Get in, we're going to Dallas


What's in Dallas?

only if we check these dubs

Bad thread.

And take the back seat, my wife' son like to be in front.


"Wife's Baby On Board"

need to make a quick stop in atlanta first wilson

Can I come?

Fresh OC coming through


Can we stop at McDonald's first? I could really use a McChicken with a Dr. Pepper.


i cringed irl

>Using cringe

Cringe 2bh lad

Don't you mean going back to Seattle after Green Bay beats Dallas?

cringed even harder at this post

>reposting leddit shit


wat? i made this originally for the falcons forum lmao did some plebbit steal it?

speaking of which

>going on plebbit
is there legitimately a fanbase as cringeworthy as this?

the packers are going to seattle habibi


What do you mean

i mean we all realize the falcons are gonna get absolutely blown out by Seattle's defense right?

Last game was pretty even, Matty Ice threw for 335 yards and the falcons scored for 24 points. Wilson managed 270 yards and the Seahawks scored 26 points. But there was that PI on Julio that wasnt called which could have turned the game for the Falcons.

>"Fresh OC"
>"...That I posted before somewhere else"
>"ribbit just stole my super sanic OC, I don't use it"


Everything except the 3rd quarter was all Seattle. Atlanta is going to need another mid-game injury to Bennett or someone similar, especially if that last game wasn't just terrible Detroit defense.