Why dont they just recruit a real QB and never lose another game?

Why dont they just recruit a real QB and never lose another game?

They don't need one

Because Saban is a terrible coach.

All he does is recruit NFL calibur players and have them run sweeps.

I ask myself this literally every time the ball is snapped to Hurts.

Meh, the rest of the team around him is so good that he'll never lose a game while he's at Alabama anyway.

The entire defense will basically just enter the NFL draft though.

It sure does work for him though, doesn't it?

I hate Bama with a passion, but Saban wins football games like no other.

Doesn't matter. Recruit more 5 star future NFL players on defense, keep the bamawinslol train rolling.

But don't you think there's a ceiling? This year's defense has to be it.

Bama wins a lot because of their defense, not their offense. Besides, Saban is a 5* babby. He didn't win shit in the NFL where out-talenting the entire league is not possible.

Could Urban or Dabo do shit in the NFL? No. Very little crossover talent either way. And Saban was fairly close to success there desu.

Even if the 5 star talent on next year's Alabama defense makes for a slightly worse unit than this year's defense, they're still going to be high above every other program in CFB. For other CFB fans, it's frustrating, but it's just how shit goes.

Probably not, but the last coach to have a college dynasty as dominant as what Bama/Saban is doing now (Pete Carroll) was a play away from winning back to back Owls. Also, Dabo isn't relying on a roster that has multiple #1 overall recruiting classes.

Saban was good as the Browns DC.

>Bama wins a lot because of their defense, not their offense.
I was replying to the idea that Saban is a "terrible coach."

>Saban is a 5* babby
Say what you will, but they didn't have a championship for ten years before he won one. If they win tonight it will be their 5th in the 9 years he's been there.

>He didn't win shit in the NFL
True, but that's true for a lot of coaches (see: Spurrier). It's just a different game, so not everything overlaps, regardless of who you recruit.

My point is that it's dumb to say he's a terrible coach.

>not even the best coach in college and best coach in the nfl can turn the browns around

thats a special kind of shit

Nick Saban is basically Kenpachi Zaraki and loves a challenge but is too good so he weakens himself

They did turn them around though. I don't know where this meme of Belichick being a shit coach there comes from, probably from people who don't even remember it.

hard to argue with results

I don't think Saban is terrible. I'm not the guy who said that. He is clearly the best active CFB head coach. I just take all of his accomplishments with a grain of salt because the main reason he wins is because he recruits bigger, faster, more talented players than everyone else. Recruiting is part of the job description but when a coach who couldn't win in the NFL - a league where the strategy I just described can't work - can steamroll CFB it shows he wouldn't be as dominant if the sport had a more level playing field.

Combine that with him having all this success at a blueblood football factory and I just see Saban as a good coach who happens to be an outstanding recruiter at a great location, not Football Jesus. If he was winning titles and signing multiple #1 classes at Oregon State or Syracuse or Kentucky I would be a lot more impressed.

Its pretty wild that they never have elite QBs.

>Best ever

Recruiting is a skill.

>being an NFL average joe faggot

So would he be the best GM?


>Blueblood football factory

Have you ever been their? The bluebloods are scrawny frat boys - they aren't the ones that get recruited. The dynastic advantage is absolutely a thing and it's been breaking college football all the way back to Bear Bryant, but that's because Bear and Saban were good coaches to start. His coaching autism extends back to LSU/MSU as well.

When you look at colleges with the most grads on NFL rosters, Bama is around the same as other big name schools.

So why don't these other teams that have basically the same amount of NFL talent win as frequently?

Do you really think that the only reason Bama has won literally 50% of the national championships in recent years is recruiting? All of the 5* teams have recruited just as well as Bama over the last 10 years, yet not done nearly as well as Bama. How do you explain that?

>They don't need one
>40 yards passing in 35 minutes and about to lose to Clumpson because your QB can't move the ball

bama hands you a piece of paper for showing up to class once to turn in a paper you "wrote" for 90 percent of your overall grade all four years you attend

It's literally painful to watch this kid throw the ball.

I can't quite follow what you're saying here, but I'm assuming it's something about Bama allowing players to cheat in classes for eligibility?

If so, I went to a Big 10 school that will remain unnamed, and I can assure you that there was a large population of football players who wouldn't have made it past 9th grade without """help"""