/f1/ - Formula 1 General - Best rivalry edition

72 Days Until Australia

Winter Stream
>still comfy

>Paddy Lowe's contract with Merc lasts until May and negotiations with Williams are delaying Bottas announcement
>Manor declared bankrupt

Car launch dates:
>21/02 Renault
>22/02 Force India
>23/02 Mercedes
>24/02 Ferrari

Other urls found in this thread:


first for kimi wdc

second for finland loses again :DDD

4nd for many kimi podiums in 2017

Lowe leaving Mercedes is gonfirmed :DDDDDDDD


who /stillmissesNico/ here ;_;

Nico as TV pundit when?

Nico doing Monaco podium interviews completely shitfaced in 2017 confirmed btw

every time

This is what happens when he disrespected Lewis over the radio, my friend

I could be world champion one day too, my friend.

T. Gutierrez

No, this is what happens when your driver is an insufferable twat and you've got a chance to jump ship.

I think this joke went over your head, my friend


maybe in a Lifting Things With Your Neck championship

Top kek.

Pic sort of related.

>top formula 1
Literally when?

Long Beach or Laguna Seca after it gets remodeled by Tilke Engineers & Architects GmbH Corp.
Or Liberty Media can fund a brand new track instead of desecrating one of the tracks we already have. Sky said there was speculation that Liberty Media wanted more races in the U.S. to tap into the "American market" and adding an east coast and west coast race like we used to have back in the day. Even having up to three races in the U.S. like that one time in '82. Like that New Jersey track that was supposed to happen but didn't happen.

I actually suck at photoshop. I've had GIMP for awhile and never figured out how to use it.

>Laguna Seca after it gets remodeled by Tilke Engineers & Architects GmbH Corp.

I actually don't have any pre-2013 WRC videos on me.

dumb phoneposter


fuck off with your blogposting and inconsistent file naming system

U wot m8?

Also, Williams will need a works PU deal at some point - who can they try and entice?

T. instead of t.

Winter Stream: China 2010

>Vettel On Pole
>Volcano Affecting Shipping
>EJ Not There (Thank God)


Kek, I'm on a computer.

>Best rivalry edition

Schumi versus Villeneuve was a good rivalry
fun to see Schumi rage drive

RIP Daryl
sucks you had to reformat your hard drive and censor your house.

worst /f1/ posters
>power gap
>german anime avatarposter
>american webm blogposter

you're forgetting the leafs

Find that clutch bite-point.

best /f1/ posters
>3 paragraph Finn
>Based Schumi
>Fridge Bro (RIP)
>Racist Hungarian

Not many personalities I can identify desu.


nick hasn't posted for a while, I don't think he can reach the keyboard anymore

passed away....

was going from best to worst

leafs are a power gap above toothpastes since most of them are actually reasonable


Based big Nick posts after races.

Finland is a bit of a joke of a country

Our proudest accomplishments are SpĆ¼rdo, racing drivers and this buzzfeed.com/tanyachen/we-found-the-creator-of-the-sad-kermit-meme


those cars were like angry bees

>tfw not on list


F1 needs to shitcan their qualification system and go to a rotating starting grid.

The starting grid for the first race of the season could be determined by driver or constructor points, then driver finishes in the event of a tie. After the completion of every race, the starting driver moves to the rear of the field for the next race, and everyone moves up. Not every driver would get a pole to start, but the shitty teams would get a better chance to start up front than they ever do using the current system.

This would actually restore the racing aspect to F1 racing, as the races where the top teams, like Merc, have to start in the rear are actually pretty decent, and car and driver alike are actually tested while trying to move through the field.

As for current qualy, they can just shitcan that and devote the time to practice and setup.


wagfag-chan is best poster

>According the Belli, the two manufacturers dramatically improved the performance of the cars by a significant amount. The initial kit by Chevrolet tested at the Circuit of the Americas (COTA) was so fast it would have placed the IndyCar in the middle of the grid for the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix.


2017 will be a different era for F1 though.

it's a really fucking hot night so I can't sleep comfortably, even with no sheets on and the window wide open, so I have to have the air conditioning on

problem is that the air conditioning unit is noisy as fuck, so I can't sleep with that thing rattling in my chambre either.

so, I've decided to watch some old races. Recommend me some, lads. Generally chaotic races will be highly regarded

No, that was the lollypop fail.

Im glad Esteban got a job in Formula E but Im also glad he is not in F1, I hope I dont hear from him anymore, he seemed spoiled and narsistic



I kind of doubt that

Indycars are 50_kg heavier than F1 cars if I remember right? Their engines are significantly less powerful and as their aero was designed for minimum drag on ovals, having to pile on the downforce on road courses means they incur a higher drag penalty than they would had the car been designed for high-downforce to begin with.

Not his fault for either fuck up.

perhaps this new aerodynamic package is designed primarily for proper race tracks, not silly ovals.

indianapolis is the only oval race Indycar should be running, and that's only due to tradition.

The reason it was midfield was because Indycars produce SIGNIFICANTLY more downforce than F1 cars.(somewhere in the range of 7000lbs)
F1 cars biggest advantage in time around a circuit is acceleration and braking. The Indycar makes a fair bit of time by taking corners quicker, but the extra weight takes its toll on entries and exits of corners.

The initial aero kit Cheverolet produced made nearly 8500lbs of downforce and actually had to remove some for the sake of suspension.
That figure is more than any Le Mans prototype ever, it was ludicrous.
F1 cars are still far more nimble.
One other thing to note would be that one you get midfield in F1, the tenths and hundredths of a second are measured in millions of dollars.
Cheverolet didn't spend nearly as much as the average F1 team.

