Anyone else get this shit on their neck? How the fuck do you get rid of it?

Anyone else get this shit on their neck? How the fuck do you get rid of it?

It's called acne nigga, clean yourself more often.

you apply soap to it

Wash the sheets on your pillows at least once a week. While you're at it, wash all your sheets. Probably buy some new ones. Then just shower daily. Don't overdo soap, just wipe with a clean wash cloth daily.

Thats herpes. Don't do chicken fights with whores in the pool.


also, look into your diet and try upping your water intake to 4L a day. Some sun never hurts either you fucking ghost fuck.

acne 101: clean pillow case every day. And try tea tree oil based products. That shit's amazing on skin.

Cystic acne. Wash your self with soap and eat less greasy food you nasty fuck.

I recommend though that you get a tub of noxema from Walmart and exfoliate your neck and put some noxema on it. Let it sit for like 10 minutes then wash it off. May help.

Aloe vera. From the actual plant.

>tea tree oil

Also, don't wash acne with regular soap. that'll make it worse. use baby shampoo, seriously. Or something prescription, but if you're picking off the shelf, get baby shampoo.

Me personally, I have a good tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner and I clean my face with that when I shower.

Clean up your diet and take showers after you sweat a lot. I have eczema and this works for me. I've noticed that tobacco chew can trigger it also

OP here. Thanks for all of your input, I'm about to order some tea tree soap right now. I drink and smoke very heavily and I need to stop and switch to a water diet. Any more advice is welcome.

that's sailors rot bro. spray some pesticide on it.

>Some sun never hurts either you fucking ghost fuck.

Not him, but sun hurts quite a bit. It's the number 1 cause of premature aging and skin cancer. Tanning is never good or healthy in any form.

The reason regular soap will make it worse is because soap will dry out your skin. Your skin will produce more oil to compensate for the dryness and end up clogging itself up. Moisturizing is hard too cause most stuff has oils so you got to find your own balance cause everybody is different.

I find that drinking cucumber water helps for me too. I have a jug with a spout and I fill it with hot water. I skin a cucumber and slice it into thin slices and put the slices in and set it in the fridge to cool. My skin keeps its moisture so much better now. I don't even use lotion anymore.

Cystic acne may take longer to heal because it's not just the pore, it's actually clogged up to the point it's under the skin itself. I very occasionally get a cystic pimple and I get this thing from Walmart called "draw out salve" and place it on and leave it there for a couple hours. It smells like tar and can stain everything but it pulls stuff from my pores really well. You should give that a try too.

I'm sorry to tell you this, OP, but you have AIDS.

If the natural remedies don't work for you there are some amazing prescription medicines to help. Shits expensive though. You might start with some over the counter benzoyl peroxide wash for the shower. There's no science in support of salicylic acid so skip that one.


Stump fucking girls that are positive for the mumps

I'll check that out, thanks user.

Mix aspirin (you probably need at least 20 for this) & water until you have a thick paste; just add a little hot water at a time and stir. Take the paste and apply it liberally, sit as still as possible. Wait until its completely dried then scrape the dried paste off and wipe the rest off with water. Be sure to remove it when its dried, if you leave it on any longer, or don't rinse it well afterward, your ears can start ringing.
Repeat up to 3 times a day.
It works better than expensive creams and a bottle of generic aspirin is super cheap.

Scratching usually works

Three dubs, believe that. Dubs of truth

Popping a big puss filled one that hurts on the back of my head is very satisfying

If you scrape it lightly with a razor the bumps go away over a week or so

Use a chainsaw

razor to the neck and let the acne bleed out. just saying

That's folliculitis, and pretty severe, too, you should contact a doctor to get antibiotic treatment immediately, and DO NOT TOUCH IT as the reason as it has developed is because of the infection/damage brought to the hair follicules in the first place

At that stage, see a lifecoach. Jesus fuck you've let yourself go user.

Don't listen to this fucktard OP... It's almost certainly an ingrown toenail. A frontal lobotomy will be necessary for confirmation.. Trust me, I passed the Bar exam for gynecology..

You have about three things that might be wrong with you:

1) It's just a normal Acne. If cleaning does not help, you might have a type of yeast living in your body that makes acne worse. Doctors can prescribe certain antibiotics to take care of it.

2) You might have hormone level balance issues making normal Acne even worse. You neccessary don't need to go to doctor about it. Just work out, eat good food and have plenty of sex with women.

3) This is not as common but it exists. You might have a rare type of celiac disease that does not fuck up your insides when you eat wheat products but the skin instead. It does not always show up in the basic tests they do about celiac disease.

It makes the skin all fucked up and Acne like symptoms and other types of rashes may appear out of nowhere.

See doctor about it and change what you eat. There is no cure btw.

I use my exact-O knife razor, the tip, and lance them then squeeze. Take a few punctures with the really deep ones but works and fast too! The oain is worth it, just clean with an alcohol wipe and use Neosporin.

Kek, op has to become a vegan. Kill yourself op, your only options are to be a faggot or a disgusting pizza neck.


Don't listen to this fucktard, OP... It's almost certainly an ingrown toenail. A frontal lobotomy will be necessary for confirmation, but trust me, I passed the Bar exam for gynecology..

Well they have gluten free bread and other stuff like that these days that do not trigger the celiac disease symptoms.

Also because hipsters like gluten free foods for some over hyped tublr reason, normal markets have plenty of gluten free products these days that originally were ment for those that have cheliac disease.

This is also a possibility. Incurable virus that causes cysts.

Isoretionin is a powerful chemical. Took it for two weeks,my back has significantly less acne ever since.
I have tried many things,washing,lotions etc. Nothing helped. But that stuff.its nasty stuff,but so efficient.

ITT: Faggots implying acne has to do with how much one showers.

Medfag here. Acne, and the following hints help to get rid of it: Avoid following food: pork, tuna. Eat more vegetables, avoid sweetness in big amounts.
Use tea tree oil to disinfect the skin every day. This helps more than all the other fucking stuff as Clearasil and shit.
Drink water. Add magnesia tablets to Your food (drugstore) min 400 mg /day. Keep Your body basic in chemical sense with eating potatoes, vegetables, fruit (but less sweet), berrys. Eat walnuts, almonds (a small amount/day).
Remember that the healing of skin takes up to 6 weeks, but You will see success early. Good luck

stop juicing

>Gros user
go get your dick looked at that much shaft hair and zits can't be healthy

accutane, just do it.