Pussy taste good?

pussy taste good?

Dick tastes better

you're doing it wrong

after a good bath it should have no taste at all

if you like salty milk and coins

you said what?

It depends on the person, I think the best you can hope for is a neutral taste, some is bad, some is really bad.

Idk if diet has anything to do with it but my gf is a vegan and it's the best I've had.

Hell yeah eat so much pussy I'm honorary Chinese

It taste irony and sweet. Its really good if your horny.

Sweet? What pussy have you been eating?

Most accurate description of anything I've ever heard

Clean non nigger pussy tastes like candy

ANYONE who says pussy tastes bad is dating an unhygienic moron who doesn't wash the inside of her pussy

have her eat mangas and ananas

I get a sweet vibe off my girlfriends.

>first time hearing this
Welcome to your first time on the internet! How are you liking Sup Forums newfriend? :) :) :)

Holy fuck this is really accurate.

Bury your face in this and tell us.

clean pussy bro

>>For me it tastes fuckin great

if you taste pennies and milk, you're drinking her blood's plasma.


I like the taste personally. It's not an "mmm, i wish they made popsicles that taste like this" kind of good. It's more of an "mmm, this is making me horny as fuck" kind of good.

>implying Sup Forumstards eats non crackwhore pussay



This. It won't taste like anything you'd ever want to eat, but it's fucking GOOD if you're horny and she's horny.

And if you're horny and it still makes you wanna puke, something is wrong with her.


Are those like... ticks, or crabs or what? The perfect airbrushed skidmarks around the asshole lead me to believe this is a shoop but DAAMM nonetheless

Blocks your path.


Slurp..My lucky day

Until she domestic violences you.


Tastes like bags of sand

i dont like sand

>pussy taste good?
Short answer : yes

Longer answer : if it is washed and cleaned, yes. If it's been stewing in its juices all day, or even all evening, then no.
Also, pussy juice from "deep down" tastes worse. Don't eater her after you've fucked her.

And if the pussy tastes a bit off, keep the taste on the tip of your tongue and spit out as much as you can.

Smells like herring, taste - different

it's coarse and rough

Feminine dick?