Is fucking a pie actually good???

Is fucking a pie actually good???
Does the type of pie matter?
Do I need to sweet talk her first?
I'm thinking about trying.

>Do I need to sweet talk her first?

No, but you need to buy her dinner.
Recommend steak and salad.

Yeah. Gotta be apple or cherry pie. Or chicken.

Definitely don't want to fuck a lemon merengue


>When white boiz start realizing that white women crave only BBC, so they resort to fucking pies.

The type of pie you get determines the way it will feel, generally try to go for of a filling that is just a solid thing rather than a bunch of fruits. I would recommend key lime or cherry.


Even if you sweet talk it i bet the pie rejects you aswell








It's like bags of sand.




no dude. making a pie takes a decent amount of time and effort. you should just eat it like you're supposed to and stop disrespecting someone's hard work.

Please stop I can't concentrate on pies


Your God is dead

What if I make it?


I'm not into women. I'm pisexual



why would you destroy your own hard work like that?





Not pansexual?




It sounds like his goal would be to fuck it.... so... that would be the point of the "hard work".

If you make a pie with the intent of someone sticking their dick in it, wouldn't you be a little disappointed if they decided to eat it instead?








I dont get why anyone would waste their time doing that. especially if it's an apple pie, peeling 5-6 apples and getting them prepped, plus making a crust, then baking it takes me like 2 hours.

>when dad was never around

This image is already posted

>REEEEE when user implies that he really has no other option but to fuck pies, and retracts with an autistic racist comment REEEEEEE
You must be so triggered you cuck