I did it /pol, you convinced me.
I have bet 3000eu on Britain to leave the UK.
Do the right thing, patriots.
I did it /pol, you convinced me.
I have bet 3000eu on Britain to leave the UK.
Do the right thing, patriots.
I hope you lose.
Good luck.
The government has already propagandarised the media.
Sorry about your 3000eu's though.
But hey, look on the bright side - at least you can get rid of you eus; we can't even get rid of one.
I'll do my best, squire.
Its not going to happen dude
I wouldn't bet money on that mate. I want to leave but we will probably vote to stay.
You think they will stay in?
I am hoping that one of your mudslimes goes on an allah ahkbar killing spree, that shoud seal the deal
The polls are pretty even. 50/50 and leaving gives me 3.25 times my money, seems like a good deal.
Scotland and Ireland want to remain, like 60%
You think England by itself will vote leave? Odds for that are also fucking insane
European caliphate won't let UK leave now
it makes no sense for Brits to quit, they just elected a Paki Islamist themselves
pics or it didn't happen
Don't you have a non-binary teen to counsel, BuhRack?
They'll never let it happen. It's not like they've never rigged an election before.
Had to spread it out through different sites. One site won't let me bet it whole. This is 824eu on Ladbrokes.
Didn't except this kind of defeatism on /pol. I though remaining was just a meme and noone really wanted that
They've done it before. Just said the public couldn't be trusted to vote in it's best interests.
congrats, you're a fucking idiot
It's unbelievable the amount of shilling they've been doing for staying in.
They even put out a video of world war 2 veterans to say how leaving the EU will lead to another world war etc.
I'd say we'll most likely stay in but I'm not 100% sure. I have a decent enough social circle and I honestly don't know one person who is voting to stay in.
How can anyone believe Britain is going to leave the EU?
Dont you understand all the efforts they put on big goverment? do you think they will allow anyone leaving via referendum? Whos going to count the votes?
Im going to bet 3k britain is staying.
This is a stupid argument. They wouldn't let it be decided in a referendum only to fake the outcome; people will realize if they have been cheated.
Also, the argument for big government not allowing to leave doesn't work when a lot of high profile government people are backing leave.
fair enough. I'd say it will be closer than a lot of people think like less than 5% win or lose
Hasn't there been a complete media blackout of the refugee crisis on the continent?
Everything is set against an exit. The game is rigged man.
How are they going to realize they have been cheated? you are a fool.
When they have done referendums in many countries regarding the EU, many times they have not cared about the outcome if it was negative to their interests, or repeated the referendum.
If they leave everyone should be happy.
Except this time the outcome will decide what happens.
It's not the kind of advice-referendum like it used to be in many European countries, including mine.
I don't believe the elite can rig elections on such a scale, otherwise the Don wouldn't be the Republican Nominee
Aww poor little merifat thinks his hopes and dreams matter
Not only are you a degenerate gambler, you just pissed away 3k on the safest bet ever. Bongistan will never leave.
Yeah it's rigged good luck with that
3k down the drain
Poll of Polls currently puts in/out at 50% either way
However polls can include people who are too young to vote (who'd probably vote stay) and often miss old people (who'd vote to leave)
I reckon it could be 48% stay 52% leave in reality (for now)
If you lived over here and didn't get your information on Sup Forums, you wouldn't have bet 30c on that result.
I think we'll probably end up staying because Cameron is really pushing the fear mongering in the papers now.
All we can do is educate friends/family into voting out. Also link them youtube.com
I've found that a lot of people actually are voting without even having any knowledge on it. My friend was voting in because his mum (who wasn't educated on it either) was scared by the newspaper and was going on about how we have to remain in. I convinced him to vote out and I hope he converts his mum too.
It really isn't hard to convince people what to vote because a lot of people simply don't care enough to spend more than 5 minutes looking into it.
So before it was Obama warning you guys about "the back of the queue" for trade, now that didn't work it's fucking WAR? You guys just can't catch a break.
They should leave EU, they aren't even Europeans.
Thank you Slovenia
That's the problem, the leave campaign doesn't have as much influence or reach as Cameron. This allows the out campaign to fear monger as much as they want.
We'll probably end up staying in and then news of the EU army will come out and more shit will happen which Britain will end up suffering for, and then all the people who voted in will have to live knowing that they ruined their country.
The Remain side are getting desperate, they've pulled out all of their big guns already, culminating with Obongo coming over and saying he would try and fuck us up if we leave.
Despite this the polls are still pretty much dead even, and the Leave campaign hasn't even really begun yet.
Spending limits kick in within a week or two so the Remain side won't be able to spend taxpayer's money so frivolously on their propaganda.
Dave has been driven to making outlandish remarks, including this WWIII garbage, but he's making a fool of himself and turning his own party against him.
