Chinese Reflections on Europe

Chinese Reflections on Europe

Why have Europeans lost their racial consciousness?
It has been five years since I moved to France from China for my studies. During that time, I have witnessed how this great European country has lost her traditional values and gradually become a shelter for Third-World immigrants. This article is about my personal experiences as a non-European foreigner.

I was born in 1986 and grew up in a middle-class family in China. I believed that I was living in a beautiful era, in which people did not have to suffer from disease, wars, or racism. I was happy to see how this old Asian country had finally opened her arms and welcomed people from all horizons. We were so eager to be part of the free, modern world that it had become almost “an honor” to speak English with foreign people. In Shijiazhuang, my hometown about 190 miles southwest of Beijing, there were many students from Cameroon and South Korea. I met some of them in the downtown bars and soon became friends with them. I quite enjoyed this exotic experience. I truly hoped that people from all over the world would come and live in China. However, I never wondered what it would be like if they decided to stay there and try to become Chinese.

Five years ago, I came to France on an engineering scholarship. I was attracted to Europe because of the beauty of European civilization. However, I am not European and can never be European.

French society tolerates only anti-white and, to a lesser degree, anti-Asian racism. I have learned that being an Asian foreigner can be a double negative. Many French people consider us annoying tourists or business competitors. I have generally been treated very well, but I once had a confrontation with a Frenchman.

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I was waiting for a bus around midnight. Two young men–obviously drunk–were walking towards me along the deserted street. They stopped, and one asked in English where I came from and I answered, also in English, that I was Chinese. The other one got in my face and asked if I was tourist. I didn’t answer. He started slapping me, saying “you like this?” I lifted my arm to protect myself, and the other guy stopped him, saying this wasn’t funny. They went away just before the bus came.

I still don’t understand that encounter. I could have told them in fluent French that I was studying and living here, but I don’t talk to drunk strangers, and I don’t know if it would have made a difference. In any case, that was an exceptional experience, and I didn’t generalize this sad encounter to the entire French people. They were both drunk and bad-tempered. But if that could happen to me, I suppose it sometimes happens to blacks and Arabs.

This said, my guess is that Asians, especially tourists, are probably picked on more than anyone else, though not by the French. Arab and Gypsy thieves seem to concentrate on Asians, and blacks like to rob us. Each group has its own specialty. It is well known that Asian tourists like to pay cash, even for expensive products, and that since they don’t speak French, many of them don’t call the police.

Even Chinese who live in Paris are often victims. One, a gifted engineer, decided to go back to China, telling me he was extremely disappointed that France allowed massive immigration from Africa. He is not the only one I know who left for that reason, and I know what they are talking about. Once in Geneva, in a dimly lit restroom at the bus station, an Arab man came up to me and started talking about China and Chinese dancing. He tried to take me in his arms and dance a few steps, and I pushed him away. It was only after I had gone out of the restroom that I realized that he and another man with him had picked my pocket!

Immigration means constant racial friction. One evening I went home by tram. When I got off at the station, a middle-aged Arab-looking man stopped me and began to insult me because he thought I had been laughing at him in the tram. I told him he had the wrong person. He then began to complain that people treat him badly every day. I was angry about his rudeness but I still felt sorry for him. Why didn’t he go back to his country, where nobody would mistreat him because of his appearance?

Again, though, it is hard to know what to make of this incident. He looked like a tramp, and people sometimes make fun of tramps. Native-born French tramps don’t get the red carpet treatment, either. The fact that he got angry at a fellow “foreigner” for laughing at him got me thinking. Maybe he thought that all immigrants should stand shoulder to shoulder against French “racism.” And, in fact, Africans and Arabs sometimes open up with me about what they think of Europeans.

One day, I met a schoolmate in a dining hall, and we decided to eat together. He was from Cameroon, and told me angrily about how his country had been exploited by white colonizers and how mean whites are to Africans. I told him all that was in the past and that now everyone wanted to live in peace, and that he was lucky to be able to come and study in France. He told me that this was the least the French people could do for Africans, and that he wanted to kill all white people. I was frightened by his anger–he seemed like such a peaceful person.

