The problem isn't MGTOW. The problem here is that the opponents of MGTOW (stormfront...

The problem isn't MGTOW. The problem here is that the opponents of MGTOW (stormfront, jezebel) have shilled so fucking hard against MGTOW here that you all have internalized their strawman misrepresentation of it. You believe that MGTOW = abstaining from sex. That isn't what it means. Here, I'm going to repeat that last part in all caps for emphasis.


Pic related is an accurate depiction of a typical MGTOW

Do you believe that bachelors abstain from sex? Of course not. The only difference between MGTOW and bachelorhood is that society expects a bachelor to eventually "settle down" and start a family after he has finished sowing his oats. MGTOW are just bachelors who have the audacity to say, "my bachelorhood isn't a phase".

MGTOW isn't anything more than this.
>you may now proceed to strawman what we are because you're intellectually incapable of formulating a logical argument against our actual position.

Other urls found in this thread:

the problem is anyone using the word shill



Yeah, I can see how that could be problematic for someone in your field.

Your job would be an order of magnitude easier if people didn't know.

You act like paying a stripper $100 is difficult.

It is for him. He still lives with his mother.

Only shills thinks shills using shills are shills you shills shilling shiller

>getting laid
>shitposting on Sup Forums

Pick one

100 damn I don't have 50 cents to my name right now. I'd buy 100 of weed and energy drinks and booze and party

One of the fundamental tenets of MGTOW is the act of CHOOSING your own lane. If you're still living with your mother, you aren't a man, you're still a boy, and your lane is being chosen for you.

MGTOW is for virgins and fags.

MGTOW PUA and redpill are just women haters. You're comfortable with it because it tries really hard to justify it with logic but all that logic boils down to an irrational hatred.

The self help aspect of it is a cult tactic to lull people into a false sense of security that it doesn't come back to that illogical hatred.

Don't fall for their bullshit. Those guys from all those groups are failures in life, and they think getting sex can justify their short comings because they're culturally fucked up.

I don't know anything about them. But seeing as how you feminists are against them, I'm going to go check out a few of their videos.

Throwing men that make the cult look bad for the image they want to protect about not being failures under the bus.
If you think retaliation against feminism is acceptable because that group is stupid, you're just going to end up in an equally stupid group if they're retaliating against stupidity. They are not "going their own way" with dialog, they're reacting to it. You'll get schpeals from people claiming to be self aware trying to make a point about how a man chooses instead of doing things in reaction, all the while what they're doing is in reaction, especially in reaction to the same old talking points.
If you want to be a tool you're going in the right direction.

This is the very first video I found. I completely agree with it.

I really don't care if you agree with it, I don't need to waste my time watching it, if whatever they're addressing comes up like beating a dead horse they'll be triggered into repeating and posting images dogmatically in an involuntary reaction because they're a cult, and it's part of their programming.

Tits or get the fuck out

You only have to give her 70 of your man dollars.

u mad bro?

>he posted all that with the meme frog

Suddenly all your credential is dropped.

not even slightly rustled. nice try Satan.

Hay dude that's papy the frog lol newfag

You know this is one of the reasons men have a woman around, a third party that over hears stuff. Why don't we ask one of the women we live with what she thinks of it all?

>lets ask the feminist overlords if they approve

You live with a feminist overlord. I suppose mommy issues would explain your problems here.


Men don't use shaming tactics to argue.

As a matter of fact they do. I know that because I'm doing it right now. It's okay you can admit you're soft, you were sitting there on your boipucci, failing to woo women, and needed to latch onto someone with a stronger opinion than yours to build your own ideas. Except their not your ideas and they're so devoid of reason that even any single female out there can't even find your opinions palpable enough to have you around as company for a miNute amount of time.

Tits or get the fuck out

Apparently this was accidentally posted to me when they meant it for you.

oh, what's that?better make sure it fits the agenda

Notice a little bit of irony, or do you take deviation from your own propaganda when you're looking like a tool in a argument as independent thought?

Okay, you got me. The jig is up. I'm one of the roastie feminist overlords. You can have your thread back now.


All you're advocating is that childish men who never have grown up should stay adolescent.
I get the appeal, but it's more admirable to be an actual grown-up - a man that someone before the 1960s would recognize as a man - than some arrested development case.
Pic related - it's what MGTOW will never be

so you want to have sex and possibly reproduce but not take responsibility if you potentially create a child?

The goal is to become niggers, yes