Two cups of tea for this pidoraha.
You might want to put another bet on who'll be the next to leave after we do.
I feel bad if you've been convinced the UK will vote to leave based on what people here say.
Here's what's going to happen
>vast majority of capital and big business are in favour of staying
>if it even looks remotely close they'll do a full media blitz for 2 weeks before basically yelling ' DON'T DO IT YOU'LL KILL US ALL'
>we will vote to stay in because it always comes down to the economy above all else for most people
bullshit show us the betting docket/slip
Do what I did. Bet on the UK staying in the EU. If it stays in, you make money. If it leaves, then you just paid £50 to uncuck the country, a small price to pay.
I want to leave so badly, but I think the odds are we wills stay.
Too many cucks think that money is the only thing that matters in life.
Poll of Polls shows exactly 50/50 currently (with leave on the rise over the last month)
Putting your faith in the british public
I'm going to bet on a "remain" vote.
Either I get money for Brexit actually happens.
Of course they do. Are you looking at the polls funded by Davey c or the polls funded by the European commission?
We can't let him down now can we lads?
Ireland left the UK 90 years ago man
Most of it
I guess me means NI?
>Scotland and Ireland want to remain
Colour me surprised. Parasites will do anything to keep their host placid
The Government are Turbo shilling for us to stay in the EU
BBC news articles are all about why we should stay in
20 second unskippable ad on youtube as to why we should stay in
Leaflets through our doors telling us why we should stay
Scaring the public with David cuckron saying it will disturb our peace with other countries which could not end well
Fuck these cunts
Fuck them, they threat independence but what about what England and Wales want?
We want out of the EU, no one sticks up for us. It's all about sucking Scottish haggis flavoured dick.
I say we nuke Scotland and France for the fun of it.
I actually heard Scotland is more for Brexit than stay - the SNP randomly said that if Britain leaves they'll want another referendum but they had no source for it
Isn't Her Majesty the Queen pro-brexit? Why isn't she deploying counter-shilling measures?
>20 second unskippable ad on youtube
>Current year
>Not using an ad blocker
'Leave' voters everyone
She's not allowed.
>That fucking image tho
Jesus christ, explain yourself scotland
HM The Queen is never involved politically. There are rumours her personal opinion is in support of Brexit but it's been denied officially.
Mama merkel has probably had a little chat with ol' Cameron about the "repercussions" of leaving
Queen is (unofficially) supposed to stay politically neutral - if she picked a side the other side would be crying about how unfair and undemocratic it somehow is
Reminder that you have to have a firearms license to own or shoot an air rifle in Scotland lmao
>Having an opinion as the monarch of the country is unfair
Wew lad
That's illogical. You better bet on Britain staying in the EU, for if it stays, you at least will have money, and if it leaves, it will be awesome anyway.
Kek the Scots will keep you in hahaha, enjoy EU-bureaucrats for yet more decades to come sissy Brits.
Could she at least be sneakily spreading pro-brexit propaganda? I mean, she probably has the means to do it and not get caught
Welcome to the L E F T
I hope and/or wish
Nah, there isn't enough of them to keep us in, my fear is the liberals in England that will vote to stay in.
I think everyone knows she's probably pro-Brexit already, so short of openly supporting it, there isn't much else she could do.
Because she's unelected, her taking a direct role in politics would actually probably cause a backlash against her. She's extremely respected in the UK (well, England mainly) but that could sour if she was seen to be anti-democratic.
Just remember that graph when you next go to bash us Brits. Scotland is a liberal paradise and literally no one cares about Wales or Ireland other than those who live there.
Apart from Londonistan, England is the UK's powerhouse and best hope of a better future.
Although most here use adblock, the standard normal person who doesn't have an opinion probably doesn't use it. You see, no one here is gonna fall for the anti-brexit tricks. They're just trying to reach gullible and naïve people. I bet it is also a 20s emotional ad, with no actual evidence or proofs of why brexit is bad
Gove is part of the Queen's privy council so he's probably the one who told the Sun, btw guys.
I hope we exit
If we can uncuck ourselves, then everyone else can too, thus starting the fire.
>mfw England always gets insulted for trying to hold onto right wing and civil liberties
>mfw Mel Gibsons brainwashing has convinced the world that the "Celts" are the bastion of right wing ideology and freedom when they're the complete opposite.
Allah help us.
Seriously, Edward I was a based king, we need him back. Based hammer of the Scots.
>Edward was initially defiant, but an attack by a Muslim assassin in June forced him to abandon any further campaigning. Although he managed to kill the assassin, he was struck in the arm by a dagger feared to be poisoned, and became severely weakened over the following months.[
Note that the Scots didn't take part in any of the Crusader battles, it was only the English.
