ITT: Video games with great soundtracks

ITT: Video games with great soundtracks.

Pic related.

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Ethnic Cleansing.


Doom 1's soundtrack was better.


Suck it kid. You're only saying that to score oldfag points.


The objective GOAT of game soundtracks

The second one is also pretty damn good

can't argue with that

Love it, hate it, the soundtrack rocks


Also this, if you've played you know that soundtrack is fucking god-level




Tony Hawks pro-skater 3 and 4s soundtracks are up there


Any place where I can download full soundtracks?
>final fantasy v
>any fallout
>any mgs

2 hours into the game.
The OST is amazing so far.





fuck chad muska for putting his shitty songs in the game though

Hell yeah dude, most of RS songs are actually above average, both Oldschool and RS3

Yeah fuckin muska beats sucked. At least his skating was good

Not sure if this counts

This desu

Also the first Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX game as well


Licensed music doesn't count.
Might as well include Fifa and Need For Speed then.

SSX tricky

are we talking about scores too?

if yes then


Crash 1 had some great subdued and moody sounds compared to everything that followed it




emuparadise has a section with mp3 and another one with flac, i don't know how many are there, though.
ffinsider has square enix stuff, you can use sites like rutracker too.

oh, and also, check the archive,
sometimes people share OSTs on sharethreads.


This and both the episodes. The Ravenholm music will make you just about shit your pants with headphones on; And the song that plays when your defending the rocket in episode 2 is just incredible

old school world of warcraft tbqh


where do you guys download video game music from

this ambience is so nice on the ears

also glad someone else has finally acknowledged that LBP has an outstanding soundtrack




Armored Core has always had fantastic soundtracks, all the way back to the original. Kinda hope that if From ever makes another one that they go back to the more techno-y stuff rather than the rock orchestra that's been in the past few.

Crypt of the Necrodancer has an amazing OST

Kingdom Hearts has god tier music



Every Shantae game
Every Mega Man/Mega Man X/ Mega Man BN game
Most Mario games
Final Fantasy 7
Too many to list honestly, video games have great music.


>MGR (pretty average if you play it by itself though)

mah nigga


THIS, a thousand times. The Original Nier's awesome as well



>there are people on this board who have not listened to marty's masterpieces

does anyone get serious depeshe mode feels from the crash bandicoot series?

here is an example

>not Drakengard 1
kys pleb

This, Bloodnorne and pic related are the only game OSTs I have downloaded

Does anyone know the song from a videogame (I think it was Zelda or Halo)
the main part is just ascending and descending a scale on a fairly low octave repeatedly (I think it was in a minor key)
and then the counterpoint is a slower arpeggio on a high octave and then an even higher one
it was for piano

fucking lmao i cant believe i never noticed that.

to elaborate
the main part (ascension of the minor scale) is repeated 3 times in the same octave (C3 to C4, for example) before the scale is descended back to the tonic (C4 to C3, for example)
after that part is played once the counterpoint comes in which is something like an arpeggio played once slowly then again faster, before being replaced by perhaps the same chord arpeggiated in a higher octave
from then on it's variations on that but that's the main part I remember.


Actually its pretty shite for something written by a frontman of a major band. I mean what about this crap?

Honestly this is probably the most easily recognizable game soundtrack of all, it's got a distinct TF2 feel to it.

Honestly, that, the original Half Life, Portal and Portal 2 got me into industrial and electronic music in general.

Shoutouts to Persona's OST, and Fire Emblem: Awakening's OST was legitimately my first foray into jazz, even if it is kinda plebian - Conquest (Ablaze) is still an amazing song.

Also FTL's soundtrack is actually a great ambient and IDM album.

any game with music by Ryu Umemoto.

HGSS is a close runner up but I'd have to say BW2 is musical peak of the series as a whole.

Even more elaboration
The song was played in an important boss fight or an area leading up to some similarly climactic event.
There might have been rain, or it might have been in space, or a cave.

>Spectronics loop

Biggest fucking insult to the genius of Stewart Copeland imaginable



fav game soundtrack of all time its so fucking good

I didn't realize how good it was until I heard some of it in a Just2good video.

>tfw you will never make someone feel so high (like a diamond in the sky)

surprised no one's posted this. it's even got LRD :--D

got me into LRD desu

heh me too (kinda) i was privy to them but it helped push me towards them

Crypt of the Necrodancer

All Hail the King

That is also a surprisingly fun rhythm game...
I've never played this game but damn this soundtrack is wonderful


hardly a soundtrack, but this song that occasionally plays during The Long Dark is really damn comfy especially in the context of freezing to the death out in the snow

>soundtrack features a lot of earlier polyvinyl artists
>including everyone's favorite emo meme band americ anfootball
tfw i was being exposed to Sup Forumscore before Sup Forums even existed


Every Gran Turismo game's menu music. GT3 had the best race music solely because of Doggs Turismo and Turbo Lover

na naaaa na na na na na na naaa na na na na na naaaaaaaaaa~!


agreed. the soundtrack is marvelous

hey i like that one though. maybe not entirely in terms of music but It proved a great soundtrack for running around and hiding from bees and lumberjacks.

Wasn't someone from Devo involved in the soundtracks for the Crash games?

Feck yeah, you ever played in VR?

are you positive it's ascending on a scale and not an arpeggio?