Has the topic of the guy that ran/biked/skateboarded next to the car jumping over obstacles when you were a kid ever been brought up in a movie or television show?
Has the topic of the guy that ran/biked/skateboarded next to the car jumping over obstacles when you were a kid ever...
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He only followed the gutter and had to jump from when there was a side street.
Anyone who says he followed Street lights or telegraph polls is objectively wrong.
What if it wasn't just imagination?
What if the guy was real?
i really want to know this too. its kind of weird when you think about it. i'm taking this to Sup Forums to see if its just an american thing
I'm french and I did it
Yeah my dude was the same, never even considered the light poles, although I think he jumped over them from time to time.
I NEVER did this.
But i did, in rainy days, imagine the running drops of water, on my dad's car window as the car went on, racing each other.
This is a reminder that if you ever did what is described in OP's pic you are autistic.
i DID often pretend it was sonic... you might be on to something.
I'm Australian and I did it.
>that kid who was such a contrarian faggot since age 5 that he never even did this
i can confirm that only autistic people do this
interesting, I used to do the same thing only I pictured him as invincable Mario and the cars couldn't hurt him
Mine were my group of imaginary dinosaur friends. I was a very lonely child.
I'm Irish and I did it, but it was with a ninja who could only jump from hedges or poles
Autistic person reporting in (diagnosed at Minds & Hearts in Brisbane, Australia, the world's foremost authorities on Asperger's Syndrome)
While I myself didn't do this, I'm at least 95%-certain that those who did, are autistic.
It's brought up by Kerouac in On the road.
Doubt it was included in the movie adaptation.
Diagnosed with aspergers in 97 and I did this.
>While I myself didn't do this, I'm at least 95%-certain that those who did, are autistic.
medical student here. Tufts university has a 100 question autism clinical examination for autism and this is one of the questions you are supposed to ask kids.
If they say yes they get one point. 25 points or higher out of 100 and you are in the autism spectrum.
#77 is Do you collect coins, buttons, baseball cards or other objects of a similar type. (SONIC THE HEDGEHOG CONFIRMED AUTISTIC)
It was me lol
it wasn't some guy. it was me on a hoverboard.
I did the alphabet with license plates going in A - Z order.
Seeing a guy running next to your car is autistic though
I did the same thing except that my guy was just a little dot instead and it had to jump on top of the hedges and fences and whatnot
I literally have asperger's syndrome
I didn't so this. It seems kind of retarded.
turk/german here
also did it. dont know if its just me but he was often a certain character who'd fit for parkour/running, like spiderman or some other comic/anime character
I imagined a flying chainsaw robot that was cutting down the trees as we went past
oh yeah. I imagined this one sometimes too.
I imagined stuff being cut but it wasn't a robot or anything, it was like an invisible laser came out of my eyes
Did the same shit, but it was just some kind of guy IIRC.
I also imagined I'd chop down trees with a sword or something while driving by.
I also collected rocks and always brought some shit with me when I was coming home from school.
I was a fucking weird child/teen and I'm plenty sure that there was something wrong with me.
14 years of smoking weed and a couple of hearty shroom trips finally cured me, though.
Congrats mate, you're normal.
Croatian here. Mine jumped over light poles.
Mine was a bunny with a twisted look on his face. He cut light poles in two using fire that came out of his nose.
Btw I'm brazilian.
Dane here. Also did it
get out off my country fucking roach
Another Croatian. I also did this. Still sometimes do.
I'm telling merkel
Finnish, I did this too. Although I thought of it as a projection of myself instead of some other dude.
Italian and did it
Why would doing this makes you an autist ?
It sounds like typical bored child + video game
You can't play right now so you imagine a game
>Sonic was my running guy
My dude was a jedi that would cut cars/lightpoles/people in half
Link to the questions?
Lets step up the autism
>riding my bike as a kid
>imagine lightly pulling the front brake (not enough to slow the speed) made the front wheel cut shadows when riding over them
Oh I totally did this! Haha I thought I was the only one.
My dude was this really skinny guy with grey skin. He'd like leap and jump over objects as he was running along beside the car. I came up with various rules like he had to jump over things like mailboxes, but he could jump up and run along power lines if things were getting too complicated at street level.
As he was running he'd always have his face turned to me with the goofiest grin. He had black eyes and he'd always look at me like he was putting on a big show and wanted to watch my reaction.
I went on a lot of trips as a kid, so good thing he was entertaining, but sometimes it kind of creeped me out that he was there. A couple of times, like in tunnels, he ran right beside the car with his face almost touching the glass of my window, and he made me kind of scared because he was so gross and he smelled bad, but it was just part of the game.
One of those times, on summer vacation when we were driving down to see my grandma, the AC in the car was broke, so I had the window cracked and I asked him why he always ran like that. He whispered over the wind that it was his job to eat my soul when I died, and he didn't want to miss it. Haha kids come up with the stupidest things.
Anyway, that kind of scared me and I started ignoring him and I stopped seeing him after a while, but sometimes when I'm out driving my car late at night I still think I see him out of the corner of my eye.
I'd make a good horror movie
I only did this if it was at night. I'd imagine there was something chasing us, a humanoid shape but definitely not human. The only rule was that he couldn't step into the light and that he'd stand still once the car stopped moving though our speed had no bearing on his so whenever we'd be stuck in traffic I'd imagine he would have finally caught up and was lurking just out of view of all the lights while getting ready to pounce.
