Has a musician ever been BTFO this hard on social media before?

Has a musician ever been BTFO this hard on social media before?

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"BTFO" is a bit strong.

based jthompsonfromGA

As a piece of shit lefty, I love this shit.

That response is pretty cringe. Actually, all of it is cringe. Jesus Christ. Kill me.

His reply has more likes than Xiu Xiu's tweet. Jamie Stewart got REKT.

thats a funny tweet

Burning flags is dumb. If you gotta burn one flag, you gotta burn them all.

I agree. Let's burn every nation's flag.

Fuck off back to Jason.



da ess jay dubyoos

imagine my shock


ciao italiano, noi siamo i pochi eletti che conoscono questo buco di culo, o i pochi froci probabilmente

If you're going to destroy the symbol of a certain nation's national identity, you have to destroy the nationalistic symbols of all nations, if you want to be a consistent leftist at least. If not you're just reverting back to some form of 20th century nationalistic, state-based socialism.

Uh, yes.

ci sono anchio, e comunque io sono gay veramente hahaha

The point is he's opposed to the policies of that one specific nation, genius. It's not a statement against all nations.


literally wtf, you don't burn the US flag just because it's a state - you burn it because it's an imperialist state

This is retarded. China is an imperialist state too. Russia? The UK? Imperialist policy in one state is usually replicated in multiple states across the world in global capitalism.

Who gives a shit if Sup Forums, the_donald plebbit users, and random retards assemble to like a tweet more than the initial one?

Don't quote me in that. I didn't say anything about imperialism. I don't kno why he hates the US so much, but even if other countries share the same qualities, he's gonna hate the US more for it (or at least be more aware of it) because he lives there.

>23 replies for an obvious b8 thread that gets posted every day

So rebellious and edgy.
Xiu Xiu needs to stop acting like a 14 year old emo.
Fucking embarrassing.

Leftists only hate america for "imperialism" because its been successful. literally every other people and country would do the same shit if it had the circumstances to do so. leftists fetishize weakness

BASED Jason Thompson

true, not all of them though

it's kindergarten-level morality that the weak need more help. It doesn't make you a big man to pretend it's not correct as an adult


>literally admitting your morality is kindergarten-tier
top jej

>pochi eletti

speak english, this an american site you pasta-eating fucks