All Wildcard games were a joke competitively. Not a single one was a close match...

All Wildcard games were a joke competitively. Not a single one was a close match. Wildcard series is pointless and shouldn't exist prove me wrong.

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>not expecting one team to beat another
please go watch more futbol pablo

Looks like someone got his wildcard predictions wrong, nt paco


>the NFL is top-heavy this year

We knew this in like week 2 amigo.

2010 Green Bay Packers
2011 New York Giant
2008 New York Giants
2005 Pittsburgh Steelers
2000 Baltimore Ravens
1997 Denver Broncos
1980 Oakland Raiders
1969 Kansas City Chiefs
Are the teams that won Owls.

1975 Dallas Cowboys
1985 New England Patriots
1992 Buffalo Bills
1999 Tennessee Titans
All made it as Wild cards teams.

Stay down because you just got beat the fuck out!

*2007 Giants
*2011 Giants weren't a Wild Card my bad I thought they were because I remembered them being 9-7 but they just won the division.

>last year all the wildcard teams won
>this year they lost


I watched the first quarter of GB/NYG before I want to bed last night. I enjoyed it a lot although I didn't understand one foul.

One question though, why did it stop every 5 mins and go to the pundits for a few minutes?

That's when the changes and teams are standing around getting ready for the next series. They go to the pundits to make it more interesting than watching a bunch of players discussing strategy with the coaches and getting on the field.


possession of the ball

So this stuff happens regardless of the timer instead of at the quarter breaks? That's weird.

There's 53 players on every nfl team, so you have to give them time to organize everyone. Some players play in different packages, special teams, and might need to move if there is an injury. It really only for about 30 seconds to a minute at most.

That Det@Sea game was especially disturbing.

Such horrible officiating, made my stomach turn.

Handegg playoffs should be played in two matches series with aggregate scoring, away point rule and, if draw persists, decision by field goals.

Every single wildcard game was dogshit this year.
>2 awful offenses in toxins vs raidurrs
>seahawks (owned by Microsoft guy) get several (((((favorable calls))))) against the loins.
>lelphins couldn't hold spaghetti
>Beckmeme Jr. and his crew still had sore anuses from the yacht party

what's y'all favorite wild card game of all time?


bungals vs stoolers last year in the murderb owl

What a horribly reactionary opinion.

>Reminder that matches are not played over two legs.

But why?

The NFL should play a 14-game regular season schedule and the two #1 seeds should play in the Super Bowl as was originally intended. This watered-down 12-team tournament dickery (((they))) insult us with now is just extended adult daycare to keep player motivation up and felonies down.

>play in AFC/NFC South with 6 free wins if your team is just mediocre
>go to owl
yeah okay

those last 5 minutes of self destruction and spaghetti were the greatest

i still fucking belly laugh thinking about the game thread during that

They serve as a test
If you are the home team and loses clearly you shouldn't be there. It's a correction of sorts

nfl fucked up again switch the pats and falcons game

patriots are going to broadcast a live slaughter on tv

All four division winners in the wild card rounds lost to the wild card teams last year.

Packers/Giants was very competitive into the 3rd quarter until the Pack pulled away.

>nfl fucked up again
They don't flip a coin to decide which teams play against eachother. It was always going to be first seed (in this case the Pats) vs lowest seed winning from the wild cards (in this case the Texans).

If Wildcard didn't weed out weak/injured teams like Oakland, then Divisional would have those shit games instead.

It's working as intended, idiot.

2009 - Arizona vs Green Bay

Garbage opinions. Go watch another sport.

Beastmode land dragon was best




Useless. In handegg, it's a story of mindgame, if your system is bad one day, it won't be okay a week after, you'll need at least a month to get something correct. Plus, 20 games a year is already too much for the players.

>One man offensive line cheese

Why does this always happen to the pats?

Switch the schedule to 1x round robin (15 games) with no divisions. Super bowl is the only cross-conference game.

what did you expect this year
it was:
>team that is just broken because their god QB broke (Raiders) v. A team that sucks but actually has all their people (Texans)
>fraud team that did way better than they should have (Giants) v. actual very good team (Packers)
>the fucking steelers v. literally who?
>the fucking seahawks v. Matt Stafford, Who is a god but lacks a team. If Matt Stafford had literally nobody else but a single generic receiver the Lions would have done just as well as the Lions did irl

Beast Quake proves you wrong.

injuries made it the Mild card weekend

Wildcard exist to allow good teams playing in a competitive division to axcess the playoffs, is not hard to understand.

Imagine a division where the first team was 15-1 and the second 14-2, while on another division the champion was a 9-7.

That's actually an awesome idea, why should bad teams get a favourable schedule just because they play in a shit division? The NFL insists on "maintaining rivalries" even though there is only 2 or 3 legitimate rivalries. Good team vs good team always better than "historic rivalry". I still think they could have playoffs but maybe only top 4 teams from each conference, or top 8 overall regardless of conference. They really just need to abolish divisions, they don't even all make sense geographically.