Africans and even some Arabs and Chinese have unloaded on me this way. I try to stay away from people like that.

I have talked about race and immigration with French roommates. I sensed that they were very worried about how blacks and Arabs have changed the face of France but they are afraid that if the National Front took power, France would be pulled towards Nazism. They tend to blame the government for segregating blacks and Arabs instead of treating them equally. It is certainly true that, whether or not it was conscious government policy, immigrants have clustered in low-cost housing in suburbs that have become bywords for violence and poverty.

When I talk to the French, every time I use the word “race” to try to explain that different groups have different natures, they get frightened and tell me that “race” does not exist. They insist that we are all part of the human race.

Of course, occasionally someone speaks frankly–and is punished for it. Last September, a UMP Euro-deputy and former cabinet member, Nadine Morano, said that “France is a Jewish-Christian country of the white race that welcomes foreigners.” This remark, which would have made absolute sense in every African and Asian country, resulted in her being ostracized within her own party, and she was forced off the list of candidates in the regional elections. In France, any discussion of race and religion must be banned because it evokes the Third Reich or the war in Algeria. The French government has even tried to eliminate the concept of race in all government records and activity–yet still tries very hard to fight racism.

I began to wonder why Arabs and black Africans were so hostile to Western people, yet so eager to come and live in Western countries. I first heard about race differences in intelligence in a critical account of Richard Lynn’s work in the Chinese media. I then found both Chinese and French translations of Philippe Rushton’s Race, Evolution and Behavior. I also read The Bell Curve. It has not been translated into French, so I had to order it from Amazon and read it in English. I also read some books by the great evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr, some of whose books have been translated into Chinese and are on the Internet. I therefore learned that many people believe there is a genetic component to lower black performance, but I still felt it might be because African people, on average, live in more miserable conditions.

At the end of my course of study, every student was supposed to participate in a complex academic project with a real-world application. I was assigned to lead a group with two other members, a student from China and a student from Cameroon. The Chinese did not speak French very well. At first, I was afraid he would be confused by the difficulty of the language and the complexity of the project and give up. What actually happened surprised me very much. The African student quickly grasped the main issues of the project. But every time he ran into a difficulty, he complained, and worked on something else instead. I tutored him and gave him papers in which similar solutions were clearly outlined, but he was unwilling to read them because they were too long. It took the Chinese student a long time to figure out the problems, but instead of complaining or taking shortcuts, he concentrated and worked hard until the problems were solved. It was the African student who gave up, and the Chinese student who succeeded.

This story sounds like a fable for children but it set me thinking about the problem of Africa. I have come to believe that the chaos and lack of economic progress in Africa are the result of their lack of motivation when faced with complex problems. I also think they tend to be satisfied with little and therefore do not work very hard to get ahead. The French welfare system also makes them apathetic. They survive on a small income rather than strive for a better life.

Racial preferences are now practiced in France–even though they should be an insult to anyone who works hard to get ahead. This, combined with a generous welfare system is what, in my view, explains why so many Africans come to France. The idea that they were colonized and suffered from discrimination is just an excuse. Muslims enslaved black Africans for thousands of years, but not very many blacks want to live in Algeria. African people also choose Europe because of its cultural influence. They see the Western lifestyle as the gateway to success.

The West has promoted “democracy” and “universal values” in Africa, but the result has been military dictatorship, corruption, and violence. Western values are clearly not suited to Africa. Western values, without the absolute authority of white rulers, appear to destroy African societies.

Different races should live under the different political structures that suit them. Asians have also come under the influence of Western culture and politics, but have not adopted them completely. In Asia, absolute political authority, strict social/family hierarchy, and hard work are what make a country run correctly. This is why Singapore and, now, China have been so successful. Korea, Japan, and Taiwan are more similar to the Western political model but they, too, are distinctly Asian in their respect for authority, hierarchy, and family.

As for race, most Chinese people are taught from childhood to be proud of being Asian. The idea that the races are equal is unimaginable. It is almost impossible to find any discussion in China about the idea that Asians and blacks even could be equal. Most Chinese simply have no interest in Africans. In Mao’s time, “Afro-Asian-Latin American” was an alternative for “Third World.” Africans were supposed to be our faraway brothers in the struggle against capitalism and imperialism, but no one really cared about them.

