and Rich Evans!
And Rich Evans!
Other urls found in this thread:
oh shit the fucking niggers got Rich
damn you fucking animals
what happened? did mike have one of his temper tantrums again?
milwaukee riots
great, another thread full of stalkers
You and me both brother, best "internet show" out there.
When are we going to get an episode where mike is there alone with his alcoholism talking to an imaginary cast?
Look at this fucking twerp.
these three guys are terrific
Not as good as based Wizard but they're pretty good.
I think they already did that as a gig once, quite recently actually
How do you go from looking like a total CHUD like Jay does here to as good as he looks now?
Stop asking this, you stupid faggot. Not only has it been discussed in this thread already, but it's also really simple common sense stuff. Eat healthy food and get a decent haircut. It's not some great mystery.
And grow a decent fucking beard.
1) How did Jay go from a schlub to 10/10?
2) Where did Jessi go?
3) Are RLM getting rich off of Patreon?
4) When is the next HitB?
5) When is the next BotW?
6) When is the tfa Plinkett coming out?
7) have you seen what a douche beardfat is on twitter?
8) Jack has really improved lately.
9) Space Cop is great for a microbudget indie feature that was made for fun by three people.
10) It's posts like these that made RLM stop doing conventions.
I think Mike's Iphone is fully charged now
New BOTW tomorrow according to patreon
The answer to all those questions is:
You're a fucking faggot. Get a life.
On the ground... is that... is that what I think it is?
Found the ugly fuck that's upset about people wanting to discuss improving themselves. Just be yourself bro.
Why would you come to a fucking RLM thread to get advice on improving yourself? Go to /fit/ you idiot.
The best thing that could have happened to Rich.
Fuck off. He was doing coke, getting thin and pulling his life together.
>Taking advice from /fit/
Confirmed for never actually been to /fit/. Enjoy your gallon of milk a day and snap city induced death.
>2) Where did Jessi go?
Jessi was scared off of RLM by Sup Forums, a creepy subreddit and YouTube commenters
lost weight and grew a beard to hide his shit jaw
You're right. Better to take advice from people that worship their friend simulator youtubers.
is the joke with Rich is that he looks like that one creepy uncle you have?
>mfw I was all three of them
>Comes in a thread about something he supposedly hates to whine about the people in the thread
Welcome to Faggotville, population: You.
Anyway I was going to go to bed but instead I'm going to make a bunch of posts just to piss this faggot off, anyone want to talk about Jessi's feet with me?
>3) Are RLM getting rich off of Patreon?
No, after taxes, overhead, and software licenses, they have $0.63
Don't worry user, soon you will be creepy uncle.
Not if my Christmas Cake lesbian sister has anything to do with it.
Yes, but only if we can talk about what a SJW shitlord beardfat is first.
Want me to rape her and get her pregnant for you?
01. Favourite RLM Moment?
02. Favourite Plinkett line?
03. When is the next Plinkett review coming out?
04. What is the best Plinkett review?
05. In what order should I watch Plinkett?
06. When is the next Half in the Bag?
07. What are the best HitB episodes?
08. In what order should I watch HitB?
09. When is the next Best of the Worst?
10. What are the best BotW episodes?
11. In what order should I watch BotW?
12. Is Pre-Rec still being produced? Why?
13. Who watches Pre-Rec?
14. Should Pre-Rec be cancelled?
15. Is Pre-Rec supported by the RLM Patreon?
16. Was young Mike a QT Elf?
17. Is Mike an alcoholic?
18. How did Jay go from a schlub to 10/10?
19. Is Jay gay?
20. Why doesn't Rich drink?
21. Where did Jessi go?
22. Have you seen what a SJW douche beardfat is on twitter?
23. Is it just me or has Jack has really improved lately?
24. Why do they call Jack "AIDSmoby"?
25. What is this "Gilchrist" thing all about?
26. Are RLM getting rich off of Patreon?
27. Is Space Cop "intentionally bad"?
Episodes in which Jay stated an opinion, Mike challenged it and Jay backed down:
Kill yourself.
After you :-)
>is everyone blind and stupid? which brings me to my next point: everyone is blind and stupid
1. The Christmas episode when they were talking about Santa Claus.
2. Monster Mash
3. Never
4. Phantom Menace
5. The order they were made you pleb.
6. No idea.
7. Jack and Jill, Movie 43, any one with a movie that made Mike mad.
8. See 5.
9. Tomorrow.
10. Christmas 2014, Halloween 2014, pretty much any of them that came out in 2014.
11. Fuck yourself.
12. Yes, because it makes them money.
13. Lots of different people I'd guess, it's the only time I ever hear about kiddie games.
14. No.
15. It doesn't need to be, they're raking in the Twitch shekels as far as I know.
16. I look like young Mike so he was probably the second most handsome man in the history of the world.
17. Possibly.
18. Hard work, peaking later in life.
19. Doubtful, he was always hiring nubile young women to be in his earlier movies and making them be in various states of undress.
20. Family stuff.
21. She's still there, just not on camera. You can hear her laugh in some recent videos.
22. Yeah kek.
23. Yep. I always liked Jack, he was really nice to me in a solo stream once and talked with me when they first started though so I'm probably biased.
24. He looks like fucking Moby with AIDS.
25. Gilchron is a fucking annoying degenerate brony homo that will die in a gutter.
26. Doubtful. If they were they would have let Rich and Mike buy some new shoes. Holy hell are they rekt.
27. I think it's pretty much exactly what they wanted it to be, what that is you have to decide for yourself as the viewer.
>You can hear her laugh in some recent videos.
Last time we heard her laugh was in a video close to two years old.
Until RedLetterMedia features a nonwhite cast member I have no choice but to call them racist
If the truth hurts that much just keep your shit off my catalog and over at RLM where it belongs.
THAT is why you call them racist?
And what about the lynchings?
Nope, don't think I will. ;^)
Gonna make another thread when this one dies just to make you upset too.
>Very clearly no real wound
>Let's just spray ketchup and put some chicken livers on the ground
If they were real film makers Rich would have hacked himself open, the fraud.
Mike's not keen on niggers which is understandable given the unpleasantness
>New Best of the Worst will be up tomorrow!
What did Mike Stoklasa mean by this?
featuring max fucking landis
What's the HitB where Mike says "We looove your mooovies" in?
I kinda want to see Sam from WKUK and Mike go at it.
I still die every time I hear "I want that bloody Magic Johnson".
But there is a new Plinkett review in the works.
They've been saying that for years.
Is it true that they announced the new Plinkett review on patreon? Couldn't check for myself, patrons only.
Yeah, it's coming out in the next week.
fan is short for fanatic
there's a difference between masturbating to pictures of Rich Evans and digging through the trash outside his Brookfield apartment
Hey asshole, I only ate the used tampons out of Jessi's trash once and that was strictly for research purposes.
Who's that qt in the background? Is that a young Karen Evans?
Hubba hubba
for real, though, Rich's fiance seems pretty cool and perfectly suited for him
RIP in Peace, Dick
How did Dick get Rich'd?
was it his bad beard growth or something more significant?
good riddance, rot in hell