Why is he so underrated? The man has been a top 7 receiver since 2010, he constantly puts up the best numbers...

Why is he so underrated? The man has been a top 7 receiver since 2010, he constantly puts up the best numbers. Just this year he had 14 touchdowns. He got injured last night and literally no one gives a shit, it's a pretty big blow even for Rodgers

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Because he's overrated and the media rides his dick

He's white and a hardcore douchebag

literally because he got injured and it didn't matter at all

Because he doesn't play for a sexy team and he doesn't do anything to draw attention to himself.

because rodgers just annihilated a playoff team without him

Literally who

This. He's a farm boy living in Wisconsin and has a small media presence.

Cause he played in a division with a better WR and isn't top 5 so no one cares about him

Pretty much this. He's a respectful white man on a team of other respectful players and led by god. He doesn't stand out

>doesn't play for a sexy team

packers literally featured every week. Joe buck and troy aikman have called every one of their games this season not on prime time

He is only good because of rodgers

Uhhhh who the hell are you talking about?

If you say Alshon you should kys

What kind of complications happened to him in the womb that caused him to be born looking like that? What are these severe head and face defects called?

This. Rodgers can make literally any WR look great.

That's true, but the packers are still a step below the Cowboys or the Patriots or the Giants.


Learn to read retard.

glass body

He was talking about Calvin Johnson bruh

The same reason Marques Colston got absolutely zero recognition.

>step below the giants
pls no


>packers aren't a sexy team

qb and lb both white and on commercials 24 hours a day

featured game every week

bandwagon fans all across the country

>muh packers are a humble blue collar lunch pail ride the neighborhood kids bike to practice meme

He's a Rodgers babby

>Their mascot is cheese on their heads

He's a good lad. He get me a lot of points in fantasy and helped win me the league. Except that game the Packers blew out a team and he had 1 reception for 8 yards.

Because the media has to pretend like Aaron has no good players on his team.

>small media presence

Oh, it's this lie again

>He's a respectful white man on a team of other respectful players and led by god. He doesn't stand out

Why does this matter to Americans?

It doesn't, that's his point

I don't think he's underrated but he's not overrated either. In a tight situation he is by far the best go to guy for the Packers. However as they proved last year and again last night the Packers don't need him to win games. He's a great safety net though.

Because he is a pathetic little white boi. Needs to play a white boi position like line men or something

Only good cause of Rogers and glass body

Retard meaning below Troy and Joe calling the games

I didn't say the Packers I said Jordy Nelson. I know reading comprehension probably isn't your strong suit, but try again.

Because he's a farmboy from Kansas and that's who he is. He doesn't go to clubs, he doesn't brag on twitter. He just plays football.

He tends farm in the offseason. It's hard to be in the spotlight when you bail hay and milk cows.

Probably why he's so popular here in rural Wisconsin too. It's like he's a native around here.

Yeah, I hear a lot of people here, particularly people with familes, talk about how Jordy is a good influence for their kids

Well he's white and doesn't act like a nigger.

So win/win

He also keeps a pretty low profile. Instead of going on a tirade all last season about being out for the whole season he worked on his family farm. Farm work is a great way to stay in shape too and probably helped build that strength up while he couldn't train how he normally would.

He's a good man

Cowboys fan here, i hoped he would be sore but i just read the highlight diagnosis:

>Concerns for Jordy Nelson are broken ribs, pneumothorax (collapsed lung) and splenic laceration with blow occurring on his left side.

Jesus I would only wish that on like Suh, sherman, ... and maybe belichek

It's okay - Jordy will enjoy a summer on the farm and be back next year. He's not even ruled out for the game against the Boyz, but I think we should keep him out


The fuck are you talking about? The Packers are the medias golden boys.

Cobb and Matthews are far from worth their pay and get loved all season long.

>pretty big blow even for Rodgers

Intentional or Freudian slip?

The only peeps that underrate him, are those that try to say Rodgers has had a worse team and weapons than Brady.

Rodgers has had worse weapons than Brady. Brady had Moss and Gronkowski. Rodgers had Nelson. Nelson is great but Moss and Gronk are HoF shoe ins

>rodgers sure is a great QB
>lol he's a nelsonbabby

>jordy sure is a great WR
>lol he's a rodgersbabby

These are just concerns from someone who saw the play and wanted attention. Nothing is official yet.

>>Concerns for Jordy Nelson are broken ribs, pneumothorax (collapsed lung) and splenic laceration with blow occurring on his left side.

this wasnt the real diagnosis, it was just some """expert""" pontificating about what it "could be"

you fell for the fake news bruh

because he has that particular tint of hair color called J U S T


He broke at least 2 ribs according to Rapoport.

correct term is fractured

broken would have been way worse

could still play but fractured ribs hurt like a bitch and take forever to heal

Moss had one year where he was a factor. Gronk is injured more often then not.

Granted, Patsfags tend to exaggerate the extent of the "NO WEPINZ" argument, but for his first three title wins Brady was throwing to literal whos.

>one fucking pro bowl selection

Ignorant casuals detected. Do you even watch football. Have you not seen those tightrope sideline catches he makes?


Pretty sure Deion Branch won a SB MVP

Because idiots only cares about what E!SPN tells them.

Muh East Coast Bias