In Africa, the Chinese government finances countless infrastructure, energy, and construction projects every year. Thousands of Chinese engineers and technical workers are sent to help develop Africa, and they send back natural resources in return. This has not improved our impression of Africans. The news from Africa is always about extreme poverty and social instability. Also, the Chinese who return from projects in Africa have many stories about incompetent black workers who nevertheless always want higher pay. That is why sometimes we take over Chinese workers to Africa rather than hiring workers locally.

Still, I truly hope that Africa’s economic takeoff will be achieved with China’s help, and Africans will finally stay on their own continent.

Why have Asians kept their sense of race while whites have not? Perhaps there is a genetic difference that protects Asians. The explanation may also lie in what is, for me, an important difference between whites and Asians, and that is the European scientific mind. Europeans showed their superiority to other races by their brilliant manipulation of abstractions–abstractions that have led to a better world through science and philosophy. Let me remind you that it was Europeans who invented the concept of race–but it is also Europeans who try to prove through science that race does not exist and that humanity is universal. Alas, errare humanum est. The white man, the master of abstraction, has gone on to invent an abstraction that may yet annihilate him: multiculturalism.

For Asians, there is no artificial separation between man and nature. In that sense, what is human does not end with human beings but includes everything with which we interact: animals, the earth, water, air, and the sun. One finds these ideas in Asian religions. However, this does not mean that Asians do not distinguish between a Turk and a Japanese. Cultural differences are manifestations of racial differences. At the same time, Chinese do not care very much about what happens outside their own circle–whether cultural or biological–and that leaves them with the strong sense of cultural and family identity common to Asians. We are not so easily misled by abstractions.

Despite the general acceptance among race scholars in the West that East Asians are more intelligent than whites, very few Chinese consider themselves superior to Europeans. The huge success of Europeans in modern times and the darker coloring of Asians easily lead Chinese people to think that they are situated between Europeans and Africans in terms of intelligence and social capacities.

At the same time, China wants to have more influence on the modern world. The sense of having lived in the “Celestial Kingdom” for thousands of years has pushed China into a kind of intellectual competition with Europeans. This desire to catch up with the West has contributed to the economic boom of the last 30 years. Without the heavy burden of liberal ideology and a history of colonization, China could play a leading role in the developing world and become the new hegemon while maintaining a majority-Asian population.

Whatever role China plays in the world, I am deeply pessimistic about the future. Conditions are evolving and will continue to evolve but it is not easy for me to imagine a realistic solution.

Without the constant socialist and human-rights propaganda directed at whites and their children, whites would not face today’s cruel reality. The ideology of multiculturalism and the hatred of European culture are two sides of the same coin and come from the same sources. And they are found everywhere.

In France, the Left and the far Left are behind the daily blasts of hatred directed against the state of Israel. Israel is the favorite target of those who hate colonialism, racism, European culture, and, ultimately, whites. It always boils down to the same arguments. To attack Israel is to attack a Western country that has an identity it chooses to defend. In attacking Israel, the French lose the capacity to defend their identity as Europeans and Frenchmen–while the bosses get cheap labor and the Left gets more voters and clients. All this, despite the fact that just one of the many riots and disturbances on both sides of the Atlantic should have been enough to prove that the concept of multiculturalism, invented in Leftist laboratories, is a fraud.

In this context, I note Eastern European countries, even those in the Schengen free-travel zone, have very few non-whites. Ironically, it may be that for whites, poverty is the only guarantor of separation and homogeneity.

In the richer West, whites do not understand the seriousness of the threat, but as Mao Tse-Tung used to say, “a single spark can start a prairie fire.” With information today so easily available on the Internet it is possible for today’s young whites to learn the truths the media always try to hide.

In France, the Paris attacks of last November prove once again the failure of multiculturalism. These attacks, together with the onslaught of Syrian refugees, will no doubt push the French towards greater resistance against Islam. This will encourage more Muslim immigrants to engage with the Islamic State. A race war in Europe is not out of the question. For those who wonder whether today’s feminized Europeans still have the backbone to fight for their civilization, I note that the rooster is the symbol of France, and the French often say that “he crows even with both feet in shit.” One must never underestimate the potential of an awakened people.

good read OP. i'll make sure this makes the rounds around my chinese friends.

