Daily reminder that Sup Forums can't refute this

Daily reminder that Sup Forums can't refute this

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>it's whitey's fault I dropped out of school in 6th grade to sell crack

not an argument

but it already happened

Russia is what happened, the russian population lived enslaved, tortured and miserable during centuries and when they were fred from the status of slaves they lived in more misery under the czars, only worst when communism happened

and what happened to russians/slavs?
They are fucking insane, yet complete geniuses with a lot of contributions to science and technology

eat shit

Kolonisation was a mistake, we can all agree on that. So what's stopping from blacks to move back to Africa and rebuild?

Blacks are 55x more likely of having the "warrior Gene"that makes you violent and crazy

>5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele


50% of Whites have the empathy gene compared to 10% of blacks


Intelligence is mostly inherited, blacks score on average 1 standard deviation or below whites on IQ tests meaning far more are near retard level while only a microscopic number can be called "geniuses"


Here is an African trying to build a plane

Black genetics makes them retarded

So now China is taking over

how come jews score higher then whites? they have been tortured about as much as blacks

Daily reminder that we can and did refute it. /thread

>about as much as blacks
I think you mean much more than blacks.

oh my fucking sides

whatevs, you get the point


Do those only take scientific papers written in English or acknowledged by the Anglo world into account? The term "Scientific Research Paper" doesn't really mean a lot on its own unless you can put it into context.
You're just associating the word "Science" with a tangible object that's supposed to be good.

You want an argument?
your dumb cartoon is a fallacy, pretends
Anecdote = cientific method

You are a shitskin, and because of thatni have reason to believe you are quite dumb, and so are the animals that birthed you into this undeserving world. Kill yourself and clean this planet fom your filthy turk being.

t. turkroach

jews do not count they are literally satanic and ccan go against all odds

But the blacks taking the test weren't slaves????????????????

jamal pls
back to senegal

Fun fact: The 15 IQ points difference also appears between black and white students in Johannesburg, South Africa, where blacks are in control, and whites are a minority.

>whites score 15 points higher than blacks on IQ tests
Stopped reading there, you made our point for us, case fucking closed.
It's raining right now. Should I blame the atmosphere for oppressing the clouds, or should I take an umbrella?

Are blacks>whites, or whites>blacks?

Jews were never enslaved for generations. And how do banking jews in the Middle Ages reason with "starving"?

Whites working in Africa only leads to a civilized Africa. But because whites do it, it Will be called colonialism.

>This test is free, right?

Every time.

My fucking sides are gone

>colonists kidnapped africans
>what are african warlords

Except you can, with russians, and whites from slavic countries. Which were opressed for centuries, treated as slaves, or were part of casts with no rights. And yet, they dont have the average IQ of an african american. (you still can find plenty of retards but hey, the ratio is probably the same as with rednecks)

In his own words he is basically saying "Yes, blacks are inferior". He is creating excuses for it because it supports his entrenched ideology that goes against observable fact. Whatever the case, no blacks or whites were alive during slavery so the point is irrelevant anyway, just an emotional tactic to get whites to feel guilty.

Whites score higher than blacks. Both are above South African average of course, but the smart blacks who make it into University are still dumber than the smart whites. It's those 15 points over and over again. So many studies confirm this, across national borders, across income classes, across different age groups, from toddlers to grown ups, etc. etc. etc. yet people refuse to accept that fact. So what. People also used to deny the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Neither the Sun, nor the Earth cared.

It's likely they use arxiv papers sorted by country.

What is south korea for 500

>spent centuries getting fucked in the ass by japan and china
>ww2 followed by the korean war dstroys everything including infrastructure making your country a 3rd world economy
>spends years after that under oppressive rule where you could be kidnapped at anytime
And yet they still rank in the top 10 in international student assessment rankings

Daily reminder that slavery ended a long time ago and blacks got equal rights in the 60s. So the picture is no longer an argument.

Irrelevant. Jews were banished, persecuted, confined to ghettos, and subjected to extremely harsh treatment in Europe less than 100 years ago. I know liberals and niggers love to act like Africans have some monopoly on suffering, but that isn't the case. Kike have gone through just as much bullshit, yet they persevered due to intelligence.

literally half a century ago

so what? what's done is done. plus iq can't drop 15 points in 4-5 generations.

So those who weren't taken off as slaves?

This animated series was made by a black guy, that is not a white-hating douchebag. So please, watch.


Nice try you cockroach, doing the Jews dirty work again I see

Daily reminder that Turkfags are not entitled to an opinion

>This test is free, right?


But most whites have historically lived as serfdom, living in shit conditions

do you even history?

> what is feudalism

After you build the wall, you can come through that big beautiful door. Legally.

Also this thread is blessed by kek's repeating digits, witnessed.

Hong Kongers were colonialized and doped out of their minds on opium, and they have the highest IQs on earth.

Ever heard of Egypt or Babylon?

>unironically believes his prophet used a winged pony to fly in space and split the moon in half
>tries using scientific arguments to prove his delusional points

Be muslim, be not retarded: choose one.

don't be so hard on yourself, everyone's opinion matters

all you have to do is look at the statistics. if you cant accept the statistics then go back to tumblr

Jews have a similar history, yet blow whites out of the water in IQ tests.

