Wait. Is he actually going to win? I thought we were just memeing

Wait. Is he actually going to win? I thought we were just memeing

Other urls found in this thread:

robotictechnologyinc.com/images/upload/file/Presentation Military Memetics Tutorial 13 Dec 11.pdf

memes are not jokes

Lets put it this way, every news site you go to save maybe fox will tell you he will lose. Meanwhile Obama is using his position to impose martial law during the transition this winter. Trump could very possibly win and its the dirty circuit polite company wont say out loud.

I want pleddit to leave

wait isn't Sup Forums just satire? guys??? it is satire right guys? Please, I need someone to validate my preconceived notions.

Kek made that real.

You cant stump the trump faggot

Stop worrying about my awesome country.

>wins Florida
>wins Ohio
>wins Pennsylvania

it's happening


I thought it was satire too. Now that I see it's not, I'm /renaissancin'for'johnson/ now

Sometimes memes become dreams become reality

Memes are an epistemologically demostrated phenomenon.

this is why he should pick Kasich no matter what


He has a chance. Less than 50%, but it's a real chance.

we were discussing his chances in another thread

short answer: no, he will most likely not win

>Sup Forums is satire meme.

Why wouldn't you choose the greatest man on earth as the leader of the free world?

it's significantly less than 50%


>hillary at 4/11
>trump at 2

this puts hillary at 73.3% and trump at 33.3%. and those are the best odds for him.

You played with meme majicks friend. Deal with it.

>odds market

The same markets that had JEB and Rubio at 75% figures at one point

>106.6% total



Go away shill

do you know what an outlier is?


trump has literally never been winning against hillary. he has been even with her briefly, but he has never been winning against her. for you to cite literally the only poll that shows him beating her, within the margin of error and from one of the least accurate pollsters available, makes you the shill.

how much is trump paying you to post here?

Not super reliable. I don't know about this one specifically, but most polls combine Sanders supporters and Clinton supporters on Clinton's side even though as many as 30-50% of Sander supporters won't vote for Clinton (some even voting for Trump). The numbers will likely not be accurate until that cuck, Sanders finally admits defeat.

There have 5million more Republican votes cast than Democrat this primary.
Do you think the Dems are going to magically show up in November while all the Repubs stay at home?

That's 6.6% above 100%. I don't care about your odds game, I rolled Yahtzee 3 times in a row once, faggot.

Hillary will have to step it up by bussing millions of nigs to the polls in exchange for crack money.

>voting for Trump will probably be the highlight of my year

Idk but I just think it's funny seeing bernie boys on suicide watch because it's coming down to their two biggest enemies Hillary and Trump. But which one will get the Bernie vote

Some people only get half of how deep that is.

trump is losing every demographic except white men, and even with white men he is doing worse than romney did vs obama.

to help trump, all of those extra 5 million voters would have to be ONLY conservative white more, and they would all have to live in ohio, pennsylvania, and florida. otherwise, increased turnout only hurts him.

idk. The entire media is in shill mode, telling lies about him, mocking him, and putting words in his mouth.

Women and niggers are dumb as fuck and believe everything they see on facebook etc.

We can only hope there are enough chads to make supporting Trump acceptable

>listening to the general election polls this early in the race

The Democratic primaries aren't even over yet you stupid faggot

A black guy told me he did this. Said he used to be in politics. Asked what he did specifically. He said he gave out weed in exchange for votes.

Same guy also told me he was an inspector for public housing at one point. He'd give the hood mamas a pass in exchange for blow jobs.

> being serious on Sup Forums

OK, grandad.

he's turn people like my brother, a 31yr old working class family man that has never voted in his life, into a republican that wants to vote for him and was pissed he couldnt register to vote for him in the primaries. so yea, hes going win and hes bringing a lot of people around to voting again...

>memes are not jokes

>31yr old working class family man
Hate to tell you, but there are a lot more spics and nigs than guys like him.

>Hate to tell you, but there are a lot more spics and nigs than guys like him.
>61% non-hispanic whites
fuck off nigger.

Alex Jones pls stop

This thread made me wonder
So I looked at polls for swing states
I gave to trump every state with one or more of the most recent polls with trump with the margin of error
Even then, he would need to sure up pretty much every swing state
Most of these polls don't add up to 100% with both candidates so unless you think 5% or more will vote 3rd party, trump still has a chance of winning rather than tying

>just memeing
You underestimate the power of meme at your own peril!

Keep looking, but let me give you some info.

Magic involves intent and consent. Your intentions imbued into a symbol or mantra will have a subtle effect on outcomes especially with repetition and other people seeing / imbuing their own emotion into it.


Replying with "Build Wall" over and over with many people attributing humor or some sort of emotion to the phrase empowers it. The implications of Sup Forums and other meme sites spamming mantras over computers which are sort of like spells to brainwash people is nothing short of absurd. But this kind of knowledge has been interwoven for a long time into many religions and myths. The future isn't completely determined and we're able to steer the outcomes slightly.

Consent I mean in that you allow your emotions (some sort of life force) into being used for this sigil/chaos magic work. Consent also works in times of being spooked by spirits. If you don't consent to being scared or allow negative feelings to come through you then they gain nothing.

Languages are just a grouping of symbols that allow you place pictures into someone's mind like human programming. The imagery you choose can be loaded or shaped ahead of time to get the emotional response out of someone you desire. Even a subtle meme that gets into the unconscious mind will eventually grow and change that person's actions.

Those who can make the most spot on memes for their interests are essentially making pheromones for the hive of society.


robotictechnologyinc.com/images/upload/file/Presentation Military Memetics Tutorial 13 Dec 11.pdf

W-what would happen if there was an electoral college tie?

> CO
> red

> PA
> red

> FL
> blue

> MI
> blue


will trump inherit mjolnir, or forge his own hammer?

When I say burger, you probably have images of McDonalds come to mind. Their symbol for their restaurant is a couple of golden arches.

Any time you see those golden arches you think of McDonalds. Think of the kind of emotions displayed in a commercial. All of the people are very happy and satisfied with themselves at that moment. Think of the color schemes used as well. Yellow is known in advertising to illicit anxiety, while red is about desire. Any time you see those yellow arches on top of the red base for their symbol you are getting anxiety and desire that you associate with those happy people on the commercial and you are drawn to visit the restaurant more likely.

Any symbol can have these loaded connotations and mental images bombarded at a viewer and they might not even know your motive, but it works.

Military recruitment manuals are top notch at this stuff too.

Meme responsibly.

This can work for anything you want good, or bad. The concerns of black and white magic stem from this ethical dilemma. These symbols are like hyperlinks to an idea that you implant in someone's mind.

House picks pres senate picks vp


You are using forgotten and forbidden magicks, user.

Cease this, immediately. You have no idea the kind of power you wield, and the price that you will pay for invoking the power of the Ancients.

Odds only say so much and are prone to dramatic swings. See these guys. They were 5000/1 to wi the league at the start of the season.

Depends how ugly the Dem convention is.

Lotta of bluebloods hate Hillary, it's the reason Obama won the 2008 nom in the first place.

He's had it in the bag for months now. This is the age of kek, we've all learned the hard way that there's no such thing as "just" memeing anymore.

that contrast of the text hurts my eyes.