OFFICIAL Pie Power Rankings

1. Pumpkin
2. Apple
3. Strawberry Rhubarb
4. Boston Crème
5. Cherry

9000. Banana Cream
9001. Lemon Meringue

90000000000001. Custard

I miss old Sup Forums

Janitors ruined this place. Also.

>1. Pumpkin
>no fudge

>#1 not Cream

Janitors and mods. Both deserve to get nuked. It's a shame what they did.

>no buttermilk

>not pizza pie

>pumpkin that high
>no pecan anywhere

Shit list

>pork not #1
>no steak and ale
>no black pudding and sausage
>no fish
>no chicken and mushroom

How did janitors ruin Sup Forums?

1. Steak and black pudding
2. Steak and kidney
3. Meat and Tattie
4. Pork
5. Chicken and mushroom
6. Fish
7. Fruit pies
90001. Pizza '''pie'''
90000001. Pumpkin pie

haha old Sup Forums was so fuunny and relatible

Delete any even slightly off-topic thread. Hell, even if they are sports-related they delete them.

>blueberry not listed

1. Big L
2. Notorious B.I.G
3. 2Pac
4. Nas
5. Big Punisher
6. Ice Cube
7. Eminem
8. Dr. Dre
9. Guru
10. Kanye West

1. Pecan
2. Apple
3. Pumpkin
4. Banana Cream
5a. Blueberry
5b. Peach

900000000000001. everything else

>pecan not 1
>pecan not even on the list

>no key lime

fuck off OP

>Strawberry Rhubarb not #1
>No Sheppard's pie
>No Pumpkin Cheese cake pie
>Having any chocolate pie what so ever

>fudge pie

>9001. Lemon meringue pie
We gonna have a problem here?

Savoury pies

Dessert """pies"""

1. Chicken Balti
2. Steak variants
3. Meat and potato
4. Pork
5. Huntsman

24. Chicken and mushroom

94. Fish

90000000000000001. Stargazy

>mfw when a Brit put meat in a pie near me

>no title

m8 rappers aren't pies


>No title
>Kanye on the list at all
>No MF Doom
>No Lil B
>No Kool Kieth/Dr Octagon
>No dalek

Chicken is good tho senpai but I am gagging at everything else they're listing. Thankfully British "cuisine" will never leave that dreary little island.

>sleeping on Sweet Potato Pie
>not even putting Chicken Pot Pie
apply yourself

>Only one mention of shephard's pie

is this real life


get the fuck out of here billybob joe

>hating kanye
>wanting MF Meme on the list

>No chicken pot pie
kys that ranking in reverse? custard is goat, and both lemon and banana are superior to pumpkin and apple. apple is by far the most overrated of pies. i ate pumpkin for the first time in my life this halloween, and it was horrible.

>mf meme
>as if kanye wasn't the bigger meme

>not sneaking in a cheeky creampie

>sugar cream not listed
>chocolate mousse not listed
>key lime not listed
>cheesecake not listed

Kanye himself is a meme (a great one), but his music is top tier

>cheesecake ever

I would take Madlib over Kanye any day and could name 20 MCs better than him.

>no pecan

shit list, OP