entire childhood.
25 and visiting, last night half of the steak was rare! Woo hooo.

Pastacopy is stale and inedible

Something tells me this is bait..but I have no sympathy for a pussy who wants to go to wendys for his 21st birthday.

I don't blame the dad for being a dick considering he has to deal with a fucking 21 year old manchild with the palette of a kindergartner.

OP here, this is the only post I'm going to respond to. My dad has burnt everything meat related my entire life. Pork, chicken, steak, he uses every one as an excuse to grill and every time he burns it beyond edibility.

I hate to break it to you OP. If your dad is the only one working, he makes the rules. Maybe he isn't an asshole and its just that his 21 year old son is an unemployed piece of shit that still lives at home and acts like a 10 year old. What a disappointment you must be.