Opinions on this man
Opinions on this man
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If he was alive at the time of the Savior Judas Iscariot would have remained a trusted member of the fraternity of apostles.
Nick is the best actor out of the three
I feel as if he's a person I wouldn't like in real life
The best of the three, but they're all pretty great
As based as a person could possibly be
As actors: Nick > Charles > Sam
As ''''writers'''': Sam > Charles > Nick
>tfw Sup Forums likes Nick more than Sam
How do you even know how much Nick contributed to the writing?
professional coattail rider
I'm talking 'bout their individual videos. I know Charles writes all the conspiracy stuff on his own; they mentioned it in the writers meeting video.
Nick is the one who got them the show. And without Nick it'd just be two mentally ill ethnonationalists shitposting on camera.
patrician taste
that Vaervaf soundtrack
Chuck is way more into John Birch libertarian stuff though
Drywire Augment is an ace fuckin' track.
Vaervaf is pretty much a better Orangy
i'm not a huge fan of WP so far but that teacher skit was legit fucking genius
>tfw your friends are too pleb to get into Vaervaf or Orangy
Operation Rescue gave me feels I didn't expect
Their shit is pretty weird though, I wouldn't blame em. Also Orangy had his fair share of stinkers honestly. RIP
The shit Vaervaf and Orangy did as Viking Girlfriends is legitimately great. It's a real shame Orangy died, that kid was crazy talented and I really do think that, given a few more years, he would have blown up with some truly innovative stuff.
Did he die for real though, or did he (((die))) like Gvcci Hvcci did
>Charles writes all the conspiracy stuff on his own
i knew that guy was insane
Fuck Charls
Marry Nick
Kill Sam
Sorry pepperoni face, your days are over
Actually he seems the nicest of all of them to me. I suspect that all of them are relatively bro-tier and just act edgy on camera.
I miss Kourush.
I genuinely think that he's a pedophile
Nah the kid's really ded.
>forgetting about the time they broke into someones house and then smoked a bunch of weed
They're degenerates
Yeah, why isn't he with them, especially since Ruse is, in frame even.
He's actually dead, James Price wrote a long blog post confirming it while rumors were flying around a couple years ago.
>Vaervaf released Viking Girlfriend's second and last album a year after Orangy's death
>The bandcamp description just reads "I love you Jeri"
Different things. I am exceptionally polite and nice to everyone I meet. Doesn't mean I care about some whore from down the street getting raped or sand people shooting each other in the ME for the n-th time.
What the fuck happened to him?
He wasn't involved with the show and whenever Sam's asked on the subreddit about it he just says "He needed to relax"
Is that Thom Yourke?
He's a nut and self aware enough where he can play it off, there's a video of him with Sam and he's jabbering about vitamins and has a box full of it
you guys have a mega link for episode 3? They took it down from youtube
House was clearly abandoned and they needed a place to stay anyways. To be fair, they cleaned the house thoroughly before they left
>guy wants to take a break
>Sam interprets it as a betrayal
I could totally see that happening.
Oh, shit, that's sad. Rest easy, Orangy, I really did your art
>i'm drinking and felt like writing it out don't be mean
He fucks exhaust pipes.
>guy wants to take a break
from what?
It seems like it's the other way around, familia.
i.e. Sam's just saying Kurush took a break and you autists are interpreting it like Kurush somehow betrayed or broke ties with the group
Chuck and Sam are notoriously anti-drug, though.
>Nick just smokes that stale bong and joint from stripper's room
absolute madman
he's also very obviously blazed in Antiques. I wonder how they work it out with Sam who seems to hate weed with a passion
(((adult swim))) is cracking down on clips uploaded to ((((((YouTube)))))), where can I find mirrors?
your living room...PISS. think.
Fuck Charles
Marry Sam
Kill all muslims
Nah man. Sam's pretty chill and doesn't seem like the kind to want to make enemies.
Sam is probably just more easy-going than how his unhinged comedy portrays him. I think MDE fans have trouble separating the message from the day-to-day person because the message resonates with them so deeply and seems to come from a place of sincere dissatisfaction.
