Will we ever come to a point where athletes will be bred for performance optimization?

Will we ever come to a point where athletes will be bred for performance optimization?

It's been done with horses and dogs for centuries.

its already happening

didn't the chineses do it with Yao Ming

not bred, I think genetic manipulation is a hard sell with the public (everyone's dreams smashed every time a Flo Jo or Carl Lewis or Lance Armstrong or Michael Phelps is exposed) -- technological enhancement is the next step. Singularity shit, y'know.

I believe as long as there are ways to get ahead of other athletes people will do it anyway.

Conventional training and doping have their limits. In about 50 - 100 years there will be nothing more do to than fiddle with genes or augmentation.

Gene manipulation is already happening for small things such as eye and hair colour.
It's only a matter of time before people will start having designer babies. "Oh my god your baby is beautiful! Who designed it for you?"
We'll get to the point where humans from a certain clinic will dominate certain sports. It will be a human gene race at who can create the best human.

No. Cyborg athletes are the future.

>implying superior AI won't take long before stupid humans could possibly do that

It already happened. It was called slavery.

Yao Ming was a government creation. They're working on a few more of him atm

but the chinese aren't a big step above horses and dogs

>ywn fuck6'6 qts while normal size grills tongue punch your fartbox

He's still a freak, I'd imagine a future where people talk about athletes like racehorses.

"Newest offspring of the x family/product of corporation x, best promise in decades" and so on

>will we ever
>OP post is literally in Germany

The Germans actually did it in the 1930's and the Americans did it from the late 1700s through the 1860's. Most of the rest of the civilized human world frowns upon assigning the same flexible morality to humans as they would to animals, but as a German I guess you wouldn't understand that.

>it's a axis powers discussing genetic manipulation and engineering superior humans with glee and joyful anticipation episode

Wasn't this done with US niggers already? They were bred for picking them cottons better.

Nothing wrong with genetic manipulation unless there are side effects desu.

They bred for ineffective characteristics though.

Politically motivated gene manipulation will never be as successful as one motivated by personal greed in a capitalistic society.

Well yeah but there wasn't really the promise of getting rich as fuck from it.

Ready to get Mengele'd? xDDD

>tfw no bear mode space marine bf to throw you around in bed

>muh blacks bred as super slaves

>space marine
I got bad news for you. It's also heresy

ask Jimmy The Greek

Muh gattaca

casual DoW baby here, do space marines actually fugg or have any lives outside of the chapter or w/e?

inb4 not even functional penis, no wonder chaos is so popular lel

Was gonna say it makes for a good dystopian sci-fi setting

>Average human
Nice try manlets

>They bred for ineffective characteristics though.
The Nazis did, because the Nazis were excessively stupid.

The Americans did not, though they did limit it to slaves only, which is also limiting.

chemically neutered

Cotton picking endurance and niggerfight performance hardly seem like worthwhile goals.

Except fighting sports maybe but it's all been watered down by now.

Yao was clearly a failed experiment

the germans did it in the middle ages selecting for intelligence, and we got albert einstein.
Anyway genetic engineering is different. You aren't deciding who gets to reproduce, everybody will be able to breed, and even the dumbest couple will be able to get supersmart kids who are genetically identical to them except for the the genes for intelligence. And beauty. And male pattern baldness. And hairy legs. And body odor.
People will oppose designer babies due to envy for the future generations.

Provided people figure out how intellect and genes actually work. It's doable, but the handful genes I've seen account for like 0.3 IQ points difference each and it's bullshit markers, it's unclear what they do exactly, the causation isn't really found.

That said, I hope someone experiments with the genes and just makes experimental humans, it's literally a decade long project. It's basically informed eugenics.

There's no way there isn't more potential in this than MUH AI, still intelligence is more complicated than tweaking a single eye color allele, or even sports achievements.

they got two tall and athletic people to build him. They need a 2nd dude's genes in there. Someone who doesn't get injured every game.

m-male pattern baldness isn't a defect... it looks just as good as a full head of hair!

You're an axis """power""" too

>the germans did it in the middle ages selecting for intelligence, and we got albert einstein.

they obviously put all the smart jews together and bred them for arithmetic and accounting.

>ITT: implying humans won't destroy the planet

humanity needs to end asap

>implying they haven't already
Seen any time travelers from the future.
They've literally had the entire lifetime and span of the universe to become powerful enough to contact us and achieve what we can describe as magic powers.
And not just humans, any intelligent being out there in the universe.

This is based on a few assumptions about physics, but eternity is a very very long time and the universe/multiverse must be a big enough place.

Or maybe we're just not smart or significant enough. If an alien is reading this, please help me.
Help us.

someone will just figure out a way to upload consciousness into a virtual environment where literally everything is possible

inb4 the enternal jooo applies set rules so its just a carbon copy of real life

the ''is it really you or just your copy'' debates would be glorious though

>the ''is it really you or just your copy'' debates would be glorious though
That's already settled though, people just haven't figure out the full details.