This is so discouraging

What makes me feel most is the regressive ideals the euro politicians are pressing, their kin will have to shoulder the massive burden. At which I can only imagine an actual race war being waged.

I guess its good, in a strange sense, for this to happen, learn from mistakes and such.

a tad long but its well written and true

I dont think the illness can catch on in east asia. I hope it doesnt. Here in singapre we have lots of races, theres harmony but the social lines separating us are very, very distinct. No one is trying to homogenize it.

>Alas, errare humanum est. The white man, the master of abstraction, has gone on to invent an abstraction that may yet annihilate him: multiculturalism.

Good post

>I dont think the illness can catch on in east asia. I hope it doesnt.

I doubt it; everyone who hasn't been indoctrinated to believe thair race carries the orriginal sin of racism just needs to read the news to see how shit West Europe is

Yeah. East Asia lacks the millennia with the influence of Abrahamic "slave morality". The Cultural Revolution did not succeed in destroying their spiritual and ethical sensibilities to the degree that WWI did in Europe. They are still more than just nominally Confucian and still have LITERAL ancestor worship. There simply isn't an effective delivery vector for post-modern ideologies there.

Not sure there'll be a war like in Lebanon but it's becoming more and more obvious France will become an islamic country judging by the cowardice of its leaders.
Even arabs who dislike Islam aknowledge the fact like that guy who wrote 2084 :


Wow this was actually really good. I appreciate it OP.

I mean actual Chinese friends, not ebin meem Finngols

This is an excellent read, guy gets it.

Some mistakes might not be able to be reversed, take the allies you can when the civil wars start erupting.

3rd gen hispanic immigrant - will try to go to Europe to help when things get ugly.

>fin has literal chinese friends
That's even funnier

>by attacking Israel, whites can't defend themselves

Stopped reading there. Nice try.

>Why have Asians kept their sense of race while whites have not?

I really want to see multicultural liberals get BTFO and humiliated by raycist Chinese

Cheers for sharing that text OP, there's a lot in there that I agree with.

While Europeans are busy fucking each other over with "racism" and "xenophobia" allegations, the Chinks are pulling ahead by not giving a damn about bending over backwards to please others.

But that's true. How can you defend your right to a homogeneous, sovereign nation, if you at the same time, want to deny that right to another group of people?

It has something to do with deep shame I believe. It was pointed out in OP's book. Its not only Chinese but basically all of East Asia and SEA natives are immensely ashamed that they were conquered by Europeans. Not so much that we hate Europeans (though there are those who do hate Europeans) but moreso that we let our own kind down. Especially as more of the achievements of Asian civilizations become known to modern-day Asians, it is more of a reminder of their dark past. Colonization hurt the egos of Asians quite badly.

Because Israel is a white invention. No one is denying Jews a homeland, they are denying Jews a land stolen from Palestinians that white people are blamed for.

Are you chinese?

So what will we look like? Let me guess, black.

right of conquest m8, the same argument you lot tend to use against Indians

The Israelis came, they saw and they conquered. Only time will tell if the Palestinians can kick them out, but right now it seems very unlikely without an outside intervention.

Palestinians weren't even a friggin nationality 100 years ago. They are a totally artificial group of people whose existence revolves around hating Jews and Israel. They are vehemently opposed to any peace solution that doesn't involve the destruction of Israel, and the existence of Jewish state as it's own sovereign entity.

I got no love for jews, but I hate mudslimes even more, seeing how the later have never brought anything more than destruction and death to other peoples.

Future for Asians is looking as bright as the Risibg Sun. The future for Europeans is looking as bright as the area of land controlled by England. From the sun never setting on British land to losing London in 2 generations.

Do Arabs not have enough clay stolen? They were restricted to Saudi Arabia prior to Islam and now they're literally everywhere. Why can't the Jew's have Israel? Muslim's formed a giant coalition tobwipe it off the map and lost hard as fuck , time to get over it.

