Faces of Sup Forums thread

Faces of Sup Forums thread

Show me your tits or get the fuck out thread.




Look at you summer faggots. You dont even know the rules. A bitch posts on Sup Forums requesting ANYTHING, she better have also posted a picture of her tits or she can gtfo. Jesus man....

OP is male




Wtf.... What is life....

little brother/10
anthony rogers is that you?/10


rate someone next time you post in a thread like this ya inbred cunt


i wish wayfarers looked good on me

nothing looks good on incredibly ugly people unfortunately.

you latin american?



then i would tentatively guess you still have a foreskin?


r u a faggot or a faguette?

yes i'm not a mutilated jew

Not op but what is the difference?

ugly mofo

op says nothing about rate retard
rate threads belong to /soc/ so fuck you

"Retard" Do you lick out your mother with that mouth young man


white nigger

Want sum fug?


You're bait, but fuck it I'll bite

i deleted that picture ty m8

Np, cute boy.

My face + bonus tiny dragon face

Male or female?



I bet you never get congested

7/10. Cuban?

Posts inspirational selfies on tumblr/10

First actual male in thread


Put on some mass and you'd look better.


first male in the thread tf nigga?


Post tits

user said actual male, not faggot looking men.


TFW too ugly to post face on asshole of the internet

Hey Barron Trump. Welcome to Sup Forums. How's the White House.

cry about it faggot

nigga ulook like ed sheerans retarded cousin stfu

Im pretty ugly and I still do it

Whats the problem? Acne? Overweight?

Nigger fuck off. I'm not that user!

>I bet you never get congested

The fuck does that even mean

how do i get alpha Sup Forums?

>trim brows

Also nice shirt

Stop listenin rammstein, kek.

Who nose, man.

second try uploading it the right way up

Wowwww really cute tbh. Femanon here

You know the rules.

That's a mighty big toilet you're in there, buckaroo.
8/10 Would poop.

fucks sake

The upside of being a dude; looks are secondary.
Not bragging, but I was a good looking dude when younger, but I had no confidence, no money, no "game", and no pussy. Not saying it's easy, but if you're committed to improving your life, confidence, etc., work your ass off.

Learm to rotate and crop.. also work out

you Jewish?

5/10 Blurry picture. Probably obscuring MLP stuff.
Would not bang.

>those wrists
Either a manlet or fat as fuck

cornfed midwestfag/10

Sup Forums fucks up vertical images sometimes. Not that user btw.

>Thinks he's clever

Clean your room, you juvenile.

>Also nice shirt

will do

my nose aint that big
also im to poor for that

am german, only eat kartoffel sauerkraut and schnitzel

Not a manlet, and not really fat as fuck. I'm just overweight and I've got lunch lady arms. I'm working on it. My diet has been shit lately

Going to be bald by the time you're old enough to bang. On the other hand, has flag displayed, is Patriot.
8/10 Would bang. When you're old enough.

so, uncircumcised?

No h8 pls

Obviously drunk. Cannot consent. Would not bang. Not going to jail for u.

isnt it a thing in the usa that even though your not jewish you get circumcised?

H8 on yew m8 here you go fuck yews nigguerilla i send your way for a good raping

your BMI is prob like 34 which means ur obese faggot

I welcome our Future Overlord.

Shut up you stupid fucking faggot
No one Fucking cares about your gender till you bring it up
No need to be an attention whore and a liar

Bro id fuck you in your man puss if you would put a wig on and put make up on your face you aint a bad looking Sup Forumsro

Fat as fuck , manboobs, get it together. And stop taking gay as fuck selfies

I chuckled. Also more than old enough but have youth face


Dick weed.

yea; but you were born in germany?


indeed, so no cut dick for me

No rude comments por favor


I wish my boobs were man boobs.. then they'd go away with the rest of it. I really dont care about people jabbing at my weight. Ive lost it before and i can lose it again. Shit just fluctuates, yknow? Also kys


Medically, yeah. I'd give you the excuse of "i have hypothyroidism and I'm just now learning how to nutrition properly" but i feel like thats something that would send people into an autistic rage around here. Personally BMI seems a bit off anyways. Im a bit stocky even at 120 lbs but people say i look gaunt and can see my ribs

i really hope this aint real nigga

I look gaunt,When im at that weight** that is
Im nowhere near 120 lbs now

nigga 120lbs more like 120kgs if ur 3'6

>Medically, yeah. I'd give you the excuse of "i'm a fat fuck" but i feel like thats something that would send people into an autistic rage around here. Personally BMI seems a bit off anyways. Im a bit stocky even at 120 lbs but people say i look gaunt and can see my ribs

I claified. Im well over 120 lbs
Here, i dont have a mirror. You guys want to see my tum?


Wtf are you?

Soup, Be!

Feminoun checking in lewl! Sorry for blerry pik I'm drank lal.

yes please and also how much do you fucking weigh and whats ur fucking height jessus fucking christ monkey dick

looks like a vanhilla wow model for a human kid

you seem to resemble a gender-fluid faggot

You look like a ginger Kremestar