G/fur: equine crotch cannon edition

g/fur: equine crotch cannon edition

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I think he left a while ago.

Don't have too much longer here myself.


You mean as in the furry fandom? No.

I will when it is finished.

Define poor quality.

I would leave but now I have to wait for Nibi.
My troubles came back and I'm afraid tormenting him is the only thing that can help me right now.

I told you once, I'm the only one allowed to torment him.

Please. I need this.

For the finale before I go, we're going full on regular gay horse porn of the four legged variety.



The Arabian breed just physically looks like the twink of the horse world.

You're the boss.
I'm begging you. I'm afraid I'm going to hurt myself.


There's a town in Austria called "Fucking."


Kill yourself, piece of shit. Useless faggot.



That's not my business.

I have too much to do first, but that's on my to do list.


Fine. I don't need your permission anyway.





I just wanna say that the last six days have maybe been the best six days of my whole life.
>Immediately after making this statement Royal realized that it was true.

Yes you do.

And to finish some cervid debauchery. That's it for me. G'night you degenerate monsters.


would you fuck a horse?

What are you going to do about it?


Hell no. I remember what happened to mr hands.



Politely ask you to stop.

Not who you're replying to but have you learned nothing from my horse ass posting? You don't have to bottom. Anyway, goodnight for reals now.


All right, I've got a deal for you.
You made me forget my troubles before. If you can do it again before he shows up I'll leave him alone.




I don't even know who you are. I don't remember what I did or said that made you feel better.




Conversing in general seemed to do the trick.
I don't know what to talk about so that's up to you. Lucky for you I'm halfway there already.



oh thank god the next thread is based around gorgeous stallion cock


What is your favorite book?

someone say stallion cock


i did you beautiful stallion, you
furry or not stallion cock is the cock of gods

Metro 2033.
I generally don't read but I really enjoyed this one.

i agree





i love stallion cock with this pink blotched colour

I have not read that book. What do you read in general? As in what genre.

who doesn't

Oh great and powerful horsecock, I'm sorry for doubting you. The dog dong was trying to tempt me.





That's the only book I've read in years. I haven't read books consistently since I was a child reading R.L.Stine. I like to read about past wars but I've been keeping it to online articles so far. Even then I haven't read those in at least a year.


I read constantly. Right now I am reading Death on the Installment Plan and a biography of Agnes Martin.

What kind of book is the former?

I'm reading Dune by Frank Herbert right now.

A philosophical novel on man's search for meaning and happiness, and how more often than not they find only suffering and moral ambiguity.

A friend showed me the movie. I tried to like it but it just dragged on. I guess it would be more interesting to people familiar with the franchise.


David Lynch was slated to direct the film adaptation, but he completed only part of it before leaving the production because he didn't like it.

What sort of setting does it have? I think my friend would like something like that but he's really picky about settings.



Paris before, during, and after the Nazi occupation. It slips back and forth between time periods as well as fantasies the narrator has.

Not for him then. He likes sci fi, Tolkien style fantasy and nothing else.

He sounds horribly boring.

i wish i was that stallion being used


He can be at times but he's basically my only real world contact outside of work so I have to appreciate the friendship we have.

do you swallow his dick while you close your eyes and think of stallions

That sounds awful. I would rather be alone than hang out with someone boring.

Nope. He's never explicitly stated that he's not gay but the idea of anal disgusts him so I think it's a safe bet. He's not my type anyway.
I would hate to be alone. Especially now. Earlier this year we spent months without hearing from each other and I was considering suicide not long before I heard from him again.


I love being alone. People tend to exhaust me.

everyone enjoys having their cock sucked when their eyes are closed, just close yours two and imagine stallions till u feel something warm splash against your throat

I used to be like that but something changed in me this year. I don't know what caused it but I've also become very emotional.

Interesting, I used to hate being alone. I'd get cooped up. Now going anywhere except a few places seems like a chore.

I'd suck him but he's my friend and I have to respect his boundaries.
I get that. Going out and seeing people still feels like a chore but if I'm alone for too long it starts to depress me.

You're too invested in other people. What do you want to do with your life?

A smaller one, sure. But i would try and suck the cream out of a larger stallion.