/heem/ Feels Edition

Previous: Fuck the news and events.

Real fight fans only itt

Other urls found in this thread:



what does heem mean

Art Jimmerson wore only one glove
Should he have worn two?


fuck you


fake, fuck off yo ustupid autist this was first

>please accept me!!!!


That's not tough that's life

This thread was first, kuck.

Now go ahead and post your little news in here, pussy

Sorry I've been so busy lately


Kek spergop BTFO yet again

Who is your MMA waifu /heem/?

This is the real thread

Thanks man

You guys are such faggots. Grow up. The OP DOES matter.


Forever and always, senpai

fuck off you autist lmao, literally everyone hates you


How fookin' pathetic.

Grow up lad

Why did Goobs forsake mewvment?


Aldo hitting pads while Max meets Mickey and Goofy

you spend all day on here samefagging and posting garbage memes
kill yourself
the world is a worse place with you in it

>Round 4 was 10-8
You mean the one that ended with Wonderboy pounding on a gassed Woodley?

He didn't. Ido just stopped showing up on embeddeds because of people spamming touchbutt at him wasn't good for his brand. Groovy lando trains with ido also

Upcoming events:

1/13: LFA 1 - Peterson vs Higo
1/13: ACB 51 - Silva vs Torgeson
1/14: ONE FC: Quest for Power - Bigdash vs Prachnio
1/14: Invicta FC 21 - Anderson vs Tweet
1/15: UFC FN 103 - Rodriguez vs Penn
1/20: GLORY 37 - Roosmalen vs Embree
1/21: ABC 52 - Aguev vs Kincl
1/21: Bellator 170 - Sonnen vs Ortiz
1/23: VFC 55 - Lindsey vs Cochrane 2
1/27: Bellator 171 - Rickels vs Darrow
1/28: EFN 58 - Machev vs Brandao
1/28: UFC on Fox 23 - Pena vs Shevchenko
1/29: Submission Underground 3 - Jones vs TBA
2/4: UFC FN 104 - Bermudez vs Jung
2/11: UFC 208 - Holm vs De Randamie
2/18: Bellator 172 - Mitrione vs Emelianenko
2/19: UFC FN 105 - Dos Santos vs Struve 2
2/25: WSOF 35 - Ivanov vs Jordan
3/4: UFC 209 - TBA
3/11: UFC FN 107 - Gastelum vs Belfort
3/11: ACB 53 - Khalidov vs Barnatt
3/18: UFC FN 108 - TBA

Previous thread: News:

>Woodley to rematch Thompson at UFC 209

>Thompson putting on mass ahead of Woodley rematch

>Artem goes back and forth on twitter with Cub Swanson

>Dana on some dumb old lady trashing MMA

Lads unironically got a packet of cheetos

He didn't. He just took it to the next level. Watch his second fight with Nate and his fight with Eddie. He literally preforms minimal movements for maximum results. He ascended.


Already got it covered here bro
Please delete, it could be considered spam

Don't get so mad all at once loser, your mom might put you in timeout

>Watching MMA Hour for Thompson
>Bro walks in
>Ariel literally says the words "Invite me over next time and we can have a three way"

Thanks MMA


Hello fellow /heem/ bros. I recently had my first muay thai fight on the 3rd of December, check it out and I'd love to hear your (constructive) criticisms. Would you consider this a spicy banger?



I hope you have some Dude Wipes™ on hand my man.

How old are you and how long have you been training?

Which one are you?

I'm the one in the black shorts,

I'm 20 and I have been training muay thai for about a year prior to this fight. I am having my first decision fight next month

Black shorts

>doesnt get his thread

>k-k-kill yourself!!!!!

What is wrong with you?

Cool stuff lad, very nice to see


The op is VERY important you kids just don't understand. Grow up.

This is as clear a case of autism as you will ever find lol

Schaub is God

>I'd love to hear your (constructive) criticisms

I would say work on your cardio
You were in control of the first half of the video, but it seems like you gassed in the second half



Dolce comments on the Piano situation

Just had a yuge meal....


i would still say you won the second half, but you seemed slower and your defense was worse


was it yuge yuge ?

You are the biggest fucking cuck on this board.