I don't see why I have to support Israel to defend myself.

I wasn't defending the arabs.

You don't have to actively defend them. But actively attacking them while at the same time, wanting to defend your own nation (which is what Israel is doing), makes you a hypocrite.

Not supporting Israel does not mean attacking it.

It's completely two different things. Israel was created specifically with the intention of dumping Jews off there by Europeans. It doesn't make me a hypocrite to not support it.

I've never heard anyone say that Jews don't deserve a homeland, except for Jew gassers on Sup Forums.


A post of actual substance in Sup Forums. This is going to be slid into oblivion.


What the fuck are you talking about? I am pasting this sucker into a word document and archiving it into my Library.

No, Ahmed, I don't imagine you can read very much at all.

I am Anglo-Burmese. My grandparents from my mom's side are 100% Burmese but my dad's side is mixed with Eternal Anglo. I've lived in Singapore and studied in other places in Asia.

This is just from personal experience but from most educated Burmese people, many of them see British colonization as a dark spot in our history. Not because the British colonized Burma but because our leaders were incompetent and could not protect the country and rightly so, we were subjugated. But nevertheless, they were impressed by the British civilization and many Asians (Burmese, Indians and Chinese from those that I have gotten to know) look at the European civilizations as examples of great civilizations that were better than our own and they serve as an inspiration to better our own countries and cultures. That's why I think the most successful Asian countries have many similarities to Western countries but have a unique Asian attribute. This Asian attribute, I believe, comes from the fact that even Asians living in the most successful Asian countries (or even Asians living in Western countries) know very intimately that as a peoples, we were subjugated at one time by Europeans and that in order to regain status in the world we need to adapt and improve upon the Western model. And it is this knowledge that allows Asians to have a strong sense of identity. At least in my opinion.

>tfw I went out to dinner with a Chinese friend yesterday
>dinner was delicious but anyway
>she says she lived in Philadelphia for a while
>before that she had no prejudice towards blacks
>but after living in Philly for a while, she now thinks blacks are literally PRIMEVAL
She literally just told me without any sort of inhibitions that she thought blacks were primeval (her actual words) because everything they do is like if they were still in the Stone Age. We proceeded to talk about how Africa had not made a single advancement since the Europeans left and I recommended she watch that Empire of Dust documentary. She was just as openly condescending about the blacks as the Chinese guy in charge of the Congolese workers.
Chinese might actually be big time racial realists. They're not at all sheepish when they talk about the differences between races and so forth.

>I've never heard anyone say that Jews don't deserve a homeland
apples and oranges

We're talking about the current state of Israel, we're not talking about a hypothetical homeland that wouldn't offend anybody.

I'm a jew gasser and I am all for Israel if Jews will actually move there and fucking stay there.

Wise Chinaman say, Nuropian vely big cuck.


If you would have read it, you might realize how cucked western society (yours especially) is compared to eastern society


What u doin in china m8

Western society is cucked because they feel immense guilt about slavery and domination.

But in retrospect, the West catapulted the world to today, brining technological advancement and higher standards of living all around the world. If it wasn't for slavery, we could be proud of our accomplishments, instead of being taught to hate ourselves and to prostrate ourselves for forgiveness and hand over our civilization, money, and children.

I was studying, but I go back home tomorrow. Been here 8-9 months now. I have a feeling I'll come back here to work when I'm done with undergrad, already have a few offers and the pay is pretty good when compared with the cost of living. China's a really neat place because it hasn't been fully explored and westernized yet.

Race is geneticly not real

Were u ever scared about organ harvests or dying on a elevator/escalator? Or does that not happen in shanghai, Beijing etc?

Your english is vey advanced also very good read thanks for the insight

is that like how these 2 dogs are both Canis lupus familiaris?

>we no different we're all the same you fucking raycissssss

You know that in the arab world only gulfies are ethnically arab.

Arab idendity is cultural not genetic.

Our welfare system is the biggest problem we have in France. If you stop the welfare system, shitskins will have to work in France. But since they are all lazy cunts in the end they will go back to Africa.

