
The most cancerous college team is gone, now we need the most bandwagoned cancerous pro team to lose
inb4 assblasted bandwagoners pretending they're not cancerous bandwagoners

I believe the Texans can do it.

>now we need the most bandwagoned cancerous pro team to lose

Yes, Dallas must lose

For God and Country, you know what to do, Texas.

Por que?

You can't Stop them!

If Tom Savage plays, maybe. If Osweiler plays, never

This. Kek is with Tom to crush Goodell

it will have to be in the super bowl, none of those meme Afc teams stand a chance

You mean Cock Lossweiler. Who the fuck decided to pay that mong so much money

Please yes. I need this Toxins.

there is no bandwagon worse than the cowshits and if they win a super bowl a cancer will begin that is so malignant it will destroy football

>Heavily implying that's not the Cowboys

Not a more bandwagoned team in America. Patriots fans are usually quarantined to the NE.

Pretty sure even the Steelers are more bandwagoned.

If Dallas and New England lose, this football year will be pretty much perfect.

Stop this lie, that was true in the 90s. I am surrounded by patriots "fans", my own brother is a die hard patriots " fan" est 2011. Tired of hearing the lie that they're only in the northeast

>Implying that's anything but the fucking Patriots

Fuck off man, it is the objective truth that the Patriots are THE team for the casual "oh i didn't watch the game" bandwagon football "fans"

I live in CO, on the other side of the fucking country nearly, and every fucking other dunce is a Patriots "fan" over here, and I'm certain every else too.

go punch a wall just like your closeted nigger fuckbuddy.

I'd feel pretty bad for Romo in that situation, desu
First year out, Owl favorites. And Romo probably could've gotten them there too

Prescott looking good tho

Cowboys haven't won shit in years

hasn't stopped the
>muh america's team
>muh five rings
bandwagoning one bit

imagine the cancer if they win another

I don't think you know what bandwagoning is based on this post

Saban confirmed for Hillary supporter.

>none of those fans are from dallas or even texas and they chose the cowshits over the local team because muh super bowls

that's bandwagoning pal

Gone? They weren't supposed to be good enough to win it this year. They are favorites to win it all next season.

Who was it that started the "Year of Justice" meme? Maybe they're right. Maybe this is the year of wrongs righted and evils avenged. Saban's evil empire has fallen. Who knows who might be next?

Nfl fag here, what can I do to start watching cfb? Is cfb better? Are the commercials shit along with the officiating?

go to a college, otherwise there's no reason to watch it

I go to UT

Pretty sure support regardless of current success and clamoring over past accomplishments and attesting that every year will be "our year" is being an actual fan.

But surely every Patriots fan that googled "what team is good at football" last week is way more legitimate and totally not bandwagon.

If you have to ask then you are inferior by nature and have no chance of enjoying cfb. I'd suggest just eating some more chili cheese dogs and buying another Tony Romo jersey.

Evil empires you say?

Fuck you, my dad never let me watch cfb with lamarquiz after their divorce. No wonder you're all cucks worshipping bbc

betraying your community to ride the glory of another's team is the worst form of bandwagoning, and the very idea of 'america's team' is a wretched excuse for such conduct

hearing people from New Jersey and Pennsylvania say 'my Cowboys' is a fucking disgrace

>New Englander living in Minnesota
>bought Vikings shirt to blend in with crowd
>still cheer for Patriots

How wrong is this mates?

Go Pats lol

The only wrong act was buying the Vikings shirt. You can wish them well but to wear the colors is to identify with something you're not.

Fuck your "community"

You stick with the team you grew up with, regardless of how they do or where you live.

Anything else is being a bandwagon faggot.

If you live in New England right now, but they're not the team you grew up liking, you're a bandwagon faggot. This is a steadfast rule and cannot be changed.

hold on there mr. turbo autism

if i grew up a pats fan but then became so alienated by the amount of bandwagoners after they won the 2001 super bowl that i decided to choose another team (the ravens and then the titans after 2012), what does that make me?

I don't like being labeled a bandwagon cuck so I switch teams to avoid the distinction.

>I'm not a cuck living in Detroit
>Let niggers fuck my wife to blend in and get along with them
>But I'm still not a cuck guise

That's you, senpai. Why the fuck would you buy another team's colors? That's ultimate cuckoldry

>not supporting the Broncos
>support NE

Truly the basest of trash.

>I don't like being labeled a bandwagon cuck so I switch teams to avoid the distinction.

>I don't like being a bandwagon cuck so to prevent this I'm a bandwagon cuck


Would the fact that I attend Vikings games somewhat regularly change this?

you're still a faggot because you care what "people" think of you instead of just rooting for one team and saying fuck off. nobody "questions" your loyalty to a team unless you're clearly a bandwagoner. you have no loyalty either and thus are a shit fan. a true fan roots for a team when they are sucessful and shitty through thick and thin. you can never change teams unless your literal son grows up and plays in the nfl maybe then you can buy a hat of the new team

You should go with your pats gear and not give a fuck and just enjoy a football game, and if anyone gives you shit, banter with them and talk about Brady having the same super bowl wins as Vikes SB appearances or something. That would make you badass, but you already bought a Vikes jersey to get along and not get in an hypothetical uncomfortable position, faget.

Patriots are cheaters and all their """fans""" are 12 year old bandwagoners.

Seahawks will have their revenge

I've dealt with shitty Patriots, Ravens, and Titans teams throughout the years, but since they got too good and I couldn't stand being called a bandwagoning cuck, I decided to switch teams to shield myself from that criticism and just shitpost in peace like the rest of you. If anything, isn't wanting to dissociate oneself with a hoarde of bandwagon cucks, the truest red pill and path to enlightenment of them all?

Is exactly why I stopped being a fan. Then Ravens fans got this. God, I hope the Titans never win anything too big in the future. I'm not sure who I'm considering as a fallback option.

Stop my neurons can only fire so fast

Go Pats lol

not even SHE likes the fuckin Patriots...

I'm a giants fan but I want Brady to win, fuck it!

However, if GB makes it to the SB, which is unlikely, I'll root for them

Once the Patricucks fall, only one will remain.

You're probably seeing a lot of New England transplants.

Cowboys are easily the biggest bandwagon team in the NFL. Mostly because of holdovers from the 90's who started bandwagoning them and because their uniforms are spectacular so a lot of their merch looks good.

>You're probably seeing a lot of new england transplants
>Being this delusional
People bandwagon success and the most bandwagoned NFL team for well over a decade now are the cheats, they are all over the country. It's like the Bulls during the Jordan era or the Lakers with Kobe. Even the foreigners on this board bandwagon the fagtriots