Cheers dude, yeah I felt I won convincingly but looking back on the fight after I realised I was tagged a lot more than I felt I did.
I was gassing because:
1) I didn't do any cardio training prior to this fight
2) I was the aggressor for most of the fight so I found I was getting tagged when I was tired after attacking

Thanks, I will make sure I'll do some cardio for my next fight, what type would you say is best just long distance running, or a mix of long distance and sprints (obviously combined with sparring)?

Why does a fighter take months off before his next fight?

you're ok and all but don't fuck with me kid ill heem you
what weight u fighting at ?

That was a good fight 2bh

Most of the time it's because of the NSAC medical suspensions. If a fighter gets rocked in his/her fight they get like 6 months suspension. A broken hand also warrants around 3-4 months.

You mean like this upcoming match?

Get in my guard bro

Always consult your trainers and experts but I noticed you were frequently keeping your chin out and up when moving forward and throwing a strike in general. Something to be aware of and avoid

You kept your hands low sometimes too, which obviously isn't always the worst thing but you got tagged a couple times because of it. Seemed like it was happening more as the rounds went on and you were tiring. It also seemed to be an indicator of when you were going to load up and kick so I'd keep on eye on that and try to hide that better.

You were also attacking in a pretty straight line and not utilizing too many angles. You should also try getting more leg kicks in, especially following up those 1-2s and diversifying your attack in general

Of course this is all amateur critique and again consult your coaches and experts and be your own biggest critic

>>>/box/ not /heem/

Only real fighting here not pillow tap

would she beat Honda?

Its nice to see my boy get the love he deserves.

a mix of long distance and sprints, I would guess
gives you more overall endurance, but also allows you to better capitalize on the opportunities you get

thanks for the serious response, I was expecting to be called a retard

Bob Sapp (with a good paycheck) could still be a top 8 heavyweight in the UFC.

Does that say more about Bob Sapp or the UFC?

Appreciate it bro, thanks man.
I noticed the chin up and out thing too, as well as tiring as it went on. Going to start cardio training for my next fight to make sure I don't fade as much (ideally at all) and also keep it more controlled and counter them coming in.

Didn't throw a single left kick either, nor any decent hooks so will be working on those to add those to my arsenal for the next fight.

Thanks for the advice dude, I will definitely try and mix it up a lot more for my next fight but I mostly rely on my hands

bob sapp would get fucked up by everyone in the HW division, especially with USADA

hes on like a 10 fight losing streak and he taps to strikes, hes barely amateur level

my bad mad lad

I havn't had a Schaub yet today.. starting to get a little concerned

only if she finds a good armenian coach

Fight lithcuck he is the real money fight

I've got the cure for you, my man.

Don't Lithcuck can survive that weight cut

Oh shit, I forgot she was in that movie. I can't be mad at her anymore.

I'm just gonna have to EAT BIG TO GET BIG
Let him beg me

Lads...i dont know who to turn to. I think my gf is cheating on me.

We went out a few nights ago and i caught her texting smiley faces to some person. As of recently, she has also stayed up late at night up until 3am. I know so because her Facebook messenger shows she's online at those times.

She literally has no reason to be up and she doesnt have insomia.

Lads....what do??

>only real fighting
>like faghug
>ultimate cuddling

Learn how to fuck m8


i'm sorry user

Treat me like a schaub like I told you treat me like a schaub and flush me down the toilet

>2 forced memes in 1 post

Haters will never learn lol

shes unironically a really good actress.
a bit overrated, but still a great actress

doesnt stop her from heaving retard as fuck opinions

He goes in and taps for a paycheck. Him and Ariel got into it over it and he made an interesting point. When Ariel asked why he doesn't fight and takes dives he said to the effect of, "why should I take brain damage for a tiny paycheck?" and brought up Gary Goodridge and said he got brain damage for nothing.

I'm sure /heem/ will be 50/50 on this but I see his point. Am I happy and is it good for the sport? No. But neither is two guys going out there and turning their brains into slush for 10k. Sapp does fight when the paycheck is right like he did with Akebono in the first Rizin but if you're being offered 20k to go to Bulgaria and fight for 30 seconds then get out of there when it starts getting hairy who wouldn't take it?

It's a lot more honest than being a title fighter and taking a dive. No one is getting fucked oit of money here except the promoters.

that's not paige tho

what do these tats mean?

"jizz on my shoulders"

You know what you must do


How does joe lauzon have such an iron chin

where my /edgy brahs/ at

How many boys is the maximum per weight class?

>Amanda Nunes isn't hot

3 boys minimum

Is she bigfoots daughter?