Who is this semen demon?
it's almost like people can be friends without agreeing on everything and being exactly the same. It's almost like it's more fun and interesting to hang out with people that don't just reaffirm your every belief
hi im thom yourke
stream it on their site
>because the message resonates with them so deeply and seems to come from a place of sincere dissatisfaction.
Yep, that's very true.
this video made me quit playing videogames
sorry man lol
Sam touched on it in the fagtano interview. didnt mention kurush by name but it's obvious. basically "its hard when it comes time to get shit done and people around you have this kind of 'waaaaaaaahhhhh' emotional freakout over it"
wish their show was a little more like their college cunts skits
what do you think he meant by that?
One of their comfiest videos. Nick used to be a pretty Chad lookin guy, which is what he also mentioned in that one standup.
> There's no shame in trying things that ain't never been tried before
I don't know why but that makes me so uncomfortable
Karush was prolly too much of a slacker to organize/participate in actual shoots
Chuck is legit the most crazy guy of them all. His genuine intensity in some of vids is palatable
is that 4 hour long video about the clown worth watching?
I've always imagined him as really ambitious and a bit cynical and narcissistic
this. can't blame them for trying something new though. i bet they always wanted to do something more 'legit' (i.e. something with a budget).
I'm guessing this
although I wouldn't necessarily say slacker, more like "woah guys hold up I dunno if i wanna study or move or commit to a show guys woah can we just slow down I'm not sure oh jeez" and he got left behind
Wasn't Sam smoking a blunt in the 4th episode of World Peace?
>That Assault on Precinct 13 theme in the opening credits
these boys and their art speaks to me on the level most personal, haters in WP threads would never understand
most likely a self rolled cigarette.
hes pretty vocal about his hatred of DUDE WEED LMAO shit
Nobody rolls a cig in a blunt wrap. You can hate stoner culture but still enjoy smoking.
anyone have the link to sam on Gavin McInnes show? I tried looking on youtube, but all they have is when they fought over the phone and no the interview
It was a cigar you underage idiots
Nah, man, he doesn't just hate the "culture", he really, out of character considers weed detrimental to one's personal development/stability
watch more vids
I actually really don't get that. Weed is not remotely as damaging as tobacco and alcohol. What the fucc, man?
I really don't understand Sam's diet/health habits.
if that was the case, he's a complete pussy
You can find it on the MDE reddit if you look for it.
It's pretty shitty though, Gavin Mcinnes is fucking retarded
>that thin
which one? the fallout gameplay?
I find Charles funnier but Nick is the best and most versatile actor.
The Prodigal Stunna is my favourite of their videos.
I agree but I think it was a small cigar, not a blunt
>cigars are as thin as a pencil
Ok kiddo
Weed makes you lazy
Dont care what anyone says ive been smoking for 11 years and im tired of these kids pretending like its the best thing ever
smoking fat as fuck Soprano cigars takes a long time, isn't that enjoyable and way more expensive
>Weed is not remotely as damaging as tobacco and alcohol.
ah this meme again
>what's a cigarillo
cmon man don't make me think you're a legit basement dweller
because people who smoke weed are annoying lethargic assholes who think doing it makes them "smarter" and vastly over rate their own intelligence and vastly overstate the medical properties of it.
and Sam sees it as a dead end confused kids go down thinking it will lead to something good when they are just shooting themselves in the foot
Some of them are, but those are usually smoked by women lmao
Sam also bullshits a lot.
Go back and watch it, its definitely a cigar
youre an idiot
Charls > Nick = Sam
Charls speaks to me on a molecular level
It was a lot thinner than that.
Okay, fair enough. Still not that much of a downside compared to increased risk of cancer/brain damage/etc IMO.
Okay, I guess I understand that from an emotional standpoint. I wouldn't hang out with someone who sees weed as a huge part of their identity, that's for sure. Personally I only partake if someone's offering which is less than once a year.
Mde is flicking shit who the duck is Charles he completely ruined it and where's the brown guy