Title says it all. The strongest animal you could take on in a fight and kill

Title says it all. The strongest animal you could take on in a fight and kill.

No weapons. No prep time.

I am 6'2 and 250 and wrestled 3 years in highschool. I think I could take on a bobcat. I'd get clawed to hell and back and would need a doctor after but I'm confident I could win.

What about you guys?

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I think I could take on a gorilla. I'm smaller therfore my speed would overwhelm him.

Probably a velociraptor. When I play video games I have very high apm and accuracy so I would punch the raptor out before it could react. gg no re

Gorillas are fuckin fast dude, I don't mean to sound negative but they are and you'd have to go for weak spots like eyes or balls

bobcats are like extra large housecats

Jurassic Park velociraptors or real velociraptors cause real like ones are like only a few feet tall and long

How does the fight start?

Face to face, eye to eye, let's do it?
Mountain lion, black bear, probably a horse.

Large squirrel

Realistically a single wolf. More than one and I'm fucked but I could kill just the one.

with room to move you can't do a fucking thing to a horse, literally invulnerable to fists even assuming they let you get close

That's like saying you could beat up an angry turkey.

No you couldn't. If you reach out to grab it you may as well have slit your own wrists. It is possible, but not without a blood transfusion.


>Title says it all.
what title OP? WHAT TITLE?!

Mountain lion probably. Bear probably not. Hose would be difficult.

You think you could manage a mountain lion. But not a garden hose? Wutthufuck?

Hoses are big, man. They can kick you dead.

>no weapon
>no protection
>black bear

Are you that dumb? It's physically impossible. Not with bear's bone density and skin's thickness. Just no.

Has anyone here ever tried to kill a larger animal with your bare hands? It is a lot harder than you think. 30 minutes of fight for your life. That is some of the hardest work you can possibly imagine.

I could probably stomp one of those poison dart frogs, one of the deadliest creatures on the planet btw.

Fuck I tried to kill a wounded squirrel with a ball peen hammer hit it in the skull like 8 times. And was still breathing.

big moth. 'nuff said.

You'd be surprised what you can live through

Faggots here think they can one punch a predator animal and I'm laughing my ass off.

There's a reason why humans invented tools.

I could take a snapping turtle no probs.

A spider.

Any dog up to a german shepherd as long as it is only a single dog.

i think i could take on a coyote
>170 lbs

if it was coming at me head on?
A single wolf.
wolves lunge for the throat. Sacrifice and arm (best if wrapped in something, like a coat, lest you end up literally sacrificing it), and catch it's jaws when it lunges for you.
While it is clamped on your arm, you have room to strike. If you carry a knife, now is when you use your other hand to bury it in it's skull. Otherwise, eyes, throat, and soft underbelly, as many fierce strikes as you can.

This kid getting murdered because he watched too much anime.

Probably a quail. And not just any quail...a mean one. Pretty confident about that.

no. that's like taking on the inquisition. i saw this huge spider tonight; it tried to stick me, and take my shoes. never trust a spider.

Coyotes are small.

Just offer it a belly rub. Howl at it. And show it your cool wolf tail keychain on your belt loop. ๏╭╮๏

*blocks your path*

i could fuck up a shark easily, provided I win the coin toss and get to fight it on land

I could kill a shark on land. fuck a shark up on a beach.

Whew lad you better be fuckin quick. Silverbacks can top out around 20-25 mph (fuckers are quick on all 4s) but I don't know if that's just like sprinting speed straight line stuff or what.

Still, I wouldn't want to see anyone take that chance.

yeah that's why i think i could take it

In body weight? Probably a smaller variety nigger, they can be like 70kg and still pretty weak compared to other animals of that weight.
Of course this is assuming it doesn't have a weapon of some sort.

I could beat up somebody's kid, but not much older that 10.

Lol a house cat would fuck you up.

Cats are worse than you think. Especially when you have thin human skin and barely anything besides brute force to hurt it with.

A chihuahua might be more in your class

A horse could literally gore you in fucking seconds with it's hooves. Hell, a large whitetail deer could probably stomp a grown man to death with ease.

I'm not sure, not much. Not because I'm in bad shape but most animals have claws or teeth that could kill me in one go. Probably a rabid mud size dog but even that would be rolling the dice. Wild animals are scary though. I had a dream I was in the woods running from bears and I couldn't escape no matter what.

>title says it all

There are no subject titles on Sup Forums dumbass

re: deer, that's totally a thing. #wisconsin


No weapons. No prep. You can keep the coat.

God I've always wanted to beat the shit out of one of these fuckers. They've all but taken over the park that me and my gf go running at. Apparently its a fucking felony to even touch one.

>If I could get away with it, I would literally atomic elbow every single one I saw to death. From the top fucking ropes.

>no weapons
implying some people don't just carry a knife, regularly.

You shouldn't run from a bear.

Ohio fag here, I totally know it Sup Forumsrother

That's the parameters of the thread. Either abide or gtfo.

It's a hypothetical you moron. I carry a gun daily but you don't see me going 'oh well I could just shoot it hurr durr'

bigger. you are retarded to think that anybody on this thread could take on a wild animal and live to tell about it. that bobcat would rip your fucking throat out

Must be the same idiot who thought he could take on a gorilla.

Fuck off.

He meant the image title you fucking artichoke

you both seemed to miss that his answer included "if i don't have a knife."

