EFL Cup semi-final: Manchester United vs Hull City A.F.C

First leg tonight, kickoff at 8.00, squads shortly.

City will have a maximum of 1 CB, maybe none, so we might have Tom Hundredstone and Jake Livermore at the back.

Fantastic news. I'm hoping for an absolute mauling tonight. Either way, as I'd be chuffed if Mouringo is fired.

we all hate ur club

hull might pull something out the bag here


Carrick and Martial confirmed to start against liverpool

>no carrick


Knowing us this season, we'll play our hearts out for 70 minutes before some mug like Robertson or Meyler either gives away a daft tackle in the box or handles the ball on the line. Then we'll collapse to 3-0 and the second leg at home won't be worth the ticket. The Jak in goal though, he's got a lot to prove to a new manager that won't just play Marshall because he bought him.

This is historical though, we'd never made the League Cup quarter finals before last season, we've already beaten that this time.

ibra confirmed too. but that's a given...

Daily reminder that we will win the domestic treble this season

Last digit is the number of goals we will see in today's match. 2nd last is the number of goals Pogba will score.

5 days away, anyway.

4-0 confirmed

>Maguire fit but no Dawson so Hull have one recognised centre-back starting & David Meyler at right-back. They have only named six subs

>inb4 based Irishman Marc O'silva exposes Mouyes

More like Dull city tbqh

Not too bad, BIG Harry Maguire has recovered to start at the back. Two left backs on the pitch too, imagine Josh Tymon, who is literally a boy still, will be in the more advanced position after his goal against Swansea.

Only six subs, as we only have 15 fit outfielders.

Why does England have two cups?



Almost every European country has a league cup, an association cup, the league and a supercup to start the season with.

>Rooney will become Uniteds top goalscorer in a nothing game against a shit team

Ibrahimovic misses today due to illness

Leave Hull City to me

FA Cup is open to any team in the league system, there's like six preliminary rounds before the first round proper.

League Cup or EFL Cup is just the top 4 tiers.

>Ibrahimovic bullying Middlesbrough, CP, Wet Spam and West Brom for two months
>still 6th (sixth)

Can't wait for all the shitposting after hulls new manager gets absolutely exposed

better than a injury

>a nothing game
>cup semi

This cup was created after grounds had floodlights installed so they could games in the evening

>we'll play our hearts out for 70 minutes before some mug like Robertson or Meyler either gives away a daft tackle in the box or handles the ball on the line
I agree with this except bring the time forward by about half an hour.

For some reason >we keep imploding at Old Trafford regardless of who the manager is.

Hull should focus on staying in the EPL.


Has Man United already won?

a nothing game for Hull, they're just going to bend over and tell Manure to be quick


>staying in a league they aren't in

>spend copious amounts of money every transfer window
>preferential treatment in England
>hire best managers available and ruin them
>still finish out the top 4 every season and lose millions

Why is this ok?

Stop bullying Liverpool

Hull are a disgrace for hiring a continental manager

"Global" appeal leading to lucrative sponsorships. Customers don't care

>hire best managers available and ruin them
What did he mean by this?

>tfw you'll never choke on Pogba-sama's juicy nigger cock

*dabs in sexual frustration*

How dare you say such things of plucky little ManUnited?

>Zlatan ill

i-is he going to be ok for Sunday?



Your average Manure fan that isn't paki or chink, ladies and gentlemen

Moyes went from an Everton legend to a meme in a season
Van Gaal went from 3rd place in the World Cup to a meme in 2 seasons
Mourinho could have reignited his career but instead he's still shit

>Not watching pre-match Simpsons kino on Sky1

*carves seductively*

Unfair. Moyes and van gaal are still as well regarded as they were before.

How many inches you think he stuck in? 12? Barely looks 1/4 of the way in

I bet Pogba has a tiny dick.

The customer seems to enjoy it

Describe it

>fucking Mike Phelan in the studio

Does he have no shame?

Are you going to be shitposting for the entire match?

Why don't you describe it?

>The absolute state of Phelan

>it's almost like trying to clean the blood off a lorry with a wet wipe

Fucking hell

Half an hour to the match and the thread is already complete garbage

Hi lifelong why aren't you watching the game at Old Trafford?

yeah dude it's fucking trash bro gonna get some potato chips

>Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)19:37:34 No.73587027 ▶

Anyone up for a cheeky croissant?

>2 midfielders in Hulls defence

This isn't going to be pretty

They spent nothing on their best striker.

Do clubs actually care about the milk cup these days? Or is it just an inconvenience

feels like yanited are always playing, just me?

they couldn't get anyone to sponsor it trophy


>Phelan in the studio

Poor fucker

What clubs do you actually support?


Manchester United living in your mind

Ray Wilkins said yesterday that Rooney would reach 300 goals for United and beat Shearer's PL record.

Reminder that Rooney has 2 PL goals since February 2016. Both inconsequential goals versus Bournemouth.

why do you hurt liverpoop

>Simpsons kino
>turns over to 106
>trash of the Titans

Please kill yourself

He's a Juve customer

In English competitions, whatever team Manure are playing at the moment.

Well they are the only English team still in all domestic competitions and playing in Europe.

Wait til he gets a transfer (to City)

the episode before was much better tbf

he is from the worst country of the fucking globe, with only customes, so I'd say Real or Barcelona. All of the slovaks do.

>you'll never be this mentally ill and obsessed about something you hate

Feels good.


Who Sup Forums here?

Does anyone have the text meme of Wayne Rooney's record for England?

Which one was it?

you are on a chinese imageboard shitposting. However you try, you can't deny your mental illness

Who /asp/ here

Am I the only one who likes /trans/ lads?

this one?

fucking degenerate

dude. what

Kek don't bully Laszlo, I love Hungary. Also there are very few La Liga bandwagoners here, mostly Chelsea/Liverpool fans and some Manure customers too.

Wow you should be working on Sky.

In all seriousness, it's quite sad that some people get paid to say this shit and because they played football 30 years ago they're supposed to have more credibility that random anons on a Tibetan basket weaving forum.

Yes thank you lad.

Forgot your comma.

>preferential treatment in England
>man utd
State of yourself

omg. this is 10/10

Not him but it was the one with Mojo the helper monkey.