Haven't been diagnosed with autism but I'm probably somewhere on the spectrum.
My guy ran and jumped kinda like the hulk. It was a great time waster as there's literally nothing more shitty and boring than sitting in a fucking car.
i did it, but the rule was he couldnt touch the ground, usually he would race along gaurd rails and jump from mile marker to signpost or whatever was convenient
It'd make a better WTF moment in a anime.
Jackie Chan mentions it on an episode of Jackie Chan Adventures
I wasn't really an edgy kid but I imagined a laser or saw cutting down trees and lamp posts
There's really nothing mysterious about it at all. Kids are bored out of their mind in a car and the outside looks like a super fast obstacle course.
it was spiderman jumping from car to car
I saw a dead Nelson Mandela riding one of the Berenstein bears.
This was in the 1980's too
I'm french but never saw this a "guy", but rather as some sort of giant meat cleaver acting like a drinking bird, going up and down between poles or cars at various speed, cleaving buildings and cars he met on his way, then graciously bouncing back.
Whenever it was raining I imagined the cleaver was controled by our car's windshield wipers, and it was a huge trill because if the wipers were all the way down when the car passed a pole/car, it meant the pole/car had crashed into the landed meat cleaver.
English and I would do the same thing.
Finnish here.
I always tapped my index finger against my thigh or somethin when the car was aligned with a light pole.
Sometimes I tapped 2-3 times in between the poles, so that the car doesn't align with the lights when I tap.
I've no idea what that was about.
I use to use raindrops or dirt smudges on the windows. I'd use my head to make them move around things like traffic lights or signs. Kinda like an obstacle course or whatever.
hey fun fact: all of our brains are literally the same. we all do the same shit. we're literally the same beings as one another. why is it surprising we do the same shit?
wonder if it's just correlated with growing up playing side scrolling video games. need to pose this question again to adults 10 years from now.
I think a staggeringly high percentage of people believe in souls and thus their entire comprehension of what it means to be human is deeply flawed. They think they're made of magic or something, rather than a material product of evolution.
wtf I did this but id always imagine myself doing all the stunts in badass outfits.
and here's tom with the weather
I used to imagine a witch flying next to the road and she would switch sides at every power line pole
I did this but my guy was a naked man with an enormous penis. He used it like a pogo stick and would bounce from light pole to light pole.
The rule was that if he ever missed a pole and his dick touched the ground, he had to get in the car and touch my penis. Then he could go back out and continue his bouncing.
Similar but with Sonic & Knuckles instead. I felt that Knuckle's gliding ability gave me some leeway when there were gaps in street lights
I'm brazillian and I did it, sometimes he had a skate and went gringing the houses' rooftops, sometimes he was parkouring the cars on my side, and then it goes.
Go to sleep, Jack Kerouac.
hah, how interesting. Brazil here, in my case it a ninja with a big sword that cut objects along the way
Are you me? But sometimes this fella crawls into my bedroom at night through my window, he comes with friends that looks like him and they keep staring at me until I sleep, at first it was scary, now I'm used to it.
Two things come to mind for this. First off it's probably to do with inate path tracking in the subconscious. Since your moving quickly across terrain the brain starts mapping paths and routes for as it goes just as an exercise.
The other could be its a sympton of television or videogame excess especially since for most of us side scrollers were the norm at a very young age.
The thing to do for the second half would be to see what the earliest mention of this phenomenon is.
Pixelated sprite parkour guy with lots of different animations reporting in.
I imagined my car moved and acted like a leopard jumping from shadow to shadow, if I was on a bus and the trafic was too busy it would jump on the phone wires so it could get to my destination faster
I sometimes imagined an animal jumping or running around and I barely played any videogames
>playing my gameboy during a car ride
>sudden urge to throw it out the window
Unless that's some kind of obscure film format you need to leave immediatly
American here, I imagined one that would use power lines mostly, this is so weird, I never knew this many people did this.
>not a sudden urge to open the door and jump out
Maybe it has to do with playing platformer games? Or video games at all? A couple people mentioned that they imagined Mario or Sonic.
threads like this just depress me as I realise I'm normal and just have a complex that makes me feel like I'm special or important
>Holding a knife.
>Suddenly has the urge to stab someone near me.
>Get scared by the thought.
>Throw it away.
Are you on an SSRI?
You never played video games? Ever? Not even as a kid?
Did you ever watch TV when you were younger?
What did your running guy look like?
its a tough realization user, but it's really not so bad
Austrian and one running guy i remember was inuyasha.
>see a pretty girl outside wearing yoga pants
>fight the urge to grab her ass and run away
I'd have Goku, Spider-Man and Sonic sometimes, even though I never even played or liked Sonic.
underrated vid for this thread
As a kid I pretty much only played the Bugs Life and the Disney Tarzan adaptations, I'm the leopard car guy, the laser/saw guy and the random animal running and jumping guy
Yeah, but I only take it because of my anxiety, I don't have these OCDs anymore
honestly it should be legal to do this
Collecting things is now autistic? That's just fucking retarded.
>driving home
>think about turning in to head on traffic
stop brain
>near someone
>start getting increasingly annoyed by their everyday actions
>begin visualizing myself bashing their head in
>have to leave or put on music and pretend they aren't there
Its not like they are even doing anything especially annoying. Just normal things and it doesn't matter who it is. Can be a relative, a friend or someone I don't even know.
>tfw afraid I might someday snap
Seriously, what causes that shit? I get it almost every time I'm running or near some ledge.