LEFTCHAN: "Liberals Get The Gulag, Too" EDITION

LEFTCHAN: "Liberals Get The Gulag, Too" EDITION.



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Fuck off you commie.

Fuck you, you don't represent us workers. You're probably a middle class cuck who think it would be cool to be working class but you really cba dealing with them.

eat shit nazi scum


Literally worse than the commie OP.

Sod off Capitalist cuck

Is my faggotry terminal doc?


when will you embrace the superiority of libertarian communism /b?

Libtards, commies and socialists gtfo

looks good to me

It's not my fault you live in a shit country. You should have voted for Lord Buckethead.

Name one successful communist system.


Social Liberalism apparently

Can't we all just get along

>High HDI
>Free healthcare
>Successful cancer vaccine
>High Literacy


Kys cucked faggot, I bet you suck your countries dick for welfare.


>All these nazis make me sick

>Implying my country provides welfare to me.
I don't fit the requirements because I have a job, but I still live out of a shitty apartment and survive off of ramen


steve keen is judging you silently


God damn, you guys are wierd.

>Not being pure centrist

Cuba is propped up by Venezuela you fucking idiot.

>I'm too cucked to have strong opinions


whats weird about being a left wing populist?

>I'm Neocon
Wtf I love Isreal now


Meh, whatever.

american i guess?


1/5th of Cuba's GDP is from Venezuela. Without them, Cuba would be a fucking wasteland.


howdy commies

Looks more like National Bolshevism than Nazism


I spit at you commies

Hell ya

fuck the facists, lib-com reporting in

i was like neat, lets do this!
then i saw its 70 questions LOL NOPE

>all these commies


the fire rises

Fuck nazis and commies


What i take away from these threads is that there would be a lot more libertarian bros if people had faith in the markets. It's the damn government trying to mess with the markets that made them so fucked up to begin with



Wouldn't happen because slaves aren't allowed in Ancap

>when you don't understand libertarianism


Also known as "I've got mine, so fuck you."

We live in a society, which means a certain amount of collectiveness. No one, NO ONE, has achieved success alone. Fire protection, police, roads, utilities, etc. all receive tax subsidies...so users do not pay the full cost. Insurance spreads the risk privately, but is still takes the product of the work of others.


I see nothing wrong with this. Stay the fuck off my lawn



wow workers are slaves to disabled people who collect welfare apparently.


enjoy the slow festering death of crisis capitalism :^)




Its a lot harder to make anarcho communist memes like that because nobody even knows how that kind of society would work even in a hypothetical



so can we finally agree that anarchy is bullshit and learn how to best deal with the painful fact that we need some form of government?

im still waiting for the first relatable libcomball meme. c'mon rightists you can do it, make one about union bureaucracy or something

how did i do?

Yes we do. The government should:
Enforce contracts written between two consenting individuals.
Enforce laws that protect liberty, property or a life.
Fund the police
Fund and control the military
Fund the courts

EVERYTHING else should be up to the people of the country.

Sounds like a great way to establish an economic caste system

there has been some blueprints sketches out. people usually point towards spain 1936 as a libcom society in practise but the mode of production has changed a lot since then. ursula le guins book "the dispossessed", while fiction, is the most serious attempt at critiquing what problems may arise in a libcom society imo

This. Also even based on my results i fall more under minarchist than ancap. Government is a necessary evil.

Deal with it.

Deal with it
>or off to the gulag

so basically any third world countrie's state is ancap

Libertarian society*

>it keeps happening

>implying gulags in a true anarchy.

>doesnt understand the concept of upward mobility

>communism = nazi

Fascistfag reporting in

Does anyone really think that healthcare funded by taxes is possible in the US? Socialists always like to bring up Norway as a place where this works perfectly. Alright, I agree with you it works there, so let's use their numbers to compare with the US.

>Cost of taxfunded healthcare adjusted to usage: 2 591 666 000 000$ per year
>US Defense budget: 611 000 000 000$

>implying upward mobility isn't at an all time low
>implying upper classes can't permanently cuck the lower classes into their caste
>trusting muh invisible hand
>implying capitalism doesn't inevitably create this situaion

eurocuck reporting in

Why not just lower the defense budget and start taxing companies and the upper classes more?

You all deserve to burn in hell.


prime gulag material

Get fucked, statists and fascists.

>just lower the defense budget
You would need 4,5 defense budgets to finance government-funded healthcare

>tax the rich and companies
Trillions of dollars? Are you crazy? Even if you taxed the one percent, 100%, that would only keep the system open for half a year, and then the 1% would run out of money.

If you took all the capital of the largest companies in america, it would support the system for a year, before those ran out of money too.

This is what I got

>Trillions of dollars? Are you crazy?
I don't think I am


I'm french

burgerland healthcare is insanely inefficent and costly. just throwing more money at it wont save it

How do you expect companies to get enough capita per year, to get over two trillions in taxes, and still create income for it's workers?