Maybe they could get rid of the parc-ferme rule so teams can adjust their cars between qualifying and the race. Teams could experiment more if they were allowed to make changes between quali and the race. Overall the lap times would go down if you didn't have to compromise on setups. and maybe the grid would be closer.
that's true. just being lazy with the filenames.


So where will the Manor drivers go?



Those clips are from the PS1 right?

Have to get it back from my parental home and play that III GT. The AWD Beetle was GOAT in that game.

American webm blogposter has to be the worst for fuck's sake

it's GT4

>when the thread is active
The worst
>when the thread is actually dead

On average webm poster is pretty annoying

>not hennoslayer
>3 paragraph Finn
Nice try, nobody except you reads the shit you write. And even that not always.
>not dorftrottel

Aww thank you

5th World championship incomming

Also, when are Mercedes gonna announce Bottas?


Agree, he serves no purpose. The webms don't start a discussion or add to the thread. He's just annoying.

Links to fucking buzzfeed without using archive... KYS faggot.



pls no bullying

Are you going defend german anime faggot next?

What speed is that downforce figure at? If it's at 300km/h for example I believe F1 cars make more than than 7,000lbs(pls use metric, lbs are a dumb unit)

>One other thing to note would be that one you get midfield in F1, the tenths and hundredths of a second are measured in millions of dollars.
>Cheverolet didn't spend nearly as much as the average F1 team.
Well of course they didn't, because they're designing to a much more open set of regulations rather than to rules dictated by the FIA to neuter the series as much as possible. A spec series will always be more cost-efficient.

I'd like to see them devote the qualy time to practice and set up, and then use that in conjunction with the rotating grid starts for the races.

The current system is just a snooze fest.

What if F1 introduced some WEC type refueling pit stops? The whole pit crew has to wait until the fuel is ready to start changing tires and shit

Pounds are more useable and relatable units, with metric, one kg is a bit heavy for a lot of stuff but grams are too small and there isn't anything like a centigram or decigram in common or widespread use to fill the gap.

Fast pitstops are good though

That would just make one stop strategies the only viable option for most races.

But what about drag? You loose time when your straight line speed is castraded by hauling a bag of bricks behind your car.

>at 320kph(200mph)
It is.
>F1 cars produce more DF at that speed
They don't, they are way less hampered by drag though.

The teams use downforce points, forget what unit of force they are tied to. Even as a burger with an (unrelated) engineering degree hearing pound-force throws me for a loop.

Why? It wasn't like that before refueling was banned after 2007 or 2008.

>Fast pitstops are good though
Except they are not

F1 cars kill every other car in acceleration and deceleration. That's where most time is made, LMP1 cars produce more downforce and likely less drag due to enclosed wheels. F1 makes more hp and is far lighter though which accounts for a 6+ seconds per lap where F1 leaves them in the dust.

Fast pitstops mean that alternative strategies are a legitimate option, long pitstops force the same strategy for the entire field.

>Why? It wasn't like that before refueling was banned after 2007 or 2008.

For a 2 stop strategy to be faster than a 1 stop, the car needs to be faster on track to make up for the extra pitlane time (ie speed limit) and the stationary time.

Mandating WEC style stops would add even more stationary time to each pit stop, thereby meaning the car would need to make up even more time on track, which tips the advantage to doing fewer stops.

Pitlanes on future circuits should be built to reduce time loss. (have the exit come out at turn 3-4)

Teams would still run simulations and find out what strategy is fastest for them and do that baring unexpected things rain/SC/driver manning about how they aren't good enough to to get that strategies tyres to work.
It really wouldn't change a thing in the grand scheme of things. Not having to use 2 different tyres would make a larger difference imo. Cars that qualy outside the top 10 would pressure the ones that do far more.

>after 2007 or 2008.
after 2009


Aren't Indycars lighter than current F1? The numbers I remember might have been from a previous chassis of Indycar though.

Indycar is a bit of a weird one because there are essentially two different cars. The car used for ovals like e.g. Indy is even visually very different from the one used on circuits and road courses. The wings and other parts are entirely different for the ovals.

As someone else said, the predominant advantage that F1 has over Indycar is in acceleration and braking, which is just on a different level altogether.

The tires are also one variable that is quite different between the two. I'm just guessing but I'm most likely right that Pirellis have way superior peak grip and one lap pace, but this is negated in the races by the ridiculous deg. The Firestones in Indycars degrade much less dramatically but also don't have that ultra grip.

Alexander Rossi said the same about Indycars actually having much more downforce than F1. I mean he's only driven Caterham and Manor IIRC but still, wasn't that aware of it before.

Also it's worth noting that even smaller F1 teams have a much bigger budget than Indycar teams and spend a lot more time "tinkering" and optimizing various components, like suspension, brakes etc

I mean I'd be sad if he's completely gone, it's fun to see him annoyed.

He just gets banned for avatar posting all the time. He will be back eventually

It's should be like Magny Cours, where you don't loose a whole bunch of time, and you can do meme strategy's like four stop. I imagine with today two second stops, five stops could be possible.


2 new hairpins on the straights and first cornered remodeled to be more like 1st corner Sepang/Shanghai/Last corner Turkey

Canada's is another good example

Silverstone would be another but the FIA are cunts and decided to reduce the pitlane speed limit there because going in the pitlane to end a flying lap was faster than finishing it on the track.

Indycars have always been heavier than F1 cars and still are, although the weight increase from 2014 and 2015 brought them closer.
I think an unfueled Indycar with driver is about as heavy as a Fueled F1 car with driver.
Somewhere around there.
You bring up a good point about tires because that's exactly where the greatest gains can be made today.
I think a 2004 F1 car would be very scary on modern pirelli tires.

Luckily not true dutchman me