Watching university sports

>Watching university sports

Why is this so popular in the US, specially for American football and basketball? In normal football nobody really watches U21 or U23 tournaments. Young talents usually have to get noticed in academies or elsewhere, then move on to train and develop with the first team, and eventually earn their place in the starting lineup

No big cities in much of the country, so big-time college is as good as you're gonna get.

They don't have anything else to watch

Also college ball is apparently more competitive or some shit, not to mention there's no 1 minute commercials every 20 seconds of the game

>Why is this so popular in the US
most local team for people outside major cities

then you have families where the grandpa dad and son all went to the same college

it makes sense that it is popular because but why is it more popular
why do amateur games get a month of media coverage before every big one and why do more people watch it and care about it than professional games is what's strange to me
sure, i get why people from alabama like their university team, having no professional teams to watch, but other people do i don't know

I have played college/uni sports. The crowd consisted of about 3 people

It's more popular in certain regions of the country.

I grew up on the East Coast, which is where a lot of the original professional sports teams came from and no one really gave a fuck about college sports.

I moved to Michigan when I was 12 and I was really confused at how much people cared about college sports, but professional sports were about equal on caring.

Then I moved to the South and people definitely care about college sports more there than professional.

I think it's the same in most countries except the US. University teams are just considered amateurish

There's no other alternative to NFL is there?

Universities in general have a greater meaning in the US than elsewhere.

Over here, you just go to a uni, get your degree and leave.

In the US they really identify with their uni and tell the entire world where they went to school.
So sports is a natural part of that identification, it's basically like their national team. They feel like their team represents their school and, by that, them.

Professional football and basketball teams don't really have their own youth development systems. So the best young players are all trained at universities, which brings a lot of attention to those schools. Also, because we have no lower-division pro teams in football or basketball, college teams essentially take their place.

In baseball, on the other hand, where teams do you have their own youth programs ("farm systems") and lower division professional competition exists (minor leagues), college ball isn't a big deal.


and also because of their draft system

we would watch more "amateur" sports in europe if we had a similar system

"""pro""" sports are plastic garbage for fat guys who eat chili cheese dogs for every meal and have chronic ass pains. College football and basketball are both objectively superior than their """"""professional"""""" counterparts.

>""""best of the best"""""
>can't catch

Even though >we meme about how our sports are better, >we all know that they're plastic as fuck and have little to no real attachment to them. >We feel closer to university teams since it's the closest >we'll ever get to local clubs like other countries have.

This is pure retardedness. I firmly believe the worst pro team can still easily beat the best college team in basketball or football. You're watching an objectively inferior product.

like most third worlders, you're underestimating the physical size of the USA and how many people live here. Some college football stadiums hold 75,000 people, and if you live on campus you can just get wasted with your pals and walk over there to see your classmates on the field. And the US male doesn't have a monogamous relationship with one favorite team, he usually has a College and a pro team from most of his favorite sports.

Maybe because they're not ((((franchises)))) but actual clubs, or the closest thing to it

>And the US male doesn't have a monogamous relationship with one favorite team, he usually has a College and a pro team from most of his favorite sports.
So bandwagoners and dudebros that want to look cool?

Yeah makes sense, perfect image of the US right there.

>And the US male doesn't have a monogamous relationship with one favorite team, he usually has a College and a pro team from most of his favorite sports.

What the fuck are you talking about?

No, what he's saying is that we don't have one clearly dominant sport, the way that Europeans do. People like multiple sports, because they're on at different times during the year. For example, I like football and baseball, and my city has a team from each sport, so I like both teams.

The actual gameplay of the NBA and NFL kind of sucks compared to the college game, and it's been corporatized and commercialized to oblivion.

It's mostly areas in the south and Texas.
Blue collar workers lead boring shitty lives and college football reminds them of their glory days.

I think this is the reason.
If you like basketball and you are from, I don´t know, South Carolina you don´t have a team besides the university or high school team.
Worse, you have some professional team from your city and bam, the team is sold or some shit and goes to the other side of the country (in US case a fucking continent).
Imagine you are a fan from Beirense (Portugal), comes some Billonaire, buys your team and decide he wants to take it to Vilnius in Lithuania were the team will indubitably be competing from the title and some shit, would you support the new Beirense Vilnius Red Bull Tm or will go watch the matches of your remaining local second of third division team?

I do it cause I like the university I went to.

Idk why people support schools they didn't attend

> Some college football stadiums hold 75,000 people

8 of the 10 largest stadiums in the world are college football stadiums. All over 100k capacity.

Aren't they just basically wooden benches though?You can jam in a lot more than you can in all seater stadiums

Yeah, the old bowls are mostly metal benches

Just symptom of how bad and plastic the NFL is turning into. In search for a "more authentic, passionate" alternative they turn to college sports, even though they're objectively of a much lower quality.

The college football scene in America was popular before pro football. When pro leagues were first trying to gain traction they used big names from colleges to drum up interest. The tradition never really went away, and people still cheer for the guy who played for their college, even if he goes somewhere they don't like. My friend is a fan of Oregon University's team, and he roots for the Titans now because of Marcus Mariota.

This also the case with hockey. The NBA should implement something similar though, where a player can get drafted but stay in college. Way too much talent is wasted because poor nigs go to the NBA to get money after their freshman year.