I'm not big, 5"11" 165lbs.

I'd say a small cougar, they are pansy faggots and it's not unheard of for people to fight them off the bigger ones with knives


Yeah having a knife vs having no knife actually makes a huge difference. The difference between being able to immediately puncture and bleed vs being pidgeon-holed into what blunt force trauma your fists can muster.

Knives can instakill things, it takes strength to kill anything of decent size with your bare hands.


Cause I do not have buns therefore I could get the drop on him

it's precisely because of that that I think OP is pretty manly. I honestly would have a hard time taking down my fucking housecat. That little bastard is a scrapper.

No prep time means things in my pockets i can use as weapons right?

I could take on a Owl. Tops maybe two Owls. I like to think im strong as shit, but anything bigger than a owl would fuck me up. Unless it has some kind of disease to handicap it.

A fucking owl? Bitch I could end 5 owls before lunch.

>Thread says no weapons
>I can use the weapons in my pocket right?

I found a opposum in my chicken coop the other night. I was barefoot and just wearing boxers. I didn't want a fight with that thing. Managed to get it into a pool net and over the fence without incident.

Doesn't matter, it's a fucking owl. Take off your pants and whip it once to fucking kill it

But what if the disease made it more deadly?


A blue whale. Anything less and you are a betafag

i caught a duck in a net once

Possums are pretty bro if you catch one.

I caught one when I lived on a farm and I taught his ass to kill rats

I think I could get away with bout 3 goana did 2 but was in ICU after

Those things are actually more bark than bite. They'll sit there and hiss and snarl at you all night, but if you go to pick them up or touch them they'll either run or play dead.

>Unless they're rabid of course

Tbh they're actually quite cuddly, I've heard they make decent pets because they're super docile.

I could probably take on a chihuahua by making on the spot tacos and thereby stunning it for hour on end

I crushed a cockroach once

>Laughs in Michigan

I suck at fighting. If i had gloves i could probablyssnatch a few more before i run inside my house and go for a gun.

It said no prep time, but anything can practically be ised as a weapon. So items in your pockets can be used as weapons. Kinda like if you were walking in a forest and it suddenly spooked the fuck outta you.

Oh shit, hadnt thought about that. Maybe one owl would end me if it had rabies

>Punching the shit out of this blue whale
>Struggling to keep up with how fast it's floating
>Still punching the shit out of it
>Try kicking it some, not much difference
>Go swim around to try and find it's eye
>It decides to swim away at 40 mph, no hope of me catching up
>Mfw it never even knew I was there

Shit, had a friend, think his name was bitch, his mom was killed by those

Yeah, I've seen them around plenty. They're skiddish. But I was basically naked and didn't want to chance it so I pussed out and got the net instead. Plus wrestling around in the chicken run then my chickens would have gotten out and the opposum probably woulda bit my dick and none of that sounds fun.

What if he swam into its mouth and choked it to death

>mental scene

Made me kek

Tbh I don't know if owls can even get rabies, part of me wants to say it's a mammal only type deal.. could still have some sort or psycho inducing bird flu or something though


Birds that fly have hollow bones. You could fuck up an eagle with a solid backhand if you knew it was coming.

Blue whales eat colossal squids, mate. Them choking on a human would be like you choking on a grain of rice.

A coyote - by which I mean a small greasy spic who smuggles wetbacks, not those dog thingies.

Animals are fucking ripped. Everything larger than rodents have completely different bone density, skin, protective layers of fat. Even big rats are real hardy. Wild pigs have a layer of mixed fat and keratin up to an inch thick that is basically armor. It's enough to stop handgun rounds.

Anyone saying anything larger than a wolf or fox or small bird are full of shit. Dude a dear in heat will maul you to death and not give a shit about a thing you do to it. A bear is just going to suffocate you by sitting on you or shrug you off and walk away. A horse can kill you with a single kick. Cats are like jello good luck trying to punch or hold something with such arcane shapeshifting powers. Most people could not even win a fight again another person, and that's one of the weaker animals on Earth.

Plus, if he gets choked on by a whale (probably crushed) how does that mean he wins the fight?

Oh Shit he's back for round 2. Get the cod piece ready

I was gonna use my massive 5" penis to stuff up it's blowhole. When it frantically came up for air I would come so hard my jizz would shoot out of it's eyeballs and render it blind, adrift, and still suffocating.

My plan is better than yours.

I could probly beat a small dog

Blue whales eat plankton. You know the chum bucket faggot from spongebob.


I just looked it up... Conventional wisdom says mammals only but theres a documented and verified case of a chicken catching it from a rabid dog. It affected the bird differently though and didn't show classic symptoms.

all these responders taking that sweet, sweet b8

Swans can break bones and have killed people

>Cats are like jello

I love this analogy. Trying to hold onto a cat that doesn't want to be held is literally like trying to hold onto a greased up snake

>get mauled by deer

I've seen hundreds of fucking videos of dudes snapping the necks of bucks trying to -gore- them (not being an asshole when I say that, gore literally means to fight with tusks or antlers. Maul denotes claws and teeth)

>Suffocates a blue whale
>Gets a 'blow' job in the process

I like where your head is at, user. I call seconds.

I once tried to kill one of my dads goat by strangulation and I couldn't do it. Had the fucker in a head lock for like 10 minutes.