You are just a pattern, no reason why you can't be copied over to another medium.

protestants thought money lending was a dirty job not fit for christians, and farming was a humility building job not fit for jews, so jews all had to get into banking and the dumb ones couldn't succeed and spread their genes

I'm sure any civilization advanced enough to time travel is also advanced enough to disguise themselves.

Jews were already making their living as money lenders, chandlers and other kinds of goy-cheaters all throughout Europe centuries before the heretics showed up and ruined everything.

Yeah, but why?

Let's see, they have 3 options.

>1. Destroy us.
If they have an actively anti-natalist/anti-life agenda on some unknown existential grounds. Maybe.
>2. Help us.
If they have discovered some sort of profound knowledge and want to spread it. Maybe
>3. Leave us be.
Or come in disguise. Or literally put us in a Matrix world. All the same as 3.
What's the point of doing 3. If it's sadism or for fun or some other emotional motive, then that's just not rational and I don't see it.

Then again, trying to look into an infinitely smarter alien's mind will most likely yield wrong results, but logically?

stop talking

Did Graf & Agassi have a kid? I mean, that kid has to be naturally talented tennis player, right?

Sup Forums-Eugenics and Time Travel

Isn't eugenics an international human rights violation or something like that?

yes, that's why only china does it
they are working to make superbabies while the rest of the world imports low iq niggers
the future is yellow

you germans must know a lot about this topic

Fun fact: the ginger woman out of ABBA was bred by the Nazis to be an example of the master race. She's not an athlete, obviously, but it has been documented that she was a product of Nazi plans.

It clearly failed tho

I think the Bogdanoffs are in the forefront of this.

Huxley was right

Imagina if Lebron and Serena had a baby

But most players marry models with weak af athletic genes

This image reminds me of the gamw city of heroes where there were 3 genders to choose from:

Good times

You need to do this over several generations though to get reliable results.

> ginger
It clearly failed tho

Well Slavery produced very aggressive men who later on excelled at sports.

It's true you know. Only the most fit slaves were allowed to breed.

No. Smart people don't give a shit about sports.

I always wanted to see this. But the reddit guy she married is 6'5 so they might create a super mulatto

What exactly is he bringing to the table here? Doesn't he own Reddit or something?

There are like 3 Billion pooinloos and chinks, brings the average down

If we ever have contact with aliens or time travelers they will treat us as ignorant farmers at best or monkeys at worst, they would gain nothing from helping us

Also, the future will be cyborg body parts on athletes, not bound to biological limits

this. sports are for brainlets which is probably why OP doesn't realize that

>sports are for brainlets

You can be intelligent and be good at sports, in fact everyone should strive to be better physically, mentally and spiritually. You would understand this if you weren't a brainlet.

He's tall as hell.

that's the opposite of breeding for performance, that's diluting athletic excellence. elite athlete + dotcom nerd

If the technology advances far enough to make it viable, it's going to be pretty easy to get to the limit, making it pointless.

Besides one of the cool thing about sports is that basically everyone could do it with enough training if they started early enough. Watching some superhumans will disconnect us further from the experience.

And there always are. We don't know enough shit yet and unlikely to know shit anytime soon.

Also this. Although most of the cybor shit is inspired by nature to be fair.

Good at sports =/= professional athlete. Yes, doing sports is good but it's an idiot waste of energy and time to reach the top level.

No, unless all sports follow the XFL logic

being tall =/= performance optimization

He needs to have some sort of athleticism

wow what a brainlet

Did Americans already do it with the (coloureds)

the politically correct term is 'people of color', not 'colored people'

>not knowing about chinese deactivating genes in human embryos in order not to develop diseases
>not knowing about the slope
>not realizing how big is the sport industry
>not adding 2 and 2 together

I really hope they will breed exceptional starcraft and dota players


but america already did that with slaves.

>Americans did it with niggers
Maybe but it was done by amateurs who didn't have access to modern equipment/knowledge.

The blacks also pretty much watered down any athletic genes in the last 200 years.

Just saying that you could do selective breeding much more effective these days.

It's not even THAT unethical when people do it just for the potential cash their offspring could make.

What's actually neat is if you can find the "slave owners breeding guide" they cobbled together all the slave owners guidelines for buying negroes and which ones to breed

Basically for around 200 years or 5 generations they culled the shit lot of slaves starting on the Atlantic passage where they just wiped out 1/3 of those traveling on the ships
Whites would go by slaves in Africa with guns. They'd only buy the most fit ones. They'd get extra because they knew they'd lose some. As things got rough they'd toss the smallest and weakest over board
Get to America those not sold would be just drowned
Go to plantation only the most fit would breed
Really 5 or 6 generations

The most fit
Men-widest shoulders, most defined, biggest hands, feet, correct skull shape, hair line and my favorite vein structure
Women > biggest asses, widest hips, strongest legs, non greasy skin, big lips

No shit these were the guidelines
That's why black women have big asses