What about Eastern European countries where those determined to be "the intelligentsia" were killed by the bolsheviks? We still do pretty well in international tests.

Finns and Estonians were under two different foreign rules for more than half a millenia with our cultures being repressed, yet we seem to be doing fine independently.

fake or not, blackie got btfo

Boondocks is great TBHF.

delete this

It's real


>Fun fact: The 15 IQ points difference also appears between black and white students in Johannesburg, South Africa, where blacks are in control, and whites are a minority.

This is false. American blacks have an IQ of 85, because they have 25% European admixture.
Pure Africans in sub-Saharan Africa are actually much dumber, and have an average IQ between 70 and 80.
The average IQ in African colleges are around 85-90, while in white countries it's about 115.

Oh you mean Jews who go to Jewish schools that are private and not really scrutinised by governments, who only employ Jews as staff, whom are all students/teachers/parents a tight community and all go to the same synagogue- those Jews?

Gee whiz Herschel I couldn't see any lack of probity there.

If you anons wouldn't terribly mind, could you take a couple minutes to fill out this questionnaire? It's six questions about your views when it comes to other religions.



>"This test is free, right?"

the african mooslums sold them into slavery

Slavs, Jews, Jannisaries, etc.


The fact that whites could get blacks into the ships to start with os already proof that whites are smarter

It has been disproven. IQ is 60-70% hertiable. Niggers are stupid.

Somebody post the one with the serfs.

Aren't American blacks on average smarter than Sub-Saharan blacks?

>implying Jews were enslaved in Egypt and that wasn't a Jewish trick
"Of course we were enslaved! We built the pyramids goyim!"

That would actually happen though.

Yes it's called progress.

Didn't know you guys are such cucks

My thoughts exactly.

The Jews?
Been oppressed for hundreds of years, and ashkenazi jews have an average IQ of 105+

Most European peasants were almost illiterate during the XIX Century yet when they where scholarized you got our modern societies.
The environment and society you're raised in can affect on how you score this kind of tests because genes are just a part of it, but there are poor people of other races as well. Besides, some African countries have the lowest avergae IQ in the world.
I don't think this really matters since IQ tests are not as relevant and well designed as some people tend to believe; what you should do is treat everyone equally and have the same opportunities.

>dat Ben Garrison signature

Besides there a simple fact that debunks OP theory.

Whites did enslave niggers. Not the other way around.
Why? Because africans lived in mudhouse butt naked all day. They didn't know how to sail, how to mine and use their own natural resources, how to build a wheel, etc.

History never lies.

(well except when it's about the jews)

So instead of
>Genetically heritable
>Epigenetically heritable
But somehow permanent in the era of society that has done far much more to solve this than necessary, so is essentially the same?

Oh wait

But this is litterally what happened with the Irish and the jews?

Yes. They're about a quarter white, so they score 10-15 points higher than pure blacks.

I didn't realize African countries were as advanced and intelligent as the United States today since its been a few thousand years, they even had a head start! That's so cool!

Wow, that was easy.

Probably includes gender and women studies too.

>Chinese-Americans don't exist.

lol they killed 6 million jews but their IQ is still top tier, refute that roach-nigger

To play devils advocate though, couldn't the lack of decent IQs in African Americans be attributed to slavery to at least some degree, when you consider the fact that when enslaved, we has no need for smart niggers, so we only kept the big dumb strong ones that could do the hard labor better, I mean maybe a few decently intelligent house niggers or something, but the majority would be dumb prole working types, not thinkers.

That's actually a good point in regards toSo yeah, I'm going to go with my first answer still

Daily reminder that turks can't fight this

No, because American blacks have higher IQs than African blacks (particularly from Congo, where the majority of slaves were from), because of the white admixture, so it's literally the opposite.

The IQ gap is exactly why whites carried blacks on slave ships, not the other way around. Had blacks been smarter, we would have had the United States of Africa as the dominant world power.

Yeah we can faggot, take Ethiopia, never colonized, population never enslaved (maybe by Egyptians, but they were 'black' themselves, cause we wus kangs, right?) Well, their average iq is 63. For comoaruson, the iq of koko the gorilla is at least 70

Stopping colonization was a mistake. Now there are tons of unused resources on Earth because the local populations are too dumb.


May be true that whites are WHY they're so dumb but that doesnt mean whites arent smarter on average. Try again jew

I'll just leave this here, eh?

OP believes that everyone in pic related is equal. What an idiot OP is.
Also, read Thomas Sowell.

>turkroaches are brainless zombies

The fun thing about this comic is that it actually tries to prove that blacks ARE genetically inferior.


Empire of Dust

Wrong not teaching does not dictate their ability to learn. Their shity culture is why they have issues. Look at affirmative action and all the upity BLM bull in college now. Education is a negligible part of the equation.

>if we actually did this experiment and whites were still smarter, libtards would still deny it

So is this thread about positivism or racial superiority?

Really makes you think...

>its free right?
my fucking sides

Because the intelligencia weren't actually that clever. A lot of intelligencia are just pretentious middle class people with delusions of grandeur.