This is when I realized the NFL was rigged. Not a seacocks fan

This is when I realized the NFL was rigged. Not a seacocks fan.

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What am I suppose to see here?

>xirhawks can't control themselves


The fact they were 1 yard away and didn't run it in with a really good power back, and instead let a meme guy pass to a shit tier receiver.

how can you rig an interception?

The ultimate way to spot a casual is if they believe throwing on the 1 was a bad move, or that Lynch was invincible on the goal line. Give me Blount over lynch at the goal line any day

They didnt want to give Marshawn a higher contract extension so they wanted Rusell to win MVP cuz they were already going to pay him. Rigged for the Pats to win? No. Rigged for other reason like team corruption? Probably.

Anyone who knows football or has played at any level could've seen it was a lousy decision, that throw should never have been made. I saw the coverage read in the Patriots secondary.

They're one yard away from getting a safety by taking a knee in the endzone dumbshit

Maybe if all the had was him. Throwing at the one yard line is literally retarded when you not only have Lynch who likely could find a hole but Wilson can run too, they probably could've run a read option and gotten it in.

Whatever. You know what I'm referring to you slobbering imbicile

You're dumb as fuck. They could've easily gotten a run in and call for a timeout if it didn't work in time.

>nfl is rigged against the hawks

Did you even see the lions hawks game? Aside from the lions shittiness, the game was rigged against the lions from the start

Anyone who says to run it is fucking retarded

Lynch's stats running at the goal line was absolutely garbage

>NFL rigged against the newest meme team that wins 2/3rds of their games on refball garbage



It's Pete Carroll making a dumb decision. He also lost a natty at USC because he went for it on 4th and 1 at midfield with not much time left.

In my opinion it's all about Pete Carroll being an arrogant cunt that wanted to show the world with this meme play what a great coach he is. Luckily it failed.

>seahawks call timeout
>15 yard penalty and run off of 10 seconds

Has Tom Brady been bailed out in Super Bowls by other players more than any other quarterback?

Pete didn't make the call, Darell bevell made the call

>fall for a hard count Brady does constantly
>chimp out about it

That's the thing, he's never won a superb owl dominantly, but never got blown out either.

Of course. I can't count the times when Vinatierri missed a field goal in a superb owl and Brady had to march down the field to set up another chance for him.
Spoiler: the answer is 2

Guess who gave patriots the lead in the first place?

>goodell actually telepathically pete mind and also control ruslel into makibg that interception while giving butler the signal to end the game

nah man, Pete Caroll just wanted to make ammends

Any of you ever see the mic's up video? I love seeing Marshawn laughing in Pete's face.


>falls for hard count

rigged omg

>sports are rigged

It's entertainment you faggot, who cares.

>If the Seahawks did their due diligence and won this game, Brady would be 3-3 in Super Bowls
Fuck the Seahawks for choking this game and cementing Brady's legacy. I will never not be buttravaged.

Why would the NFL rig in favor of the Pats? Patswinlol makes the league less fun. No one will be excited for another superbowl with NE, and less people will watch because they're sick of it. I won't be watching if they are in it again.

>Seattle would be trying for their 3rd SB in 4 years and Brady would be in the twilight of his career
funny how different the narrative could be

what legacy? it was his first super bowl win in nearly ten years and he got caught cheating in the conference title game.

>I won't be watching if they are in it
Sure thing user, sure thing.

>Marshawn ABUSING New England all game long
>Down to the 1 yard line

Will Pete Carrol ever live this down?

>Malcom Butler makes interception in endzone
>Tom Brady: "WE DID IT!!!!"

their kicker

>I won't be watching if they are in it again.

>the refs rigged the lions giving up 160 yards to the shittiest O-line in the league
>the refs rigged the lions dropping several easy passes
>the refs rigged by making Bobby Wagner be a defensive monster


typical whitey taking credit for the black man's achievement

Bring this up on reddit and it's quite interesting to see the number of ass mad it conjures

Also nfls deal with Xbox stuff.

Nothing to see here xD

>bring this up on reddit

Maybe you should go back there

If you really knew football you would know quick slants are USUALLY (99/100 times) a safe and effective play for short yardage situations. But you're absolutely right they sound have run it

On Saurday the Hawks threw a TD pass 2 yards out in the 2nd quarter. I don't see anyone making threads about what a bad play call it was.

Pass for TD = great call
Pass and don't score a TD = terrible call

Wow it like it wasnt the superbowl and just running up thw score on the shitty lions

>running up the score

>he can't tell the difference between a safe play action pass and a quick slant into a crowded defensive front.

They only had 1 time out prior to the play.

They chose to run out the clock and do a pass play that way they would still have time for 2 run plays after if it failed.

Had they just ran it and it failed then they would be in the same spot. One more run play, or do a pass play then do a run play.

Had they not run out the clock and said "let's do 3 run plays" and got it in on the first one there would've been enough time for Brady to potentially score in response.

They wanted to run out the clock and get an extra play out while doing it. It was a smart move but it failed horribly.

Anyone who doesn't see this is a retard.

>safe play action

Not every sport is rigged for money
The only ones that are, are soccer and basketball

>Brady gets saved by loads of defensive injuries
>defense makes amazing play to win the game

Dumbest shit I've ever heard.

when they let ray lewis win one for his retirement party because he """""reenergized"""""" his team with his retirement announcement.
or when they let manning get one for his retirement party

>forgetting based brady leading the greatest sb comeback ever

underfucking rated post


gostkowski didnt kick any field goals in that super bowl

No, that was a retarded play call.

