No refugees will be accepted in Poland, as they pose a threat to security...

>No refugees will be accepted in Poland, as they pose a threat to security, said the head Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party and former PM Jaroslaw Kaczynski, adding that Poland will oppose any law forcing EU members to pay €250,000 per refused refugee.

>“Such a decision would abolish the sovereignty of EU member states – of course, the weaker ones. We don’t agree to that, we have to oppose that, because we are and we will be in charge in our own country,” Kaczynski said.

>of course, the weaker ones

Uh oh

Other urls found in this thread:,t=polen--eufoerderung-2014-bis-2020,did=1105836.html

God bless them for being correct about mass immigration. EU has gone out of control.

Superpower by 2030
t. Canadian expat

that city looks beautiful

why are most other Euros so obsessed with turning all their beautiful cities into Islamic shitholes?

Germany invading Poland to bring """"democracy""""" when?

For example isn't Antwerp like 90% muslim now?

How exactly does that improve it?

Did you read that book too?

Which book?


EU collapse soon

>B-but they flee from w-war. T-that's racist

How would the EU even force countries to pay that fine. Seems like nations can just tell the EU cucks to fuck off.

god bless Poland for fighting the good fight.

Its complicated.
By EU agreements every country has to do its part when there is a challenge to overcome, but the definition of what is such a situation is rather unclear

I love Poland. And Hungary. Slovakia too. The Czech as well. If Austria elects Hofer, they are redeeming themselves too.


>god bless Poland for fighting the good fight.
And we are not alone

based kurwas

They just refuse to pay them any EU aid money.


Good luck Poland, the European blackmailing is the most outrageous bullshit so far. Every country has the right to protect its borders, security and culture. I'm sorry for Italy backing this bullshit too, I didn't vote for Renzi or his party, he wasn't even elected by the people. Austria has the right to put frontier control checks too, so does the rest of the countries that want this, especially when justified.

Finally the EU has put a clear pricetag on a cultural identitity and safety.

>I'm sorry for Italy backing this bullshit too
Thanks, but our previous governmmnet would've caved in as well, so no hard feelings and as I understand most Italians have the right idea about this influx of invaders. Let's hope that your leadership will follow the will of the populace closer in the future.

>No tanned Polacks

How many poles named Greg are there?

Stay strong polska (and slovaks)
Don't let Brussels dictate how you live

based slavs.. make me proud there some of the white race still have a backbone in europe.

That's my new wallpaper i see here user

i envy poland

their politicians have backbone

Save us all

Just don't pay. What are they going to do invade? Do the states in Europe that want this even have armies? Guess they'll sick the US on them. Although the US wants Poland for a missile base.

Take the Finnish course of action as an example

>Crimea happens
>EU gets butthurt and tells members to basically not speak to Russia until someone does something about it
>Finland tells Brussels to fuck right off
>routine meetings with Putin go on as usual

Maybe they'll refuse aid money to Poland or somehing this time

We joined the EU right before it collapses
Fuck me

We are still trying to get int. :-DDD

Quick guys, historic moment! Screencap this, archicve it, call the feds, call yor mum, call the EU, call Soros.
Romanian user praises Hungary! Magyar-Dacian alliance when?!

God bless Poland
>Which book?
The Next 100 Years, George Friedman

>right before it collapses

Don't worry, it won't collapse until we join.
You, Romania and Bulgaria can vetofuck us for 2-3 years, just enough for Vucic to accept all your conditions and make us join EU and maybe even NATO without referendum (or with a rigged one).

At that point, I suggest that you take as much from us as humanly possible and leave the union ASAP.

In the end, EU will consist of Germany, France, Sweden, Serbia and maybe up to 3 other countries and as such it will become European Federation.

The funny thing is, I can't even bring myself to give a fuck. In 20 years my country will no longer exist and I don't even care. Probably it's all for the best.




Remind me where all those muslims are planning to go? :-DDD


>0.03 euro shekels was deposited to your account





>t. Mohammad Al-Jihad

>being this much of a tanned German

Let's see how long it takes from "polka stronk!" to "p-pls gib money eu sir"

Typical pole

I think this was the last year Poland was supposed to get EU development funds regardless.

Longer than you'd think. When it comes to economic hardship, a country can ride the storm out (see how Greece managed to stay afloat), but accepting a horde of AIDS-ridden Somalians and sandniggers from God knows where - that's something that destroys a nation for good.

Germany and, basically, the UK is already lost. We're trying not to go down with them.

I think that this is a good place to drop this based disco polo. Its about Polish jews that should fuck off to usa.

Then we'll stop paying the EU and this year we started paying more than we receive.

>give a country money to help them improve their economy faster
>keep paying for years
>economy gets better, country starts paying instead of receiving
>start a huge smear campaign against the country and fight with it about unimportant bullshit
>never get your money back

Why are they this stupid?

Anyway, these faggots think they can push us around. They think they are the big E U and we have no choice but to do as they say. Well tough shit, we'll do as we please AND we're not going to leave. We're the EU now and we WILL take over.

We put almost as much money to EU as we get at this point, plus thanks to our cheap labor German companies actually earns buckets.

boland stronk

Just be careful about your hard to defend flat land.

Please Poland, engineer some kind of protection.

>Germany invades Poland
>Russia jumps in
>USA drags Eu into war

Wtf I used to do that with empty cigarette packs when I was a kid

is it worth a read or does it smell like bullshit?

And both my parents are Polaki

>Poland starts another world war

Well at least they have good intentions this time.

Godspeed Polan


Sit tight Radu, the leftist scum are imploding on themselves.

>based disco polo

No such thing. Disco polo will forever be the world's second shittiest genre after hip-hop, no matter what ideology you attach to it.

That's a subject for a discussion. At least it's entertaining.
Also I don't remember him saying about Poland, he says Turkey, Mexico and Japan will rise in the 21 century

Hey anons. Would you happen to have two minutes of spare time? I have a six question survey regarding your beliefs when it comes to other faiths.

Would you terribly mind answering it?


Go here to discuss results if you wish:

i wish that we would have same kind of spine that polish people instead of ruining the whole country and race with these immigrant shits



> stars and crescent in flag.


Is that your Russian bias to overlook anything polish? Because I took a quick read at the Wikipedia to get an idea what it's about and it seems like 'polish bloc' was mentioned just as often as the United States (at least in the summary)

Anyway I'll probably pick up a copy 4 bucks whatever



Bless you, Poland.

If any country deserves to take over Europe and rule it with an iron fist, it's Poland.
You have been fucked with more than enough times. It's time for you to put those wings back on and core out some assholes

But Serb bro, why do you say that Romania would veto you?

Dude, wtf?
Zigeuner, fixed it for you.
Know your enrichment.

>we WILL take over.
I would welcome you as our new overlords. The Germans have gone insane.

Indeed historic moment. Please provide a proof that you are not a proxy. I could request ID but view outside your window should be enough.

I call that bullshit

From 2014 to 2020 Poland will get 82'500'000'000 € from the EU,t=polen--eufoerderung-2014-bis-2020,did=1105836.html

>upside down to copy the big bratanek


Good. Everything goes according to plan. We won't make a mistake again like in 1683.

Tanned german