I know there isn't enough of them but they'll probably be a dealbreaker. I mean losing 5-10% (don't know the exact numbers) from the start is hard to overcome, I mean it's starting to look like there's no way Britain will exit. Too bad though, freedom is always better than even more state control from the EU.
They had one fucking job, they vote to stay in the UK, then unilaterally vote for the party dedicated to destroying the UK. Fucking cunts, I wish they'd just left.
>Police who used a "Muslim terrorist" during a mock attack have been forced to apologise for racial stereotyping.
We may very well leave, you'll find that a lot of people keep their mouths shut in England, politics causes division among families etc so they keep quiet.
Then you have the "on the fence" voters that will vote out on the day of the vote because fuck you.
It's not predictable, with everything the remain campaign has thrown it has had the reverse effect on the public, it has actually made more people inclined to vote out and cemented the attitudes of those that already planned to vote out.
Yeah, they're a tiny population, but the fact they're so politically unified is dangerous for the Vote Leave campaign, they're guaranteed to fall into step behind the rabidly pro-EU SNP and vote to stay, which might tip the balance since the rest of the UK is hovering around a 50/50 split.
England is very centrist and small c conservative when it comes to politics, that means Scotland wields power far in excess of it's population by being so conformist to far-left politics.
>Britain to leave the UK
You'll never see that money again
No the problem is scattering, there's lots of Conservative right wingers in England, but they are too scattered out across the country.
Scotland is a dense block of leftism, that's the real problem. But even then, these threats were made during the general election to keep Tories out of power, it backfired on Scotland and we now have a Conservative government.
Don't underestimate the smarts of English voters, they'll vote tactically if pushed enough, and I think we've been pushed more than enough recently, don't you?
Holy kek, i didn't even notice that
Scottish guy here
literally everyone I know wants out the EU barring one guy who said
"You sound like an indy voter" because I made valid arguments about leaving the EU
Its important to note I'm in the heart of SNP territory, 45mins West of Glasgow.
>on Britain to leave the UK.
>leave the UK.
Seriously, dude?
Holy kek batman the man made a mistake that half the thread noticed and chose to ignore
you guys are really fucking smart
You had your referendum and you've had everything you've wanted.
Time for England and Wales to get some money now, you haggis fuckers need to shut the fuck up and be grateful for what you have.
You shut up now or I stab you all.
You're one stupid bastard aren't you?
>you're not necessarily right about Scotland and I'm pretty sure polls are off
You need to shut the fuck up and stop this bullshit that divides people
We voted to REMAIN in the UK you stupid fucking faggot
Now stop your fucking bitching you stupid tart.
-t. voted Conservative and UKIP on May 5th
So what is the future of UKIP after the referendum?
I think it may have been a clever ploy for conservatives to kill off a splinter party that was gaining traction.
Shut the fuck up you skirt wearing cunt, I'll burn your entire family alive and flay your children and rape their corpses.
I promise you that, we'll fuck Scotland over harder than Longshanks did for the shit you've done you lefty cuck cunts.
Burn, every single last one of you pieces of filth.
Cromwell was right about your kind.
It'll be interesting to see how NI votes, because we're heavily right wing but also like gibsmedats from the EU.
Sorry guys, UK leaving EU obv.
If anyone cares I put 2K on staying at 1.4 in february but I changed my mind.
I also put 700 on leave being over 44.5% at 1.33 which I wil probably dump 4.3K more in.
Also, /pol isn't the only reason I changed my mind, looking at the polls it just seems very likely Brexit has a fair chance, way fairer than 33%. The polls are very close but given that the leave side is 8% more likely to actually vote, I'll take my chances
Pic related
Are the Scots force fed estrogen from birth?
Why are they all criminals, but they all vote for more criminalization of normal conversation?
The fuck is wrong with the people I share an overwhelming genetic background with?
Scotland will vote Remain. Every poll suggests 60+ % Remain while the bookies give you 1.03 for remain.
Too bad though, I hope they change their mind
you should stop gambling, obviously you dont know what u are doing
Lifelong gambler/poker player, it's fine.
Also edit: leave over 44.5% at 1.833 which seems free money
those odds do seem very reasonable, on what site?
>everything the remain campaign has thrown it has had the reverse effect on the public, it has actually made more people inclined to vote out and cemented the attitudes of those that already planned to vote out.
This, I was probably going to vote Leave anyway, but the way that the Remain campaign has acted encouraged me to go out trying to convince everyone I know to vote Leave
Never mind this is obvious bait
That's a smart bet desu, like betting on a Tory majority last election
The polls have it tight as it was last election but I think left wingers and liberals are over represented
All of the online polls show a roughly 50/50 split whereas the phone polls, which have proven to be historically more accurate, show a 5-10% lead for remain.
You've probably thrown away your money.