Clock preservation

I have literally never talked to anyone that has played football at any level that cares about that.

These posters have forgotten it was only second down. Not to mention if Lynch up the middle was so fucking obvious to you armchair offensive coordinators don't you think it was just as obvious to the Patriots D? A slightly risky throw by Wilson, and a tremendous individual effort by Butler but not a "bad" play call.

Hmm I wonder where the play call came from

>Pete Carroll: OH NO!

I love how when Seattle beat NE in the regular season we all got to see Richard Sherman acting like a child, like the poor winner he is, jumping around Tom asking him "you mad bro?". Then when NE beats them in the Owl Sherman walks over to shake Brady's hand and Brady, being the bigger man, the best man in the league, tells him "you're a hell of a player".

If the situation was reversed I'm sure the Seahawks would have acted like jack-asses again. So nice to see their "dynasty" crumbling.

He celebrated a win and took the loss like a man and congratulated Brady on the victory. Tf you mad about

Because he's a shitty IRL troll playing for a shit organization. Brady could have acted like an asshole when he beat them in the fucking SUPERBOWL, but he acted with more dignity and grace than those fools could muster after a regular season win.

Say nothing of the fact that Seattle still tried to start shit once the owl was well in hand. Culminating with Irving slapping at Gronk and then LITERALLY turning around and running into the arms of a referee for protection.

Ultimate bitch team.

Sherman congratulated broncos and stood up for Manning in the media after his Super Bowl win. Brady is a sore loser too who's had a ton of meltdowns

Give a single example of a Brady meltdown.

Sherman is a poor sport and piece of trash. Don't be pissed that your favorite team is fading into irrelevance, Vancouver Cancuck.

When agod cucked him

the ultra casuals dont realize that since the throw was the obvious play the Pats were expecting and playing for the pass

This. There were 18 tds thrown from the 1 league wide all season. Only 1 interception from the 1 which was Butlers. It had been so long since a patriot had intercepted from the 1, the guy who did it isnt even alive anymore (Seau). Also Lynch had 5 attempts from the 1 yard line that season, 2 were for loss and 2 more didnt gain any yards at all.

It wasnt a bad call, it was a great read by butler.

The pass interference was the worst.

Seahawk guy was practically holding Lions WR's leg for dear life.

It's almost as if the down and distance effects the play call and what is logical.

Bennett goes offsides more than any other player in the NFL.

he fucking fell hook, link and sinker for the hard count and handed NE the Owl


Seau died in 12'. Not THAT long ago

Hate the pats actually

The play im referring to was 2007

I was merely noting and amusing coincidence

You right
>muh hyperbole though

I can't shit on Wilson, this is what he saw when he started his throwing motion. Lockett looks wide open and Butler is obscured by Browner and Baldwin going at it.

I understand the reasoning behind the playcall too and really the catalyst for it all was the fact that Belichick didn't call a time out. I honestly believe the Seahawks thought they'd have a time out to talk the next play through, instead with the clock still running they said, hey let's throw that play we do all the time, which wasn't a terrible option as pointed out there was almost no chance of an INT. I believe there were no INTs on quick slants during the entire 2014 season as well.

wilson knew where he was throwing it before the play started. they had the pick all set up for him, he never looked anywhere else. it was a setup quick slant through and through

forgot webm. look at what #15 is doing here. the ball was never going to do anything besides get thrown where it did

you're the only bitch here it sounds like

Didn't brady chimp out during the seahawks game this season and throw his helmet into the bench like a bitch?

Oh yeah, it was definitely quick, but people need to give Butler more credit for coming out of absolutely nowhere as quick as he did and as hard as he did and making the only play that would give his team a win. Even if he just knocked the ball down odds are good the Hawks would have found a way in to the end zone.

It's an amazing play by Butler. He deserves a lot more credit than he gets.

lynch got WIDE OPEN, hell had he did a wheel and russ looked his way it would have been a different story. funny thing is, wilson telegraphed the shit out of that play, and lockett went soft. Butler made an awesome play

it was a bad play saved by a obvious offensive face mask

would have been offsetting penalties, the DPI was blatantly obvious.

I think the pats got dumpstered by the panthers, Brady walks off the field talking to a ref about a call going "THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT." It aired on live televison too, can't find a video online with his audio though.

I like how op proves he's a hawks fan while stating he isn't.

Its okay user ask your moms boyfriend for some anti depressants.

Not just that game. 90% of Seahawk games have random shit calls that help Seattle.

Russel Wilson's only super bowl was bc of a defense.

Agreed. Fuck shitattle I hope they never sniff another owl.

>ultimate bitch team

Truer words never spoken. But since they made it okay for millenials to bandwagon them Seattle makes the nfl bank. Get ready for more random calls to go in Seattle's favor. Gotta keep em strong.






I just don't understand the order of operations.

It was 2nd down with 1 time out left. Why not run it? It literally can't hurt you.

>forgetting Sherman shit talking manning that whole week prior.

Don't defend him and his ghetto shit personality. He's a typical black. When I'm winning everything is good when I'm losing its everyone else's fault while throwing a temper tantrum.

I feel like you've been blacked recently white boi

how does it feel knowing your 3 incher will never satisfy a woman?

dats how we do boi

dats how we do

motherfucker it's 3.5 inches. fuck you you don't know what i'm going through