Faulty logic, why would they ever leave the first world and go to the third world? They'd just be homeless criminals. Crime would skyrocket and I don't think France has the police and military capabilities to protect themselves like that.

>fully explored
>from America

Where the fuck did you grow up? New York city? If so, lots of upstate new York is pretty fuckin uninhabited. Along with a shit tons of the states. I travel constantly for a living, and the amount of untouched, uninhabited, open forest in America is amazing. You could disappear so easily. But I'm sure their food is better, so stay if you must.

Low-skills jobs are rare these days...

You shouldn't have imported so many people for your industries if you let those said industries resettle in China some years later.

>Not sure there'll be a war
>France will become an islamic country
The 2nd one won't happen without a war.

you're more likely to get stabbed by a nigger in the US than get your organs stolen in a foreign country

Thus the answer to the question “How often is a pair of individuals from one population genetically more dissimilar than two individuals chosen from two different populations?” depends on the number of polymorphisms used to define that dissimilarity and the populations being compared. The answer, Formula can be read from Figure 2. Given 10 loci, three distinct populations, and the full spectrum of polymorphisms (Figure 2E), the answer is Formula ≅ 0.3, or nearly one-third of the time. With 100 loci, the answer is ∼20% of the time and even using 1000 loci, Formula ≅ 10%. However, if genetic similarity is measured over many thousands of loci, the answer becomes “never” when individuals are sampled from geographically separated populations.

t. uneducated SJW



Just be glad to be American, our culture will overcome just about anyones. If America could just get the Chinese on board with tackling the problem of the mudslimes, we could have this problem licked within a decade.

Imagine an Anglo Chinese alliance with the UK, China, Russia and America at the forefront, it would be amazing.

And maybe Poland too, since they are the only ones based enough to see whats going on in Europe, they could make drinks or something....

You don't have to support Israel. Fuck both Israel and the shitskins they are killing.

He's just telling you that might makes right and it truly is so. Don't pretend you can about some towelheads, you sound like an SJW.

Why would these countries want you? You're the source of the world degeneracy. It's like making a rabbi lead a nazi death squad.

Go away Sven, the shed won't build itself

>China bro doesn't reply
G-guys I'm scared...

Yes It is you fucking mong

There is measurable differences in DNA between the peoples of world country by country. The clusters of similar DNA in the regions of the world are the races.

Did you mean to say something about how skin colour does not necessarily determine race?

Put all the Jews in a national homogeneous homeland and they'll lose their one leverage: minority victimhood. I understand you wouldn't want your tax money to fund it when so many Jews remain in the west, but Zionism might be better when thinking in the long term.


You will need us to once again rebuild that joke of a sovereign nation you germans claim in inhabit. We already rebuilt that shit once, next time we will just give you tents and leftovers from mcdonalds.

>We already rebuilt that shit once
which is why it's so shit today
Germans need to rebuild their country themselves

The truth hurts, huh?
The alliance will happen, but without you.
Russia, China and Iran will lead humanity into the golden age, while you will be falling apart under the weight of the financial collapse, SJWs, feminism and nigger welfare state, turning into Brazil 2.0

>Russia, China and Iran will lead humanity into the golden age

As will you and the rest of the west.

>I suppose it sometimes happens to blacks and Arabs.
Nah, white men are too beta to confront blacks/arabs. Asians however are harmless enough that they muster up the courage to say something.
>Why didn’t he go back to his country, where nobody would mistreat him because of his appearance?
Because he's not really complaining about discrimination. He's annoyed that he can't have 100% his way with our countries. He dislikes any opposition, no matter how small. Obviously if he was actually discriminated he would leave.
>I began to wonder why Arabs and black Africans were so hostile to Western people, yet so eager to come and live in Western countries.
It's called a conquest. That's what conquerors do - they want the land but hate the people currently ruling it.

Well, there's only 4 months left. Wait and see.

Nah, I'm moving to Israel

That's not quite what he's saying. Pay attention. He is specifically referencing the kind of attacks the left uses against Israel, which are directed against our nationalism and cohesion as a nation.
For example, a major point of criticism by the European left is the racial profiling we employ against Arabs and Muslims.
Another example is the cries about the mistreatment of the illegal Africans.

You can see how attacking Israel on these points serves to suppress nationalism and ethno centrism in your own countries.

He is not saying that every sort of criticism on Israel hurts nationalistic ideals in Europe, just most of those which are actually used by the left.

Alas, errare humanum est. The white man, the master of abstraction, has gone on to invent an abstraction that may yet annihilate him: multiculturalism.
That's quotable.

>Nadine Morano, said that “France is a Jewish-Christian country

France is a greek and roman country by culture and roman catholic by religion.
Nothing jewish in France

>Nothing jewish in France
The ownership.

You guys were a few decades from being a real superpower, and now you're fate is consigned to that of a Iraqi version of Detroit in a few years.

I will feel bad for the real true blooded germans. For America it's like watching a friend slowly die from falling on his own sword.

>chink moaning about going to Europe and seeing nothing but third worlders

Oh the irony

>The French government has even tried to eliminate the concept of race in all government records and activity–yet still tries very hard to fight racism.

That's the thing. It fights "racism". But this is Owrellian Newspeak.
In practice , it's a racialist ideology , and when you live in this country , you quickly realise that the french republican "antiracist" narrative , only exists , to demonize , dehumanize & ridicule the indigenous french people. And of course , europeans in general. (French people who's parents emigrated from neighboring euro countries such as Germany , Italy , Spain , Switzerland , etc...)...
The "untouchables" are always Sub-saharan Africans Or Arabs.(especially when they're muslims) And of course , Jews.

Any european person who voices his/her opinion on race or immigration , can potentially go to jail. You think i'm exaggerating ?
Check this out:

He's a rootless international who's fleeing to Israel. Disregard his opinions.

Why does modern media write like this Here is X and this is why it's Y. Like they don't allow you to form your opinion and instead want to give you one that they want you to have


Good read OP. Thanks.

I look forward to visiting Europe one more time before it's ruined. Time to spend some vacation days and take a farewell tour before it's all fucked, I will visit as many Christian sites before they get bombed into dust by angry tanned Europeans.

Particularly you should read the part about the nigger from Cameroon, you niggers.
I'll even link the post so you don't have to strain your poor little minds skimming a few paragraphs:

>tackling the problem

But America funds mudslimes and encouraged mass immigration into Europe. Even now your leader presses for us to stay in the EU. Why would China join you in that?

I still have hope for Europe. The right is rising everywhere and history seems to be repeating itself. Even the left in the west is becoming wise to Islam..

The perfect storm is brewing to remove kebab within the next decade.

one of my family members was stationed in germany during the 80s on a military base. they got to travel all around germany and austria. i listened to the stories about small villages and hamlets in germany and austria as a kid. i loved the stories i heard. as i got older i learned about the geography, the people, the culture, the language, the food, everything. i was absolutely in love with germany and austria from a young age.

i got the opportunity to visit germany recently and i honestly can't articulate exactly how i felt without sounding hackneyed. i wanted to tour europe like my family member did but present day europe and europe then are not one and the same. the germany i saw is not what was described to me in my youth. many parts of germany i went to felt more like turkey than germany.

it's not like watching your friend fall on his own sword. it's like watching your older brother whom you idolized from a young age slowly poison himself with alcohol or drugs and slowly waste away. i understand it's foolish to idolize, but europeans are the inheritors of a great culture, maybe even the greatest. it's absolutely heartbreaking what has happened and is happening.

This is an excellent post.
The Europeans feel themselves invincible. They Western Europe was never conquered and subjugated by an outside force, just by other Europeans.
Most of the Europeans can't really envision this happening to them, it's not in the sphere of things they may imagine.
It's something unique to western Europeans. Pretty much all other cultures were conquered and subjugated for significant time periods.
China is an exception but ww2 and the Japanese conquest, short as it might have been is still within memory.

The Whites lost that primal fear... the survival instinct. Even here, I doubt many Europeans can visualize just how bad it can get.

Imagine this ins Europe:

>I'm too lazy to read the relevant text yet I'll shoehorn myself into the discussion anyway, if only to show how much of an ass I am

you're like those kids in school who loudly announce to everyone that they don't care about anything